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1、美丽的家乡作文美丽的家乡我的家乡在宜黄,那是一个非常美丽的地方。家乡有蓝蓝的天空、白白的云朵、青青的山、绿绿的水。My hometown is in Yihuang, which is a very beautiful place. There are blue sky, white clouds, green mountains and green water in my hometown.家乡的天空美、家乡的云朵美。家乡的天空是那么的蓝,家乡的白云飘飘悠悠,像一层薄纱,悠然自在,好像在空中翩翩起舞。The sky and clouds of my hometown are beautifu

2、l. The sky in my hometown is so blue. The white clouds in my hometown are floating and leisurely like a layer of tulle, dancing in the air.家乡的山美。家乡的山是连绵起伏的高山。形状各种各样,有的像老人、有的像骆驼、还有的像仙女,更奇妙的是狮子山,狮子山看起来非常雄伟、壮观。The beauty of the mountains in my hometown. The mountains in my hometown are rolling mountain

3、s. There are various shapes, some are like the old man, some are like camels, some are like fairies, and the more wonderful is lion mountain. Lion mountain looks very grand and spectacular.家乡的水美。家乡有清澈见底的小河。夏天,我和小伙伴常常去那钓鱼,洗澡,打水仗,是我们的欢笑的乐园。The beauty of water in my hometown. There are clear rivers in my hometown. In summer, my little friend and I often go there to fish, take a bath and have a water fight, which is our paradise of laughter.我喜欢我那美丽、迷人的家乡!I like my beautiful and charming hometown!


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