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1、东北大学硕士学位论文 摘 要首矿杏山综合数据管理系统设计与实现摘 要随着社会的不断进步和计算机技术的不断发展,信息化在提升企业生产力上发挥着越来越重要的作用,用信息化来管理企业、指导生产势在必行。企业信息化是指企业以业务流程的优化和重构为基础,在一定的深度和广度上利用计算机技术、网络技术和数据库技术,控制和集成化管理企业生产经营活动中的各种信息,实现企业内外部信息的共享和有效利用,以提高企业的经济效益和市场竞争力。这将涉及到对企业管理理念的创新,管理流程的优化,管理团队的重组和管理手段的创新。如何迅速提高企业的核心竞争力,很重要的一点,就是以信息化带动工业化,加快信息化进程,走新型工业化道路。

2、本文通过对杏山整体工艺流程、生产过程的分析,设计并实现了一套综合管理平台,文中简要阐述了Microsoft公司的.Net平台,C#开发语言等技术,系统主要采用SQL Server数据库做为数据存储载体,微软的Reportbuilder专业报表软件进行复杂报表的生成。系统利用无纸化和一站式的方式解决企业在日常运营中所涉及到的生产、设备、安全等方面的数据监控、数据统计、数据分析,并形成相关报表。采用整体考虑、分专业、分模块设计的方法,结合信息技术特点,对各种业务应用进行前瞻性的规划设计,形成灵活、完整、规范、可扩展的技术结构,支持业务的持续发展。论文首先介绍了项目背景、系统的开发目的和课题的提出,

3、并给出了论文结构安排;然后,论文介绍了系统使用的相关技术;系统分析部分,首先介绍了系统规划原则,根据需求分析和功能要求提出系统的功能架构,介绍系统的开发环境;系统设计部分,首先介绍了系统的总体设计,然后对总体设计划分好的模块的设计进行了详细介绍,最后介绍了系统的数据库设计,给出了设计的部分E-R图和数据库表;系统实现部分,详细介绍了各个模块的具体实现以及其中使用的关键技术。系统测试部分,详细介绍了系统的单元测试、集成测试、界面测试,然后给出了测试结论;最后,对本文工作做了总结,并进行了下一步工作展望。关键词:综合;数据管理;分析统计;报表- II -东北大学硕士学位论文 目 录Design a

4、nd Implementation of Integrated Data Management System for Xingshan Iron Mine of Shougang Mining CompanyAbstractWith the continuous development of society and the progress of computer technology, information technology is playing an increasingly important role in improving business productivity. Usi

5、ng information technology to manage the business, guiding production is imperative. Enterprise information refers to based on business process optimization and reconstruction, in a certain depth and breadth of the use of computer technology, network technology and database technology, control and in

6、tegrated management different information in production and operation activities, share and effective use internal and external information, to improve economic efficiency and market competitiveness. This will involve the innovation of enterprise management concept, the optimizing of the management

7、process, the restructuring of management team and the innovation of management means. How to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises rapidly, a very important point, is to drive industrialization with informatization, accelerate the process of informatization, taking a new road to industrial

8、ization.In this thesis, based on the analysis of the whole process flow and production process in Xingshan, we designed and implemented an integrated management platform. This thesis briefly describes the Microsoft Corporation .Net platform, C # development language and so on; SQL Server database sy

9、stem is mainly used as a data storage medium, Microsofts Reportbuilder professional report generation software for complex reports. This system uses a paperless and one-stop solution to companies involved in the daily operations to production, equipment, safety and other aspects of data monitoring,

10、data statistics, data analysis, and the formation of related reports. The integrated data management platform use the method of overall consideration, sub-professional, modular design approach, combined with the characteristics of information technology, forward-looking planning and design to busine

11、ss applications, to form a flexible, complete, Standardized, scalable technology architecture to support the continued development of the business.In this thesis, firstly, the project background, the development purpose and the presentation of the subject are mentioned, and the structure of the thes

12、is is given. Then, the key technologies used in the system are introduced briefly. In the part of system analysis, the planning principles of the system are described firstly, put forward the function architecture ofthe system according to the demand analysis and thefunctionrequirements, and the dev

13、elopment environment is given. In the part of system design, the overall design is proposed and then the concrete design of each module is given in detail, and the database design is introduced with typical E-R diagram and some database tables at last. In the part of system implementation, the detai

14、led implementation and the key technologies of each module are described. System test is introduced from the view of unit testing, integration testing, UI testing, and then the test conclusion is given. At last, the work in this thesis is summarized and the further steps are prospected.Key words: in

15、tegrated; data management; statistical analysis; reports- VII -目 录独创性声明I学位论文版权使用授权书I摘 要IIAbstractIII第1章 引 言11.1 项目背景11.2 系统的开发目的21.3 课题的提出31.4 论文结构安排3第2章 相关技术52.1 C/S与B/S体系结构52.2 ASP.NET三层架构52.2.1 三层构成52.2.2 三层优缺点62.3 Visual Studio 200872.4 SQLServer ReportBuilder报表工具82.4.1 报表的生命周期82.4.2 报表类型92.5 jQuery技术112.6 本章小结12第3章 系统分析133.1 规划原则133.2 需求分析133.2.1 生产过程监控153.2.2 生产信息管理153.2.3 设备管理分析153.2.4 生产安全保障163.3 系统功能要求163.4 系统功能构架173.5 系统开发环境183.5.1 系统架构183.5.2 开发工具183.5.3 开发语言193.5.4 数据库服务器203.6 本章小结22第4章 系统设计234.1 系统总体设计234


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