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1、2023学年中考英语模拟测试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、 President Xi said that we are, we will be.Thats really true, we can only live a better life by working hard.Athe hard-working; the luckie

2、rBthe more hard-working; the luckierCmore hard-working; luckier2、The little girl was found _ in her bedroom after she had an argument(争论) with her best friend.AcryingBto cryCbeing cryingDcried3、-What age did you leave home ? -I left home at 18. I _your city for five yearsAhave gone toBhave been toCh

3、ave been inDhave come to4、Tony likes watching cartoons very much. The pictures of cartoon heroes are _ in his room.AanywhereBnowhereCsomewhereDeverywhere5、The English exam will be _ June 26th, 2018.AinBonCat6、Frank and his friend gave each other their addresses and promised to _ each other.Aget on w

4、ell withBcarry on withCkeep in touch withDcome up with7、To our surprise, yesterday she sold _ new car at such a low price.AhersBsheCherselfDher8、Fathers Day is coming. I want to buy a fine tie for my father, but is fit for him in the shops nearby.Ano oneBnothingCnoneDneither9、Excuse me, sir. Could y

5、ou tell me _?Awhere is the bank nearestBwhere is the nearest bankCwhere the nearest bank is10、Several _ are talking under the tree. And their _ are swimming in the lake.Awoman, childrenBwoman, childCwomen, childrenDwomen, child. 完形填空11、Once upon a time, there was an owl(猫头鹰)in the middle of a dark f

6、orest. All the animals knew that he was the wisest among 1 of them. So they often went to him and told him their problems. Then the owl always told them 2 to solve their problems.One day, a little bird came to the owl. She was 3 . “Whats wrong with you?” asked the owl.“Im not happy at all, Mr. Owl.

7、I dont want to be a bird any more.” the bird 4 .“Why dont you want to be a(n) 5 ?” asked the owl. “Because I am so small and weak,” she cried. “I want to be as big and strong as the lion. He is important, but I am not.”The owl said 6 in her ear. Then the bird dried her tears and 7 away. One week lat

8、er, the bird came back. “Thank you very much, Mr. Owl. You are so 8 ,” she said to the owl. “Im very happy now. Every day, I watch out for lions and tigers. When they come 9 , I shout as loudly as I can. Then my friends all run and hide. They often 10 me for that. I am useful and important now.”The

9、wise owl smiled and said: “Dear, no one in the world is useless.”1Aboth Ball Ceither Dnone2Ahow Bwhy Cwhat Dwhen3Acrying Bsmiling Csinging Dsleeping4Aagreed Badvised Creplied Dasked5Alion Bbird Ctiger Dowl6Anothing Beverything Canything Dsomething7Aran Bflew Cdrove Dswam8Abright Bbored Cpolite Dacti

10、ve9Alate Bslow Cfar Dnear10Ahate Bleave Cthank Dworry. 语法填空12、Do you know Stephen Hawking? Hes one of the most well-known 1(scientist)on space and time in the world. He was born in England in 1942. Hawking is 2(study)how the universe began and how it ends.When he studied math and science at Oxford U

11、niversity, he fell 3(serious) ill, which made him unable to speak or breathe. Till now, he cant move or feed 4(him). however, he has a wheelchair with 5 special computer, with which he can communicate with others.6he was facing all these difficulties, he refused to give up his hope of living. Becaus

12、e 7 his illness, it was difficult for him to draw diagrams or to write. So he started 8(think) in pictures. With this new way of thinking, he is respected by people in the world.Once he 9(invite) to China to give lectures. His self-confidence and humorous conversations impressed us deeply.He once sa

13、id, “When something unfair happens, 10 is no need to worry about it! You just have to do the best in your own situation.”. 阅读理解A13、Everyone worries. But how do you deal with your worries? Whether your worries are big or small, you can take these three steps to deal with your worries:1. Try to find o

14、ut what youre worried aboutSometimes, you will know what youre worried about. Other times, you might not. Try to find it out first; if you cant, you can ask for help.2. Think of ways to make it betterThere is always something you can do to help you feel less worried. Sitting there worrying is no fun

15、 and it wont solve your problem.Grades at school are often top worries for kids. If youre worried about grades, ask yourself these questions: Why are grades important? What do grades mean to me?How do I get ready for class? Do I_my notes even when there isnt a test? Do I have a good place to do my homework? Ha


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