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1、牛津英语9AUnit4Integratedskills教案牛津英语9A Unit 4 Integrated skills导教案学习目标:1.掌握新单词和短语:breakout,record,symbol,victory,spirit,dieof,German,thought,admire,courage, in fear of ones life2.学习新句型:It was a record of that time, and it has also become a symbol of the victory of the human spirit.Although we live in p

2、eace, some children in other parts of the world still live in fear of their lives.3.认识战争带来的危害。4.能以战争为话题进行议论,给出自己的看法。教课课时:the sixth period一、【自主预习】A.请同学们按以下步骤达成预习任务。1迸发_9.德国(人)的_2记录_10.纳粹分子_3象征_11.想法,见解,想法_4成功_12.敬佩,敬羡_5幽灵;精神;灵魂_13.勇气_6犹太人_14.友善;和平;平和_7纳粹的_16.为生命安全担忧_8死于_【人物介绍】安妮弗兰克,(1929年6月12日1945年3月

3、9日),生于德国法兰克福的犹太人女孩,二战犹太人大屠戮中最有名的受害者之一,享年15岁。安妮用13岁诞辰礼品日志本记录下了从1942年6月12日到1944年8月1日安妮亲历二战的安妮日志,成为了第二次世界大战时期纳粹德国灭绝犹太人的有名目睹,安妮一家被捕后,日志被梅普吉斯发现并保留下来,二战以后的1952年再次第一版为安妮日志,成为全球刊行量最大的图书之一,有多国语言的翻译版本,很多戏剧和电影都是以此为基础。B. Read Part Al on P57, and answer some questions:1. When did World War II break out? _2. When

4、 did World War II end?_3. Who wrote The Diary of a Young Girl?_二、【怀疑拓展】In class, fill in the blanks and check the answers ofAl, A2 and A3.Talk about World War II in pairs.More knowledge about World WarII三、【知识点拨】导入:同学们在学习的过程中可能碰到了一些不懂的地方吧?讲堂导学能够帮你答疑解惑。知识重点1)break out意为:迸发,常指战争、打架、灾祸等的忽然发生。与break相关的短语

5、:break down损坏,毁掉break into破门而入break the record打破记录break into pieces裂成碎片第1页 / 2)die of ,死于“”,死因存在于人体之上或以内,主要指疾病、衰老等自己的原由。die from ,死于“”但,其死因是环境造成的,主要指事故等方面的外面原由,如地震、交通事故、雷击等。die out ,逐渐“消灭”指,的是不复存在的消逝灭绝。比如:Ten languages die out every year.每年,十种语言从地球上逐渐消逝。3)German ,形容词,“德国人的,德国的”也,能够做名词,意为“德国人,德语”,其复数

6、为Germans.表示国家的名词是Germany4) After the war, her father collected her diary and had it published in 1947.have sb do sth让某“人做某事”have sth. done使/让某事被达成e.g. I had my hair cut last Saturday.我上周六理了发。I will have my bicycle repaired tomorrow.明日我想请人把自行车修一下。5) I admire these children for their courage.admire sb

7、. for sth.因某事敬佩某人e.g. I admire them for their hard-working spirit.我特别敬佩他们的苦干精神。四、【实战练习】1.Sample conversation(对话典范)A: How much do you know about the Anti-Japanese War(抗日战争)?B: It began in 1937 and lasted about eight years. Many people died in the war.A: I hate wars. My grandma told me wars were more

8、terrible than natural disasters.B: Its true. Wars cost much money. Our country became poorer after the war.A: We need to learn something from the war.B: Yes.The most important is“no peace, no development”.2.自编对话A: Do youknow anything about the war?B:A: What happened to?B:A: What was it like at that time?B: It wasA: How did people feel?B:五、【小结反省】第2页



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