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1、四年级下册期中测试卷一. 听录音,选择正确的序号填在括号里。(10分)1. 9:45 A. go to school2.7.10 B.get up 3.5.20 C.go home4.12.30 D.Chinese class5.8:05 E.lunch二、听录音,选答语。(10分)1.()A.Yes,he is. B.No,Im not. C.No,it isnt.2.()A.There are thirty. B.Im thirty. C.Yes,it is.3.()A.Its on the second floor. B.Its on the desk. C.Its under the

2、tree.4.()A.Thank you. B.Yes,it is. C.This is my school.5.()A.Yes,it is.Its a library. B.Yes,it isnt. C.No,it isnt.Its a gym.一、选出不同类的那个单词,将其序号填在题前的括号里。(10分)1.A.library B.gym C.bedroom D.teachers office 2.A.canteen B.breakfast C.lunch D.dinner 3.A.three B.seven C.six D.head 4.A.shirt B.jeans C.English

3、 D.jacket 5.A.Chinese B.math C.art D. playground 二、根据上下句意,选择正确答案序号填在括号里。(20分)1.This _ my computer.A.are B.it C. is 2._ (那) is your computer .A.that B.That C.This 3.Is this a teachers desk ? 肯定回答应说:ANo, it isnt. B. Yes, it is . C. Yes, it isnt .4.“那是图画吗?”用英语该怎么说:AIs that a picture ? B. Is this a pict

4、ure ? C.That is a picture.5.Its time _Chinese class.A.to B.for C.in 6.用英语询问:“现在几点了?”该怎么问:AWhat is it ? B. How much is it ? C.What time is it ?7.Where is the computer room ? Its on _(二楼)A.the second floor B.the first floor C.the third floor 8.What time is it ?_(六点)A.Its seven oclock. B. Its six ocloc

5、k. C. Its nine oclock.9.Its _(三) oclock.A.five B.three C.two 10.Its 7:10 P.M. . Its time for _.A.breakfast B.lunch C. dinner 三、选择合适的答语。(10分)1.Where is the canteen ? A.Yes. Lets go.2.Is that a sweater ? B.Its my brothers.3.Its time for lunch. C.Its yellow .4.Whose pen is it ? D.Its on the first floor

6、.5.What colour is it ? E.No,it isnt.四、选词填空。(10分)Second Its fan Where Please its A:Look ! This is our school .B:Wow !_big. _ is the library ?A:Its on the _ floor.B:This way,_.A:Oh, there is a _ in the library .B: Yes, _ white.五、选择正确答案。(10分)1.Is this the washroom?_A.Yes,it is. B.No,it is. C.No,it isnt

7、.2.The library is on the _floor.A.one B.first C.three3.Lets go and _.A.have look B.have a look C.look at 4.Do you have lunch _school ?A.in B.at C.on5.How many _are there in your school ?A.students B.student C.studentes6._way,please.A.That B.This is C.This7.Welcome_our school !A.in B.on C.to8.We draw

8、 pictures in the _.A.music room B.art room C.canteen9.We read books in the _.A.library B.TV room C.gym10.This is my desk.That is _desk.A.your B.you C. I六、短语搭配。(10分)()1.Go to the teachers office. A.Water the flowers.( )2.Go to the canteen. B.Eat some noodles.( )3.Go to the library. C.Play football.(

9、)4.Go to the playground. D.Read a story-book.( )5.Go to the garden. E.Hand in the homework.七、排列句子。(注意开头字母要大写及标点。)(10分)1. is the that library 2.our classroom is that3. is this teachers office the 4. our to welcome school5.canteen is the first the floor on 八、选择相应的答句。(10分)( )1.Where is the computer roo

10、m ? A.There are forty-six.( )2.Do you have a canteen ? B.Its on the second floor.( )3.How many students are there in your class? C.Yes, we do.( )4.Is this the art room ? D. Thank you .( )5.Your school is beautiful. E.Yes,it is .九、在每句的错误下画线并订正。(10分)1.is this your classroom? ( )2.That is a teacher des

11、k. ( )3.This is my picture? ( )4.Yes, it isnt. ( )5.On the one floor. ( 七、选择填空。(20分)()1.Isthisthecomputerroom? A.Yes,itis.B.Yes,itisnt.CNo,itis.()2.Whereistheartroom?_. A.Yes,it is.B.No,itsnot.C.Itsonthefirstfloor.()3.Whereareyou?Im_thelibrary.A.inB.onC.at ()4.Letscleantheteachersoffice._. A.Goodide

12、a.B.Goodjob.C.Thankyou.()5.Doyouhavelunchatschool? A.Yes,itis.B.No,Idont.C.No,itis.()6.Look!Are_potatoes? A.thisB.theyC.it()7.Arethosecucumbers? A.Yes,theyare.B.Yes,thoseare.C.Yes,theyarent.8.Howmanyarethere? A.sheepsB.asheepC.sheep()9.Whatthey? A.amB.areC.is八、认真阅读短文。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”(10分) Look ! This is my school . Its beautiful and big. You can see many classrooms and offices in our school . The canteen and the TV room are on the


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