2023年牛津译林版英语单元复习试卷B Unit 9.doc

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1、牛津译林版英语单元复习试卷(8B Unit 5)I.用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Andrew _ (polite) turned down the invitation.2. It was still Bakers duty_ (obey).3.I believe you and he were very _(close) friends.4. They all avoided _ (mention) that name.5. In their _(discuss),I was in favor of Mr Wu.6. I must warn you against_ (raise) you

2、r hopes.7. He aims to be a _ (success) writer.8. He saved my life at the _ (risk) of his own9. What is the _ (purpose) of your visit?10.Foreigners can hardly ever avoid _(buy) Chinese products.II.补全对话(A) 从所给句子中选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话。(共5分,每小题1分)( Li Tao comes to Mingmings house. )A: Hello, Mingming! 1. _B: I

3、m watching “ Running man”.A: Whats that? Ive never heard of it. B: Its a new reality TV show.A: Really? 2. _B: Its about teamwork. In the show, we can see some famous stars. Theyre keeping running for their dreams and happiness. We cant help laughing when we watch the show.A: 3. _ In fact, teamwork

4、is very important in our life.B: I think so. 4. _A: You are right. “Unity is strength”(团结就是力量). 5. _B: On Zhejiang Television.A. What is it about? B. What a pity!C. Sounds interesting.D. What are you doing? E. Which channel is the show on? F. Are there many ads in the show?G. We should help and lear

5、n from each other. III. 任务型阅读One day as I was sitting in a coffee shop, I noticed a girl working on her laptop. Two people (A) passed by and accidentally knocked over her drink. To avoid the embarrassment (困窘), the girl pretended (假装) that (B) _ had happened and continued working on her computer.Thi

6、s reminded me that both in China and Britain, when something strange happens around you or when you are in an embarrassing situation, (C) people tend (倾向于) to use this common way to not catch other peopled attention.A lot of the time, Britons use selfdepreciating humor (自嘲式的幽默). This is a well-known

7、 British characteristic. For example, imagine walking (D) _ your friends and you fall over. Your friend may just say (E) “旅途愉快!” Or you may just laugh about how clumsy (笨拙的) you are. For many Britons, making fun of yourself is a way of showing your strength of character.Also, British are considerate

8、 when it comes to embarrassing others. For example, students (F) usually have a birthday party every year. So during the school day, a student will give out invitations to the class. If one person doesnt get an invitation, but the rest of the class does, he or she will feel embarrassed. To avoid it,

9、 its common for students to even invite people who arent (G) their friends.86. 写出文中划线部分 (A) 和 (F) 的同义词或近义词: _ _87. 在文中 (B) 和 (D) 的空白处填入适当的单词: _ _88.将文中划线部分 (C) 改写为: people tend to use this common way _ _ other people wont notice it.89. 将文中划线部分 (E) 译成英语: _90. 文中划线部分 (G) 指代的是: _IV翻译句子1. 别人说话时他总爱插嘴。 _2

10、. 请允许您从前的一个学生跟您握握手好吗? _3. 她过去习惯于在大庭广众之下发表讲话。(used to do sth) _4. 别挤进来,要像大家一样挨个儿排队。(push in) _5. 如果你挡住他们的去路,他们不会碰你。他们会说 “劳驾”。(in ones way) _6. 我的成功不是偶然,而是我努力的结果。 My success doesnt _7. 捷足先登。 The early _ the _. 8. 他的目标是将来拥有一家属于他自己的公司。 His _.9. 我太激动了,不能清楚地表达我的意思。 Im _.10.首要的是,我们必须尽快找到那个失踪的孩子。 _, we must

11、 _.V.阅读理解Lets try doing the following experiment. What to Do:Use string to hang a paper clip or other small object at about chest(胸部)level. Pick up a stick, such as a broom handle. Take three or four steps away from the paper clip. Now close one eye and walk toward the paper clip. Try to touch it wi

12、th the tip of the stick. If you miss, try again, still keeping one eye closed. Now try it with both eyes open and see if its easier to do. How it works:In the experiment, you have to judge how far away the paper clip is. Your brain has several ways of doing this. One simple way depends on how much y

13、our eye has to focus(聚焦)itself. Using only one eye, most people will find it difficult to touch the paper clip on the first try, but the brain still gets some information about distancethough not much. Your brain can judge distance much better when you look at something with both eyes. In fact, your brain has more than one way to use both eyes in judging distance. For



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