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1、Module 5 ShoppingUnit 1 What can I do for you?目标导航【知识目标】重点单词market,supermarket,biscuit,lemon, straberry,size,take, ,try,sale,price,fresh.重点短语on MothersDay,would like some/to buy, buy sth.for sb.=buy sb.sth., try on, too much, wait a minite, a sale on, half price,look fresh.重点句型1. -What can I do for

2、you?/Can I help you? -Id like to buy.-Id like a(n)/some,please.2. What colour does she like?3. What size does she take?4. How much isit/are thy?5. How much /many would you like?重点语法特殊疑问词引导的特殊疑问句的表达。【能力目标】谈论购物,熟练掌握购物时要运用的交际用语。课前预习1预习单词:拼读单词5遍以上,并抄写5遍。2针对以上学习目标,在文中划出重点单词、重点短语及重要句型。3认真预习教材,并完成同步练习册练习V,

3、VI,VII;小组长检查。课堂学习【自主合作】一、走进文本活动一:1、学生自读第一个方框内的单词,并选词配图,小组内订正并大声朗读单词。2、自读第二个方框内的单词,在小组内谈论在哪里能买到这些东西。或者谈论在方框一里的地点分别能买到什么样的东西。3、全班展示。活动二:1、听录音,学生自主回答以下问题。1. Whats Lingling going to buy for her mother on Mothers Day?(A) A cake. (B)A T-shirt. (C)Some food.2. What is Betty going to make for her mother?(A)

4、 A cake. (B)A T-shirt. (C)Noodles.3. What doe Betty want to buy?(A) Strawberries and biscuits. (B) Some lemons. (C) A and B4. When are they going to the shops? .2、小组内交流,然后全班核对答案。二、听读活动活动三:1、听录音,完成同步练习2题,并核对答案。2、读对话,完成教材活动三练习:完成表格。3、听录音并读,然后小组内分角色大声朗读对话,读出对话情景。4、小组间合作翻译activity 3中不懂的地方,教师适时点拨。5、活动五:先

5、自己完成,然后在小组内交流,最后全班核对答案。三、语音知识:1、复习音标2、活动五:听录音,跟读。注意字母o的发音。3、全班核对同步练习3的答案。【要点梳理】1重点词汇归纳。1.在母亲节 _ _ _ 2.为某人买某物 _ _ _ 3什么颜色 _ 4什么尺码_ _5.试穿 _ _6.太贵了_ _ 7.等一下_ _8.打折_ _9.半价_ _10看起来新鲜_ _2.课堂合作探究。要求:通过自主与合作学习,理解并掌握下列知识点,并整理到笔记本或课本上。1) What can I do for you?特殊疑问句购物对话用语, 往往用于店员对顾客说,问顾客要买什么。相当于一般疑问句Can I help

6、 you?归纳总结“shopping”用语。售货员用语What can I do for you?=May/Can I help you?How much/many would you like?What color/size would you like?What (How) about this one ?Heres your change(这是找你的零钱).顾客购物用语I want/Id like. May I try it on?Thats too much/expensive. Do you have any other kind/size/colour/?How much is i

7、t/How much does it cost? OK! Ill take it.Heres yuan.(其他有关购物的信息请参照练习册P97)2)What size does she take?她穿多大号码的?-Small.小号。what size对尺寸提问。后面加上一般疑问句。如What size do you take?你穿多大码的?Small指小号,如:SSmall小号MMiddle中号LLarge大号3)May I try it on?我可以试穿它吗try on 试穿This pair of shoes are nice, Try them on.这双鞋很漂亮,试试吧。Try thi

8、s coat on, Kate.凯特,试试这件外套吧。try doing sth. 尝试做某事 try to do sth. 尽力做某事try ones best to do sth. 尽某人最大努力做某事E.g. He is trying his best to do the work. 他正尽自己的全力在做这项工作。 Tony tries using chopsticks. 托尼在试着使筷子。4)Theres a sale on today. 今天有降价活动。此句中on 表示正在进行中。还可以表示为:Its on sale today.5)How much are they?他们多少钱?H

9、ow much/many would you like?你想要多少? How much, 多少,多少钱How much 用来提问价格,也可用来提问买多少,不可数用How much,可数用How many.课堂检测一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。1.There are lots of things in the s .2.Betty wants to buy some s and biscuits.3.W can I do for you?4.The strawberries look f , lets buy some.二、 根据汉语意思,完成句子.1.你想买点什么? can I for yo

10、u?/ _ I _ you?2.Betty想在母亲节那天为她的妈妈买一些鲜花。Betty wants to some flowers her mother on Mothers Day.3.Tony喜欢什么颜色? does Tony like?4.你选/穿多大的尺码?What do you ? 5.你想要多少? Wouil you like?三句型转换,一空一词。1.Id like to buy a T-shirt for my mum.(对画线部分提问) you like to buy for your mum?2.She is going to buy her sister two lem

11、ons.(同上)She is going to two lemons her sister.3. What can I do for you?(改为同义句) I you?4.Whats the price of it? (改为同义句) is it?5.Betty wants to buy a shoolbag. (对画线部分提问) Does Betty to buy?自我反思1在本课学会的词汇、句型有:2主要问题或困难有:Module 5 ShoppingUnit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet.目标导航【知识目标】重点单词advantage,

12、 anyone, pay, receive, post, several, safe, product, way, shopping,重点短语many new ways of shopping, online shopping, one of, on the Internet, pay for,by post, several advantages, at any time, take a lot of time, compare the prises of the same product, go out, pay over the Internet, change our way of l

13、ife,be able to do sth. 重点句型1. You can buy almost everythingon the Internet.2. Online shopping is changing our way of life重点语法特殊疑问句的用法。【能力目标】谈论网上购物的优点和缺点。课前预习1预习单词:熟读单词5遍以上,并抄写5遍。2针对学习目标,在文中划出重点单词、重点短语及重要句型。3认真预习教材,并完成同步练习册练习1,小组长检查。课堂学习一Free talk.1. Do you know shopping online? 2. Do you ever shop online?3. Can you shop online? 4. Can you tell me something about shopping online?二自主合作,学习课文。I. 学生快速默读课文,自主完成,展示答案。1. Whats the passage about? Its about .2. What can you buy on the Internet? We can buy on the Internet.3. 快速阅读,主题匹配(自主完成,展示答案)。Passage 1 _ Passage 2_ Passage 3_ Passage 4_A.


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