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1、教学设计课题At the Zoo课时A Lets talk教材与学情简析本课教学内容是人教版小学英语三年级下册Unit3At the Zoo中Part A的Lets Talk。本单元学习的主题是动物,学生通过本单元的学习能描述动物的特点,本课为本单元的第一课时。三年级的学生活泼好动,表现力强,对新鲜事物充满好奇。他们对动物这个话题颇感兴趣。同时,在三年级上册Unit4We Love Animas中学生已经学习了关于动物的部分词汇,如panda/monkey/bear等。学生在这个单元的歌谣中初步学习了形容词fat/big。在三年级下册1-2单元的学习中学生也接触到了kangaroo, beau

2、tiful, funny, cool, small, tall等关于动物和形容词的词汇。这些都为学生这个单元的学习打下了一定的基础。目标与重难点教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:1) 学生能听说认读本单元核心句型:Look at that.Its (so)./Its.and.2) 学生能初步听说认读句子:Yes, its so./its.and.3) 学生能初步听说认读单词:giraffe, ant, tall, fat, short等。2. 语言技能目标:1) 学生能在图片的帮助下或在真实的语境中运用Look at that.Its (so)./Its.and.来表达自己的看法,以及能用Yes,

3、 its so./its.and.来回应他人的观点。2) 学生能理解对话大意,能够用正确的语音语调朗读并表演对话。3) 学生能画一画自己喜欢的动物,并和搭档表达自己的想法。3.情感目标:1)学生乐于用英语交流,并乐于与他人合作学习。2)引导学生去发现生活中那些美好的东西。教学重难点1. 重点:1)学生能听说认读本单元核心句子:Look at that.Its( so)./Its.and.2)学生能在图片的帮助下或在真实的语境中运用Look at that.Its so./Its.and.来表达自己的看法。3)学生能理解对话大意,能够用正确的语音语调朗读并表演对话。2.难点:学生能在图片的帮助下

4、或在真实的语境中运用Look at that.Its (so)./Its.and.来表达自己的看法。教学准备Dad Ant 和Three Little Ants的人物头饰,CAI过程设计Step1:Warming-up and revision1. Watch a video about animals2. Greeting T: Hello! Boys and girls. What do you see in the video? S1:I see a monkey. S2:I see. . T: Yes, we saw many animals. We have a chant abou

5、t animals. Listen. Lets chant.3. Lets chant 课件播放(图一) T: It is =Its., can you read it? S1: Its. S2: . 全部的It is 用Its替换唱一次。设计意图:通过观看动物视频,既快速吸引了学生的注意又激活了学生关于动物单词的旧知,同时视频中出现了giraffe和ant,为下文的学习埋下了伏笔。然后以简洁的对话,直入主题。通过歌谣的吟唱实现新旧知识的衔接,自然地引出了it is=its为新课学习搭建了支架。Step2:Presentation and practice1. 教授Look at that.I

6、ts.和新词1) Look at that.Its. T: We are chanting. Who is chanting, too? Oh! Its Dad Ant and three little ants. Lets listen! 课件呈现Dad Ant 和three little ants chant的场景(图二) T: Can you read this? Look at that.(强调that的发音)Try to read it. S1: Look at that. S2: . 2) fat T: Look at that cat. Its.fat. Can you read

7、 it? a /a/fat. Ss: fat/fat S1:.S2:.3) giraffe T: Look at that pig. Its big.Look at that.giraffe. Can you read it? Ss: giraffe S1:.S2:. T asks Ss to act like giraffe. S1: Hello! Im giraffe. S2:4) 同样用音形义结合图片的方法教tall/ant/short5) Lets chant together设计意图:由一个旧chant引出一个新chant,并在这个新chant中解决了基本句型Look at that

8、.Its.。然后,在句子中教新词,通过拼读法及图片初步让学生了解单词的读音以及意思。新教材改编后,编者希望学生能先通过对话来了解整个情景,所以在Lets talk部分,它更强调于句型的学习,对于单词可以初步感受新词的音形义。本段的教学方法为先整体感知,再细教句型和单词,再整合输出,整个过程简洁有效。 2. 教授Its so. T: Three little ants like animals very much. So Dad Ant takes them to the zoo. Look! What do they see in the zoo?1) talk about the giraf

9、fe 课件呈现对话(图三)S1: They see giraffe./Giraffe.T: Yes, they see giraffe. Is it tall?S3: Yes, its tall. / T: Yes, its tall. Its so tall. Who can act like Baby Ants.(表情夸张)Wow! Its so tall.Look at that giraffe. S1: Wow! Its so tall. S2: .Sn: .2) Talk about the panda T: Now! What do they see? Lets listen. 课

10、件呈现对话(图四) Ss answer the sentences one by one. T: Wow! You got it. Can you act it out? Act the dialogue out.(T-S/S-S)3) Talk about the bear T: Now! What do they see? Please make a new dialogue. 课件呈现对话(图五) Ss look and act the new dialogues.设计意图:本段共三个情景,场景一为直接呈现新句型教授Its so.第二个场景为通过听一听,巩固句型。最后一个场景为对新句型的

11、运用。学习过程由易到难,层层递进,逐渐攻破重难点知识。蚂蚁爸爸展示过动物园里的动物图片给小蚂蚁们,但当小蚂蚁看到真实存在的动物时还是发出了惊叹Wow! Its so tall./Its so fat.。这样的呈现方法也给学生一种真实的体验。让学生对So这个单词的学习更加直观深刻。新英语课程标准中也提出,现代外语教学教育注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学习的实践性,主张在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言。最后一个自编对话情景不仅巩固了新知识,也锻炼了学生的思维能力。小组表演对话也体现了互助互学的理念。3. 教授Its.and.1) Its.and. T: You made

12、a good dialogue. Lets see what did they say? 课件呈现Dad Ant 和three little ants关于bear的对话(图六) T: Look! The bear is tall. The bear is fat. The bear is tall and fat. T: Can you read this” Its tall and fat”. S1: Its tall and fat. S2: 2) Read and match T: Dad Ant asks three little ants to say more. Can you h

13、elp them? 课件呈现(图七) S1: Look at that bear. Its short and funny. S2:.3) Lets chant T: Now lets chant with them!设计意图:教授Its.and.的过程是用一个新知引出另一个新知的过程。在上一个编对话环节,学生通常都会用Its so.来描述bear,这达到了对知识巩固的目的。但实际上这个对话呈现的是Its.and.,所以巧妙地引出了新句型。呈现Its tall and fat.的过程是小蚂蚁依次描述Its tall./Its fat.再整合为Its tall and fat.的过程。这让学生更

14、容易理解和接受这个句型。再通过连一连,让学生巩固了本句型。最后,将学生连好线的答案变成新的chant,对这个板块进行了二次利用,更加透彻的操练了本句型。4.学习文本 T: Look! Dad Ant saw Miss White, Zhang peng and Sarah are in the zoo, too. What are they talking about?1) Listen and Fill in the blanks 课件呈现(图八) 2) Read and tick or cross 1. The giraffe is so tall. ( ) 2. The bear is tall and fat. ( )3)Read along with Mp34)Read after Mp3(逐渐跟读,并关注语音语调)5)Read together6)Act it out T-S/ S-S设计意图:通过听一听,初步感知整篇课文,并进行关键句子的填空。通过阅读进行判断,理解课文深层含义。在理解对话大意的基础上进行正确的语音语调跟读并进行模范,一步一步修正学生的语音语调。最后,进行师生示范表演,学生小组表演,巩固知识。Step3:Extension and conso



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