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1、课 题:Unit3 Lookatthemoon教学目标1、能听懂、会说、初步认读单词moon,star,sun,big, small和 bright.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语Look at the Oh, its3、初步熟悉、理解歌谣Look at the moon.教学重点目标1、2、3教学难点:能在适当的场合正确运用Look at the Oh, its教学准备:太阳星星月亮的图片 PPT 录音机教学过程: 第一课时Step 1.Free talkHello. / HiWhats your name?How are you?Nice to meet you!Whos he/she?Wh

2、at is he/she?Step 2. Review and Presentation1. What can you see?(你能看见什么?)T: What can you see?S1: Banana.S2: Pencil.S3: Cat.S4: Car.S5: Bag.2. T: Yes, good! Now, look at the banana. Follow me. Look at the banana.带读look at (注意连读)。连上铅笔,带读Look at the pencil.连上小猫,引导说Look at the cat.car和bag同上,引导学生说出句型。3.

3、T: Now, look at the banana. What colour?S: Yellow.T: Yes, its yellow. Follow me. Look at the banana. Its yellow.其余图片引导学生自己说出。4. Work in pairs.小朋友,看着下面图片,你能用Look at the_.Its_.同桌编对话吗?(yellow cat, green bag, red car, bue pencil box)5.教授big和small.由look at the duck引入。再游来一只更大的鸭子,并弹出big一词。结合图片(大小鸭子)教授big和s

4、mallChant: Big, big, its big;Small, small, small, its small.6. Work in pairs(继续练习句型)T: Look at me. I have got two rubbers. Look at the rubber.(伸左手) Its.引导学生说Its big.Look at the rubber.(伸右手) Its.引导学生说Its small.7. Look at the flashlight. Its (随便学生发挥)然后T打开电筒,say: Oh, its bright.关电筒,say: Its not bright.

5、反复几次,让学生理解bright的含义。8. T看手表,Its eight now.出现钟楼,点出太阳,问:Whats this?S: Sun.出现句型Look at the sun. Its 让学生回答(红或亮)9. 出现夜晚的照片,指着月亮问:Whats this? S: Moon.出现Its bright.点出星星,问:Whats this?S: Star.也可用Its bright.10.回归课文,出现课文录像,并进行课文领读。Step 3. Listen and draw.Look at the cow! Its black.Look at the duck! Its yellow.

6、Look at the pig! Its blue.Look at the cat! Its brown.Step 4. Homework听录音,大声跟读课文与单词教学反思第二课时Step 1.Free talkHello. / HiWhats your name?How are you?Nice to meet you!Whos he/she?What is he/she?Step 2. Presentation1.T: What can you see in this picture?S: Moon.T: Yes, its a moon. Follow me, moon, m-o-o-n,

7、 moon. (领读)T: How do you think of the moon? Is it yellow? Is it round?Ss: Yes.T:So, look at the moon! ItsSs: Its yellow. Its round.T领读,S领读。T: Look at the moon! Is it bright? (教授bright)2. 教授brightT:Its bright. (打开手电筒)Its not bright. (关闭手电筒)带着手电筒教学,让S猜bright的意思。S:亮的T:Yes, bright means 明亮的,发光的.A chant

8、for you.Moon, moon, look at the moon;Bright, bright, its bright.3.T: Good,boys and girls, what else can you see in the sky?Ss: Star.T: Yes, its a star. Follow me, star, s-t-a-r, star. (领读)T: How do you think of the star?Ss: Its blue. Its bright. (提示)T: A chant Star, star, look at the star;Bright, br

9、ight, its bright.4. T: Yes, look at the moon, its big. Look at the star, its small, I think. (教big和small)Ss:边做动作边跟读、小组读。T: Big, big, its big;Small, small, its small.Ss:(跟读)T: (拿出大梨与小梨)Look at the pear. Its big. Look at the pear. Itssmall.(拿出各类大小物品的对比图)5. Guess whats this?(画一个圆)S1: Is this the moon?S

10、2: Is this an apple?S3: Is this a balloon?S4: T: Its in the sky. Its round and bright. Its not at night. Its in the day. (教in the day时,用汉语稍加解释)Ss:太阳T:教sun(用简笔画在刚才圆的旁边补充太阳的光芒,使其完整。)Ss:(跟读)T: Sun, sun, look at the sun;Bright, bright, its bright.Step 3. ConsolidationWork in groups(chant)Step 4. Homewor

11、k听录音,大声跟读单词教学反思:第三课时Step 1.Free talkHello. / HiWhats your name?How are you?Nice to meet you!Whos he/she?What is he/she?Step 2. Presentation1、出示图片,让学生听歌谣,感知歌谣内容。T: Look at the picture. What can you see?S: Moon.T: Yes, look at the moon!S: Its bright.2、教师带读,学生跟读。Look at the moonLook at the moon,Like a

12、big balloon.So round and so bright,In the sky at night.3、打拍子,分角色读。Step 3. ConsolidationWork in groups,并上台表演Step 4. Homework听录音,大声跟读诗歌教学反思:第四课时Step 1. Warm upHello. / HiWhats your name?How are you?Nice to meet you!Whos he/she?What is he/she?Step 2. Presentation and practice1复习生词moon,star,sun,big, sma

13、ll和bright.2、(指着黑板上的太阳)Look at the sun .Its big .Look at the sun. Its red. Can you say something about the sun like this? (启发学生用不同的词描绘太阳)S1: Look at the sun. Its bright. (可让学生走下座位,指着黑板上的太阳。)S2: Look at the sun. Its round.S3: (说的好的可做小老师,让其他学生跟读。)T: Very good! Now lets say a rhyme:Look at the sun. Like

14、 a big balloon. So round and so bright. In the sky in the day.Ss:(跟读,齐读,男女生读)Step 3. Draw and sayT: Boys and girls, can you draw the sun? (请三位同学上黑板画)S:(画太阳)T: Good. Can you say something about the sun?S1: Look at the sun. Its smallroundredS2: Look at the sun. . Its like an apple.S3: T:(请其他同学补充)Boys and girls, take out your paper and crayons, lets draw a star.(Can you say something about your stars?)教师还可让学生draw the moon ,an apple ,a banana, a cat,a cow)Step 4. Homework1、say a rhyme2、Draw and say.比一比,谁说得多,说得好。教学反思第五课时Step 1. Warm up



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