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1、垃圾分类活动简介范文英语共6篇垃圾分类活动简介范文英语 第一篇 随着经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的日益提高,垃圾排放量与日俱增,对环境的压力越来越大,我们每天都在制造垃圾,如废纸、塑料、废电池、等,这些垃圾绝大部分是可回收利用的资源,而家庭餐余垃圾果皮变质食物和建筑垃圾都为不可回收垃圾。垃圾分类已经倡导了很多年,而且我们身边的很多垃圾筒也分成了“可回收”和“不可回收”两大类。然而,在很大程度上,这些垃圾筒并没有发挥应有的作用,人们还是按照以前的方式,不管什么垃圾,都扔到一起。 这不仅是一种对于环境的污染,更是一种资源的浪费。我们相信,当垃圾处在正确的位置,我们将会收获一大笔财富。因此,推广垃圾

2、分类处理,不仅是一件利国利民的好事情,这必然也将造福我们的子孙后代。 为全面贯彻落实阜阳市生活垃圾分类和减量管理办法及阜阳市生活垃圾分类和减量工作实施方案等相关上级文件精神,我社区按照鼓楼街道办事处的通知制定措施,在辖区所有小区和街巷全面推进垃圾分类相关工作。现将有关工作总结如下: 一、领导重视,全面部署 年初我社区招开动员大会,传达有关上级文件精神,要求全体社区干部、居民小组长和社区志愿者本着认真负责的精神来做好创建工作,城管管理日常工作为主,小区物业和业主委员会全力配合,并将创建工作纳入全年工作计划中。同时,要求各包片社区干部,居民小组长和物业、业主委员会小区,切实履行好职责。 二、真抓实

3、干、狠抓落实 每季度开展“资源回收日”宣传活动,引导居民养成良好的分类习惯。更新老旧分类垃圾桶30个。垃圾分类标识标贴30张,半年开展垃圾分类专题培训2场。更新户外文明健康有你有我垃圾分类宣传画3处。在小区和街巷路口发放阜阳市家庭垃圾分类宣传单50份。小区垃圾中转站实施垃圾分类收集,分类运输,密闭运输。 三、创新举措,加强管理 改变人们长期以来的习惯,所涉及的方方面面是一个系统的工程。为此我办创新性提出了三期工作法即“导入期”“执行期”“维持期”对居民垃圾分类进行潜移默化的影响和改变,其中导入期中又有更具志愿者监督员。 依托居民组长,在各小区招集环保志愿者,统一培训,教会方法,熟练应用社区垃圾

4、方类操作指南。依靠这些居民组长和环保志原者在日常垃圾分类中起到监督和榜样作用,引导居民垃圾分类习惯的养成。 四、展望未来,制度建设 垃圾分类不是一次活动,也不是一个项目,而是一个“只有开始没有结束”的工作。为了使我办垃圾分类能够长期持续地开展,逐步成为小区的常规工作,各项制度保障是必要的。下一步我社区将进一步研究可行性办法,对垃圾分类的持续管理提出合适的方案,形成制度,并切实地落实下去,推动垃圾分类工作常规化开展。 垃圾分类活动简介范文英语 第二篇 生活垃圾处理不当,不仅会对城市环境构成危害,还会损害到人民的身体健康,如何处理好垃圾分类和可回收垃圾资源再利用,是一件利国利民的事。处理生活垃圾已

5、经成为全国各个城市需要解决的问题,近段时间全国上下各个城市都在开展城市垃圾分类宣传活动,目的就是让每一个居民进一步认识到垃圾分类的重要性,从而引导和增强居民低碳环保理念。 随着垃圾分类活动的全面铺开,丹凤社区也行动起来,倡导辖区居民在生活中践行保护生态环境、低碳生活,了解垃圾分类的益处,让辖区居民人人都参与到垃圾分类的实践中来。丹凤社区近期组织工作人员,深入居民区、农贸市场开展垃圾分类宣传活动。主要向居民宣传垃圾分类从自身做起,自觉养成文明礼貌,保护环境,不随处乱丢垃圾的习惯,积极行动起来,人人参与垃圾分类,提高环保意识,分发垃圾分类宣传资料、环保垃圾袋等宣传小礼品。 通过这几次的活动,不仅让

6、辖区居民了解垃圾分类知识,更让居民增强垃圾分类的意识,让每一个居民进一步认识到垃圾分类的重要性。 垃圾分类活动简介范文英语 第三篇 To promote garbage classification, we must start from me! We make a lot of garbage every day. How do we deal with it? After reading the publicity materials given to us by the teacher, I know that the garbage will be transported to the

7、 garbage dump first, and then sent to other places for treatment. There are two ways of treatment, one is landfill, the other is incineration. The cost of landfilling is very expensive, and a large amount of land is occupied. It costs 200 to 300 yuan to process a ton of garbage. The most commonly us

8、ed is incineration. Although incineration does not occupy the land, a large number of highly toxic carcinogens will be discharged from the incineration waste, which can cause bronchitis, asthma and other diseases. In order to reduce the harm of garbage disposal to human beings, we now advocate garba

9、ge classification and less production of domestic garbage. Now, there are many wastes that can be recovered from incineration and landfill. Good waste classification can not only reduce the pollution of incineration, but also save land. It can also turn the cost into a treasure. The benefits of wast

10、e classification are endless. There are four kinds of garbage classification, one is recyclable garbage, the other is kitchen waste, the other is harmful garbage, and the other is other garbage. Recyclable waste is recyclable, such as waste plastic, waste paper, waste metal, waste glass. Kitchen was

11、te is rice, pasta expired food, fruits, bones and so on. Hazardous waste is paint, batteries, pesticides, etc. Other rubbish is quilts, schoolbags, clothes, etc. To classify garbage, remember that blue is recyclable garbage, green is kitchen waste, red is harmful garbage, and gray is other garbage.

12、Waste classification can reduce the consumption of resources, avoid the pollution caused by landfill and incineration, and turn waste into treasure. Making recyclable waste into something else is a good renewable resource. A lot of things can be recycled to make another thing. For example, the lunch

13、 box can be made into artificial wood, and the glass can be made into new glass Garbage classification should start from me and turn garbage into treasure! 垃圾分类活动简介范文英语 第四篇 The Significance of Waste Sorting People are producing waste every day, which is a huge burden on the planets habitat. Some was

14、te is not degradable naturally, which will exist forever, but some waste can be recycled and reused again. Waste sorting can help divide the reusable waste from the rest. And three are two reasons for doing , the earth is limited in its natural resources, and many products are made from finite resou

15、rces, which cannot be generated by nature in a short period of dumping this kind of products is wasting , some part of the waste is of value. To reuse and recycle this kind of waste is to save resources to a large extent, which also contributes to environmental protection. Sorting waste is a meaning

16、ful deed. If everyone can do it,small things can make a big positive impact on the environment. 垃圾分类活动简介范文英语 第五篇 Some waste is not degradable naturally,which will exist forever, but some waste can be recycled and reused again. Waste sorting can help divide the reusable waste from the rest. And there are two re


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