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1、吉县职业中学教学案 课题Unit 2 Making Choices in life Life Is all about Choices课型新课课时1主备人陈敏霞审核人授课时间预习案教师备课/学生笔记栏【学习目标及学法指导】1.知识与技能:1.Get students to learn new words and expressions.2. Get students to know communication repairs【学习重难点】 useful words and expressions【预习自测】一、自主学习1.Review the new words positive(肯定的;积极

2、的;正面的); tireless(不易疲倦的;精力充沛的); carefree(无忧无虑、逍遥自在的) ;victim(受害人) ; indeed(实际上) ;optimistic(乐观的) ;pessimistic(悲观的);depressing(令人忧愁的) ;depressed(压抑的; 沮丧的) ;out1ook(观点; 前景; 人生);seriously(严肃地; 严重地) ;injure(伤害) ;treatment(治疗; 处理) ;amazing(令人惊异的);happily(幸福地)2.Preview some phrasessucceed in(成功做到某事);be inv

3、olved in(参与某活动;陷入某情况); thanks to(由多亏) 探究案【质疑探究】请写出划横线字母的音标positive tireless carefree victim indeed optimistic pessimistic depressing out1ook seriously injure amazing【拓展提升】1.Mike was the kind of guy you love to hate.麦克是那种让你又恨又爱的家伙。Love to hate意思为“又恨又爱” 。句中you 1ove to hate为定语从句, 修饰先行词guy。2. He was alw

4、ays in a good mood and always had something positive to say. 他总是心情很好, 总是讲让人振奋的话。mood是“心境” “情绪”的意思,句中的be in a good/bad mood作“心情很好(不好)”解,又如:She is in a good mood today.她今天心情很好。此外, be in the mood for(doing) sth/to do sth的意思是“有做某事的心情和兴致”,例如:Im not in the mood to discuss it with you.我没心思和你争论这事。句中的somethi

5、ng positive意思是“让人振奋的事” “正面的事”, positive是形容词放在something的后面做后置定语。当形容词修饰不定代调something、nothing,、anything, anybody等时,这个形容词通常放在不定代词的后面。如:There is nothing interesting in todays newspaper.今天的报纸没有什么有趣的内容。 3.Each time something happens, I can choose to be a victim or choose to learn a good 1esson. 每当有事情发生时, 我

6、可以充当一个受害者, 也可以从中吸取经验教训。句中的each time可直接跟从句,作“每当时候”解,作时间状语,例如:Each time he comes to Wuhan, he wi11 ca11 on me.他每次来武汉都要来看我。4.You can either choose an optimistic attitude or choose a pessimistic attitude.你或者选择乐观的态度或者选择悲观的态度。句中的either or是表示选择的并列连词,连接两个并列的句子成分,作或者或者”解。例如: either you leave this house or Il

7、l call the police.你要不离开这房子,我就叫警察来。【美句欣赏】1.Life is all about choices. 2.Each morning I wake up and say to myself Mike, You have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood. I choose to be in a good mood. 3.Youre living your life and you make it either

8、happy or depressing. 4. Choose the one you love and love the one you choose.【当堂检测】1. used to do sth. _ 2. wake up_ 3. learn a good lesson _ 4. eitheror_ 5. think about _ 6. make a choice _ 7. take a positive outlook_ 8. instead of_ 9. lose hope_ 10. several years later_ 11. get depressed_ 【错题集】教师反思/学生收获栏学生姓名: 完成情况:A B C D 授课教师:



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