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1、高兴英语小学五年级的下期末试卷习题高兴五年级下期末试卷AClass:_Name:_No.:_Mark:_A听力部分一、把你所听到的单词、短词或句子的序号填在题前括号内。() 1、 A、 badmintonB、 basketballC、 bookshop() 2、 A、 doughnutB、dollarC、 dumpling() 3、 A、 headB、bedC、 dress() 4、 A、 ateB、 madC、 fat() 5、 A、 workB、 hurtC、 bird() 6、 A、 go to schoolB、 gotoswimC、 go to play() 7、 A、 take so

2、memedicineB、 take arest C、 take a test() 8、 A、 have a feverB、haveanearC、have some bears() 9、 A、 I mgoing totakesomephotos .B、 I mgoingtowrite someletters .C、 I mgoingtodomyhomework .() 10、 A、 She wenttoseethedoctor .B、 Hewenttosee thedoctor .C、 Theywenttoseethedoctor .二、听音标号。1、()2、()3、()4、()5、()6、()

3、7、()8、()9、()10、()三、听问句,选答语。()1、 A 、 I went toThailand .B、 We mademodels .C、IwasinCanada .()2、 A 、We havechickenandrice .B、 Iatevegetables , fishandrice .C、Theyhadchicken , fishandrice.()3、 A 、 Itwas tasty .B、 Itwassnowy .C、 Itisbad .()4、 A 、 I went toCanada .B、 Weare goingto takesomephotos .C、Iamsho

4、ppingforclothes.()5、 A 、Yes, Ido .B、 No ,Wedon t . C、 Yes ,weare .四、听朗诵,达成句子。1、 They are going to _relatives.2/ 、 She is going to play _friends. / 3、 Ben s going to _his mother.4、Are we going to have a _ ?5、 Did you surf the _ last night/?B笔试部分一、用括号里的动词适合形式。1、 What _(be)yougoingto _(do)today?I mgoin

5、gto _(meet)somefriend.2. -What will the weather _(be) like in the evening? -It will _(be) rainy. 3.-Where _ (be) you yesterday? -I _(be) in the park.4. I can _ (tell) you about tomorrow.5. When will the snow _ (stop)?5. _(be) it rainy in Guangzhou today?6. What will we _(have) for dinner tomorrow?7.

6、 What _(be) the weather like in Dongguan yesterday? 8.Peter _(have) a bad cold.9._(do) Tony have a fever today?10.The snow will _(stop) on Sunday.二、选择题()1、TonyisgoingtoreadEnglishbook .A、 aB、anC、 some()2、 Myfriendsdidn taletteryesterdayevening .A、 wroteB、 writesC、write()3、 Myfriend , Marythedaybefor

7、eyesterday .A、 comesB、 cameC、 goes()4、 Isawmanychairsweretheair .() 5.Welcome _the weather office!A. ofB. onC. to() 6.What was the weather like _ ?A. yesterdayB. todayC. tomorrow() 7. -What _ you bake?-I baked some bread.A. doB. areC. didA、 inB、onC、 at()8、Isshegoingatest ?A、 tookB、 takesC、 tohave()7

8、、Whatyoursisterdoyesterday ?A、 didB、doesC、 was()8、areyougoingtogotoHong KongthisSunday ?Bybus .A、 WhenB、 HowC、 What()9、areyougoingtoseethedoctor ?A、 WhenB、 WhoC、Whose()10、 Yesterdayafternoon , IhelpedMissLeeA、 tookB、 takesC、 take() 11. Tomorrow it will be cool_ the morning.Thistheafternoon .bookstot

9、he classroom .A. atB. inC. on() 12._ the afternoon it will be hot and sunny.A. InB. OnC. At() 13. _ will the weather be like tomorrow?A. WhereB. WhichC. What() 14._ it be hot the day after tomorrow?A. WasB. WillC. Is() 15._ will the rain stop?A. WhatB. WhenC. Where() 16. - _the baseball? -Its under

10、the table.(A. WhereB. WheresC. Where areD. Wherere) 17. -Where _ his keys? - They are in the drawer.A. isB. beC. amD. are) 18. -Is it on the sofa? - Yes, _.(A. it isB. it isntC. it sD. it not) 19. -Are the books in the backpack?- _ .(A. yes, it is B. yes, they is C. No, they are )20. -_ is Cindy? -

11、She is in the classroom. A. Where B. Where is C. Where areD. I don t knowD. Who()21. My hobbies _dancing and watching TV.A.isB. am C. are()22. I like listening _music.A. at B. or C. to()23.A:_is it?B: It is 7:00.A.WhereB. WhatC. What time()24. I go to school_6:30.A.atB.inC.on)25.Tony_making models.A. like B. likes C.liking三、填写与划线部分近似的单词或短语1. Tomorrow it will be cold.A:_B:_


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