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1、新概念四Lesson1 Fndnfosil a发现化石人We anra ofthings thathapee 5,00 ys o int NeaEast, whe peole fitlarned twrteut here are someats of theworl hereeen noweople canotit. Te only wy that hy capresere hihistory s t reount t as agas-lgend haded own from e eneaion o tory-telrs to anthe. Thes leeds a useul becase

2、they can e s oething abut migrtio eope wo ved lng ago, bt necold wite dow what he i Athroologsts ondere here the emote acestrs o e Polynesa ples w vngi h Pacifc Island came from. T ags thspeple epai atom em amfrom Indoneaabut 2,00 ears go.u the frtpopl hower like oureves livo lago that eventher saas

3、, f he hny, forten. So arhaeogist ave neithe hito nor egns tohlp tmto find otherthe firsmodrnmen came froForuntely, owevr, ancien men made tools ftone, especil lint, bcau this is ie hap than other kndTe my also have sed wood nd sins, ut teshve roed awa. ton does decay, an o the to of lg ago harmaine

4、 wen vn theones of t men whmad the hvdisaerdwithou trace.我们从书籍中可以读到5,0前近东发生的事情,那里的人最早学会了写字。但直到目前,世界上仍然有些地方;人们还不会书写。她们保存历史的唯一措施是将历史当作传说讲述,由讲述人一代接一代地将史实描述为传奇故事口传下来。这些传说是很有用的,由于它们能告诉我们以往人们搬家的状况。但是;没有人能把她们当时做的事情记载下来。人类学家过去不清晰如今生活在太平洋诸岛上的波利尼西亚人的祖先来自何方,本地人的传说却告诉了人们:其中有一部分是约在2,前从印度尼西亚迁来的。但是,和我们相似的原始人生活的年代太

5、长远了;因此,有关她们的传说虽然有如今也失传了。于是,考古学家们既缺少历史记载,又无口头传说来协助她们弄清最早的“现代人”是从哪里来的。然而,幸运的是,远古人用石头制作了工具,特别是用燧石,因力燧石较之其她石头更易成形。她们也也许用过木头和兽皮,但此类东西早已腐烂殆尽。石头是不会腐烂的。因此,尽管制造这些工具的人的骨头早已荡然无存;但远古时代的石头工具却保存了下来。Lon2prethat spder不要伤害蜘蛛Wy, yu mawonder, sul spiders e urriends? Becae thy stro soanynsects, and nsetsilude me of the

6、 geatet eneies ofthehuan ac.Inscts would make it iossibl for u tol in the old; hey wol der ll u rops adl urocks and e, i itwee not o the potecton we g from isectating anmals.We o a lot to irds andbats who easects but all of thm pttogethr ll onlyafracin of h umeresroyed y spders.Moeover, ulie some f

7、th the ineceates, spers neerdothlest harm tus or our elngigsSpiderarnot isects, as man eole ti, noreve neayrelaed to hemOn tell te dfferce lmot at aganc, for a side lway s ight legs d annsec nevermore ix.Ho many spidrs ae engaed nthis work or behlf?Onauthoriynspider madea ensus f he pidesiagra fild

8、i e ohofEngd,anhe etimate hat thee wre more than 2,250,00 n one acr; tht is sting like6,00,00 pderofdifferentkinson ootball pitcpide arebuy r leastalteyer in illing isets.Iis impssibl to mak ore tha the wldest uess at hw may thekill, u they hg ceatures, no cnnt witholy tree meals a day.t hs beeestim

9、aed tt tewighof all the insects dstroyed by spider inBtai one ear wul b reatr than the total weight flte humabeings n thecoutr你也许会觉得奇怪,蜘蛛怎么会是我们的朋友呢?由于它们能消灭那么多的昆虫,其中涉及某些人类的大敌。要不是人类受某些食虫动物的保护,昆虫就会使我们无法在地球上生活下去,昆虫会吞食我们的所有庄稼,杀死我们的成群的牛羊。我们要十分感谢那些吃昆虫的鸟和兽,然而把它们所杀死的昆虫所有加在一起也只相称于蜘蛛所消灭的一小部分。此外,蜘蛛不同于其她食虫动物,它们丝

10、毫不危害我们和我们的财物。许多人觉得蜘蛛是昆虫,但它们不是昆虫,甚至与昆虫毫无关系。人们几乎一眼就能看出两者的差别,由于蜘蛛都是条腿,而昆虫的腿从不超过6条。有多少蜘蛛在为我们效力呢?一位研究蜘蛛的权威对英国南部一块草坪上的蜘蛛作了一次调查。她估计每英亩草坪里有25万多只蜘蛛。这就是说,在一种足球场上约有60万只不同种类的蜘蛛。蜘蛛至少有半年忙于吃昆虫。它们一年中消灭了多少昆虫,我们简直无法猜想,它们是吃不饱的动物,不满意一日三餐。据估计,在英国蜘蛛一年里所消灭昆虫的重量超过了这个国家人口的总重量。Lso atterhorn man马特霍恩山区人Modrn alinists o clb mun

11、tais rote hich will gieth good sport, nd th moreficult i s,he o hig it is regrded.In th pioneeing ays, hwver, this wa no the caea allThe rly climeswrelooking or th easiest w to the top, becaeth smt was he izeesut, esealy if it had never ben ained beforeItstru thtduing thir eplration the ofte faced f

12、ficlesandangers of the most prilosntue, qpped in aaner whi wud mk a moern limber shudder a ththogt, butthey didn goouof tera tcurt such eciment.T had a inleai,a soitary oa-te tp!It i har o u toelenoadayso dficut i was or the pioneersEcept for oneotwo placsh as Zermatt ad Chamix, whchhad rapidly beco

13、me poa, Alpine villages tend to eipoversed tlemets cu ff frm iviizatio by e hihmounns.Such is there were genraydirtyndea-idden; t od implyoca chesecomniedy b often twelve monhs old, l washd dow wit cars winOften a alle bostd onn all, an climbr foud shel whrever the oud-smime wth h ocriet (who asally s poor as his parisioners), o


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