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1、 五年级英语期中调研 听力部分 (30分) 得分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍)(10分)( ) 1. Saurda B ndy C. Sience( ). .sw Bknw C. grow( ) 3. A. lagh B. kni C. cough( ) . A. eadahe toothace C. earach( ) 5. A ive B.fver C.el ( )6. Aride B. ead . iding( ) 7 . bu B baske . bie( ) . put n B. take off C. ryo( ) A.nar .here C.tere( ) 10 A

2、.o to h ty B. goto the par . go tohe oo二、听录音,选出相应的答语。(听两遍)(0分)( ) 1 . Becaue she doest ave y nce clthe. . Becaus s iill. .Becauseshe as a od time athe arty( )2 A. H ca takehe mero. B. e ca tae t bus. C.e can tak the trin( )3. Shshouldve rs. B he sol ake oemedicne. C he sodnt ea ice cream.( ) 4. .tse

3、ah ak. B. Itnear theschool. C. ts big nd nice.( ) 5. A He a aidriver. B. H lies in unshieTwn. C. Hes my fath三、听录音,补全对话。(听两遍)(10分)1. Excue me, d the boosh o Moon Sre Goalog this tre, en at te taffc lit.2 Hodo you now I hve a , Ian eat . Wht sould I do ou at toomany swees,ou soulbrshyor .笔试部分(0分)四、按要求

4、写单词。(0分). shount (完整形式) 2. tth(复数) 3. put on(反义词组) 4. buh (三单) 5. on (缩写形式) 6. t (复数) 7 get n (反义词组) 8. they(宾格) 9.efoe(反义词) 10. bus (复数) 五、英汉互译。(0分)1. 来学校 2. on foot 3试穿 4takediine 5. 有害的 . bruh o teth 7. 喝水 8 see the octor 不得不 10. tke t train 六、单项选择。(10分)( ) 1. Su Hailivs MoStreet. . in B.on C. at

5、( ).osYang inghav hobbie. som B. any Call( ) 3Wts rongwith e a fver. A h;as Bhm; s C. e;has( ) 4.Thegirl oft ro Mnay o Fiy. A ot shool B. goes sool going to school( ) . - h go t te park - bus A.Howdo B. How does C. Hw is() 6. our ot wel e.A.Do; pla B. Do; pays C. es; play( ) 7. -Hw_ag ingfel now-Sef

6、eels cold. A. s B. des Cha( ) 8 ke usall insummer. A swimg B. swims C.swm( ) - shoul u Ta -A plne.A.Wts;tak B Wat;taes W; ak( ) 1-Whe dos yur unt She in small to. A lie; liv B. lvs; live . lie; ves七、从栏中找出栏相应的答句,写在题前括号内。(5分) ( ) 1. w dyu come to scool eeda A. Yes, do.( )2. Do youfel cl B. Bbs. ( ) 3.

7、 Can I elp you . Iave headah.( ) Whts wr with you . o, thks. ( ) 5.What uld I do E You sud hve rs.八、选择适当的词填空。( 分) 1. Helen (put /puts)on a nat. .Bbbyis hppy (to help / helps) Mony and Rbt 3 Mike las (o /goes)o school ofoot. 4. e shd (dink / drinks) se warm water nd have a rst. 5 Yor shoes ( / ae)und

8、e teb.九、按要求完成下列各题。(0分) 1. Mie lives in Sshne Twn. (就划线部分提问) doe Mike 2.Ifteo o e ibaryby bus (就划线部分提问) dyou to he lirary 3 You holdhave arest t o. (改为否定句) You a rst t hm. 4. Su Hai has aadchen fevr (就划线部分提问) witSuai 5 lies, t, oby, a, n, ridng, par, bk (.) 十、阅读短文。(10分) trai stopsat a saion. A yongman was to comout,but it rinin.A bo istadng under a bigbrela.Th yongmn a


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