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1、Lesson6. Which season do you like best? 一 教学目标分析 根据小学英语新课程标准,五年级要达到二级教学目标:二级:对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好。能用简单的英语互致问候、交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息。能根据所学内容表演小对话或歌谣。能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事。能根据图片或提示写简单的句子。在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教。乐于了解异国文化、习俗。 对照这些目标,结合本课教材,本单元的教学目标和学习目标为: (一)知识目标:1、能听、说、读、写下列单词和短语:August 、September、 October 、model pla

2、ne 、eat fruits、go roller-skating、 go climbing 。 2 、熟练掌握句型: (1)Which season do you like best? (2)Why? (3)I can fly a kite go climbing go roller-skating fly a model plane eat fruits. 3、能听懂句子: (1)How many seasons in a year? (2)Whats the weather like in spring summerautumnwinter? (二)技能目标:(1)掌握描述春夏秋冬的天气和

3、个人能力,并能在实际学习生活活中运用、交流、讨论。 (2)培养学生听说读写的能力和综合运用英语的能力。 (三)情感目标:(1)培养学生对所学的话题感兴趣,乐于参与讨论。 (2)在活动中培养学生的合作精神和自评、互评意识。 (3)培养热爱大自然的感情。 二.教学重点:四会单词和短语:August 、September、 October 、model plane 、eat fruits、go roller-skating、 go climbing的听说读写。 三.教学难点:(1)September的读音 四 教学程序 Step 1.Warming-up 1.Greetings. T:Hello,e

4、veryone. S:Hello ,Miss wang . T:Glad to see you! S:Glad to see you ,too! Welcome to English garden .Are you ready for English class?(Yes ,Im ready!)OK! (简单的英语问候,使学生自然地进入英语学习状态。) 2、Lets chant:“Seasons!” Today we have a lot of things to do.First Lets chant. (多媒体播放Chant课件,让学生听、说、做、演进行律动,活跃气氛,营造一个良好的学习英

5、语的氛围) Step 2:Review Review what seasons we had learn. T:The chant about seasons.How many seasons in a year? Ss:Four seasons. T:What are they ? Ss:Spring .summer ,autumn and winter. T:Great!Which season do you like ? S1: I like T: Why? S1:I can in spring summerautumn winter. (如果学生没有描述季节的气候特征,可以补充追问:W

6、hats the weather like in ?并且引导学生说The weather is ) Step 3:New presentation (I) 1.learn the new phrases: go climbing go roller-skating fly a model plane eat fruits T:Oh! I like,too.But I like autumn! T: Show the picture of autumn and say:look! I like autumn best!Why?Beacouse autumn is a harvst season.

7、We can eat many fruits in autumn(领读词组eat fruits)。(多媒体播放eat fruits的幻灯片,让学生听、看、读,活跃气氛)。. Ss:Reading. T:We know the weather is cool in autumn.we can fly kites or fly a model plane and go climbing(领读词组fly a model plane and go climbing) . (多媒体播放fly a model plane and go climbing的幻灯片,让学生听、看、读,活跃气氛)。 Ss:Rea

8、ding(跟读,分组读,齐读。) T:Can we go skating in autumn ?No .But we can go roller-skating .It is skating on the ground,not on the ice.Can you go roller-skating ? (领读词组go roller-skating)。(多媒体播放go roller-skating的幻灯片,让学生听、看、读,活跃气氛)。 Ss:Reading. 2.Drill (1).listen ,look and say. T:Great!We can do them in autumn

9、.Can you say them? Lets try! 【教师用单词卡片的快速出示词组,让学生抢答词组比比谁的反应快。这样,不仅大大的激发学生的表现欲望,而且轻松的巩固了新内容】。 (2). Pair work . Ask your friends :“What can you do in autumn?”(通过学习新词组以及小组活动 “What can you do in autumn?”的穿插来加深对单词的理解、运用)。 3.Introduce: August and Sebember. T:Autumn is so fun !When is autumn?(何时是秋季呢?) Is it

10、 autumn now ?(现在是秋季吗?) Ss:Yes ! T: There are three months in autumn. They are August ,Sebember and October . Teaching them! Step 4: New presentation (II) 1.Learn the sentense: Which season do you like best? Why? T:OK! August ,Sebember and October are in autumn. And the weather is cool.So I like autu

11、mn best. (“best” means favourite. Then I like autumn best!We can say :My favourite season is autumn。follow me. 和学生交流并板书best,领读单词best及句型)。 T:Now I like autumn best. Which season do you like best?( To S1、 S2、) S1:I like best . (和学生交流并板书句型,强调:If I ask which season do you like best? You may say I like b

12、est .然后领读句型) T:Now I like autumn best. Which season do you like best? S2:I like best . T:Why ? S2: I can fly kites go climbing go roller-skating fly a model plane eat fruits. T:To S1、 S2、S3. (出示四季的图片及四季相应的活动,与一位英语基础较好的同学展开以上对话,以此来引出本课难点Which season do you like best? I like best . Why? I can in sprin

13、g summerautumn winter. 2. Pair work . (用幻灯片呈现key points,加以提示。) Ask your friends :“Which season do you like best? Why?” 【让学生利用所学知识来展开对话,自由进行交谈。使学生在真实的语言环境中进行口语交际、角色表演。在学生表演的同时,老师及时做出评价。来加深对新词组及巨型的理解、运用】。 3 小组反馈及小组协作互评表 Step5、Listen and answers listen to the radio and answer the qustions 1. Which seas

14、on does Wang Nan like best? 2. Why ? 3.Which season does Li Dong like best? 4. Why ? 具体操作方法:首先出示Question 1 and 2的幻灯片,然后光盘播放课文前半部分录音(两遍),听完录音后引导学生回答相关问题并出示答案。再课件出示Question 3and 4,然后用同样的方法处理。 (光盘播放本课对话录音、培养学生良好的听的习惯。幻灯片出示阅读问题,降低难度)。 Step 6: Consolidation and extension 1、Play Games. Guess : “Which seas

15、on do I like?” T:Lets play a game! “Guess : Which season do I like?” 两人一组,一个人用尽量多的句子描述自己最喜欢的季节的特征,另一个人猜他喜欢的是哪个季节。Like this: S1:Is it autumn? T:No.it isns.Try again S1:Is it spring? T:Yes .You are ringt.Its spring.I like spring best.do you like spring ,too. S1: Yes ,I do/No, I dont . T: Which season do you like best? S1:I like the season.Its cold.I can make a snowman and go skating. Which season do I like? T: Is it winter? S1: Yes.Its winter.I like winter best. T:Great!Can you play the game? Ss:Yes. T:Ok,Play it in a group. (以游


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