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1、2023中考英语模拟试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。. 单项选择1、Listen, someone _ in the room.Awas singing Bsang Csings Dis singing2、2300 libraries _ in the Hope Primary Schools in five years.Aare builtBwere builtCwill be builtDmust b

2、e built3、- Can you answer this question? - Sorry, I can _ understand it.AhardlyBalmostCquiteDnearly4、What does your father do, lily?He is _. His job is to make sure that drivers obey the traffic roles.Aan actor Ba policeman Ca waiter Da reporter5、Alex and Tom are brothers. _ often help their father

3、wash the car.AIBYouCWeDThey6、-Sir, could you please wait for another 20 minutes and well serve you very soon?-Another 20 minutes? It was only 6 oclock _ I got here, but its 7:10 now.AsinceBwhenCwhileDbefore7、He has made great progress his mother is very pleased with him.Aso;thatBenough;toCso;tooDsuc

4、h;that8、Because of his mistakes when dealing with the electricity problems, last Friday he was by the company.Agot offBtook offCkicked off9、-Why cant I share my boarding-pass picture on Wechat Moments?-Because the barcode(条形码) on the boarding-pass _ be used to find the information you gave to the fl

5、ight company.Amust Bcan Cshould Dwill10、Mum, we have won the game against Yuhua Middle School ._!AThank youBThe same to youCCongratulationsDNever mind. 完形填空11、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 During my high school time, I often wondered why I had to sit beside such a strange guy. He always had

6、 a pair of glasses as_ as the bottom of a beer bottle on his nose. Being a rather plain(相貌平平的)boy, Freeman never dresses neatly. He had thousands of bad _ -sucking fingers, eating pieces of paper and biting pencil ends, to name a few. Unfortunately, both of us were interested in reading _. When we c

7、ame to this field, _ seemed to have no end. We often put aside all the other homework to read a new novel and, of course, tried our best to win the arguments(争论) between us. I couldnt agree more that we must be born rivals(对手) and I was quite certain that he felt _. Soon after, Freeman and I were bo

8、th to _ a writing competition. Besides being interested, I _ thought it was an opportunity to _ him and let him admire me. So I made a good _ for it. But things didnt go as well as Id thought. It turned out that Freeman won the first prize _ I only got the second. I felt so _ that I just wanted to r

9、un away as soon as he came into my sight, _ I was afraid hed be proud enough to make fun of me. To my great _, he said nothing about the competition but_ talking with me about a new book as usual. After a while, I couldnt help asking what he thought of the _ and his answers really impressed me a lot

10、. “Compared to winning a prize, the process(过程) of writing is more enjoyable,” he said lightly. From that day on, I gradually came to like my deskmate.1Aclear Bthin Ccool Dthick2Anames Bhabits Chobbies Dinterests3Apapers Bmagazines Cnovels Dnewspapers4Adiscussion Bwork Cstudy Djob5Athe case Bthe dif

11、ference Cthe matter Dthe same6Aenter Bjoin Cpresent Dtake part7Aeither Balso Ctoo Das well8Ahelp Bwin Cbeat Dattack9Aplan Bspeech Cpreparation Ddecision10Awhen Bbecause Cwhile Dthough11Aashamed Bhappy Cangry Dexcited12Aand Bbut Cso Dbecause13Ajoy Bdisappointment Chappiness Dsurprise14Aavoided Bkept

12、Cwanted Dstopped15Abook Bresult Cquestion Dwriting. 语法填空12、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题卷的相应位置。Let go of the problemsThere are many teenagers who have too much pressure. Last Wednesday, Mr. Trent began his psychological health class 1 holding up a glass of water. He asked the student

13、s 2would happen if he held it up for a day. 3 student said the teachers arm would ache or go numb. He might have to go to hospital! All the students laughed. “But during the time, did the 4(weigh) of the glass change?” asked Mr. Trent. “Then what caused the pain and numbness?” The students 5(be) puz

14、zled.“What should I do now 6(get) rid of the pain?” asked Mr. Trent again.“Put the glass down!” said another student.“7(exact)!” said Mr. Trent. “Lifes problems are something 8 caused the pain like this glass. Hold them for a few 9(minute) in your hand and they seem OK. Think of them for a long time and they begin to ache. The longer you hold them, the more painful you feel.”Its important to think of the challenges or problems in your life. But whats even 10(imp


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