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1、3A Unit7 Would you like a pie?(Story time)教学设计一、教学目标:1. 能理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。2. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型向别人提供食物并作出相应的回答。3. 学会与别人分享食物。二、 教学重难点:1. 句型的正确朗读。2. 能理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。3. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型向别人提供食物或者作出应答。三、 教学设计:一 Free talk1. 明确小组人数。T: Six students are a group. Group 1.2. Free talkT: Hello

2、.boys and girls.Are you ready for our English class? Im your new English teacher Miss Zhang. Nice to meet you. (卡纸板书,后面写上中文) Good morning./ Good afternoon. Whats your name? 询问学生的姓名,并打招呼。 Can you introduce your friends to me?Who is your friend?(让一名学生介绍他的朋友,可以使用Hes.Hes my friend.)二 Presentation1. 新授:e

3、gg, cake T: You have so many good friends. I have some friends, too. Look, who are they? S: Shes SuHai. Shes YangLing. Hes LiuTao. Hes WangBing. T: Yes. They are having a picnic in the park. What food do they have? This is their picnic basket. Lets have a look.(篮子里面装食物) 1)Whats this? Its an apple.2)

4、Is it an apple? No, its a hot dog.板书hot dog 带读单词Would you like a hot dog?3) Would you like a pie?板书pie(注意元音,拼读)Would you like a pie?将pie图片,单词板书在课题中,揭题,带读课题。4) Would you like a pie? What about a sweet?出示糖果实物板书a sweet(注意元音,拼读)5) T: What can you see in the basket? Who can write an egg/a cake on the bla

5、ckboard? (从野餐盒里拿出:苹果,糖,热狗,鸡蛋,馅饼和蛋糕。检查学生预习单词的作业,板书:a sweet, a hot dog, a pie, an ice cream。重点新授:an egg, a cake。)2. Lets spell it together.让学生上黑板来写an egg, a cake,其他同学在下面写。边写边拼读。老师引导学生注意如何书写和如何正确地发准元音。3. 课文的整体理解 T: So nice food! Look, whos coming? S: Mike and Helen. T: Yes. Helen is Mikes sister. What

6、food do they offer Helen? (新授an ice cream) And what would Helen like? Please guess!看动画前预测, 让学生猜一猜猜测Helen想吃什么食物。然后说,What food do they offer Helen? And what would Helen like?Lets watch and choose.(看动画,做选择)ok?4. T: Lets read the story and try to find how they offer Helen a pie and a cake. Now open your

7、 books atP44. Read by yourselves and underline the key sentences.学生看课文,新授:Would you like a pie? No, thank you. What about a cake? Yes, please. (带着问题自己阅读课文,找出答案。)T: Have you got the answers? What dose SuHai say?(请两个学生读,出示PPT,再请两名读的好的学生带读Would you like a pie?) Helen says? Now follow me:No, thank you.(

8、加上拒绝的动作)板书:Would you like. No, thank you.(将Would you like跟各种食物,集体操练。)T: What dose YangLing say?(请两名学生读,老师带读,出示PPT。同时板书what about.)T: What dose this mean? (出示what about的中文意思,让一个学生朗读上面的字。)Whats Helens response?(请一个读的好的学生领读,加上接受的动作。板书Yes, please.)新授:Would you like .? What about .?(老师板书这两个句子后,强调句子的首字母应该

9、大写。字与字之间要有一个字母的距离。英语句子中的句号是实心点。)带读这两个新句型,同时标注出升降调,would you, what about的连读标记。5. T: Now lets read after the cartoon. Please pay attention your pronunciation and intonation.(学生跟读录音。要求学生模仿故事中的语音语调。)6. Lets read the books.(看书朗读)7. 表演故事。 T:Its time to act out the story. Look , if you have good pronunciat

10、ion and intonation, we can say: Good. If you act naturally and actively, we can say: Great. OK, lets practice in groups.请学生上台表演故事。老师要求下面的学生给表演的同学做出评价:1.Good! 2.Great!并给出相应的奖励。T: How about the act. Good? Great?or excellent?(请两组学生进行课文表演)8. 请同学们猜猜WangBing和LiuTao向Helen招呼了什么。并表演出来。T: What do LiuTao and W

11、angBing say to Helen? Lets practice in groups and act it out.三、Consolidation1. Make a dialogue and act it out. T: SuHai and her friends are having a picnic. They are very happy. Do you know other scenes we can use these sentences? You can say in Chinese.(让学生说几个生活场景,可以使用今天所学的句型)T: Good. Now you can c

12、hoose one of scenes and make a dialogue in groups.1,你的朋友到你家里来做客,你想招待他们吃点什么,该怎么说呢?2,你生病了,卧床休息,家人问你想吃什么。(请两组学生上来表演。)T: You did good jobs. Look, a family is having a Christmas party. Lets read the story in groups.2. 阅读拓展给每一组学生发一份英文绘本“My Christmas Party”,自己阅读文章,理解文章大意,并完成选择。Homework 下面有两组生活场景,小组内选择一个场景进行对话编排表演,下节课进行展示。 Scene1.你和同学们在公园里野餐,这时遇到了表弟。你们该怎么招待表弟吃食物呢? Scene2.你是餐厅里的服务员,如何招呼客人品尝你们店里的食物呢? 从今天所学的食物中选择两样画一画,并在背面写上英文名字。下节课要用哦!


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