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1、毕业设计(论文)早晚熟龙眼开花结果特性研究学院(系) 农 学 院 专 业 园艺 班 级 042班 学 号 0431100329 学生姓名 韦代石 指导教师 潘介春 李峰 III摘要本课题以早熟1号、早熟2号、晚熟1号、石硖(为对照)龙眼为材料,研究早熟龙眼和晚熟龙眼开花结果特性。研究结果表明,早熟1号、早熟2号、晚熟1号、石硖龙眼的始花期分别为4月3日、4月6日、4月18日,4月12日,雌雄花交替开放的顺序都是雄雌雄,植株群体雌雄花开放相遇时间比单穗和单株长;早熟1号龙眼雌花在开花后1924d为落花高峰期,雄花在开花后1220d、2226d分别出现两个落花高峰;早熟2号龙眼雌花在开花后1824


3、2号龙眼的果实成熟期分别为:7月20日、7月25,比石峡早1520天。晚熟1号龙眼果实成熟期为:9月1日,比石硖晚25天。早熟1号、早熟2号、晚熟1号龙眼可溶性固形物含量分别为:20.3、19.5、19.1,平均单果重分别为:11.06g、10.93g、11.82g。 关键词:早熟 晚熟 落花 落果 果实发育 Study of flowering and fruiting characteristics of the early-maturing and late-maturing longanABSTRACTEarly-maturing 1,early-maturing 2,late-mat

4、uring 1 and Shixia(as ck) longan were used as materials to study their flowering and fruiting characteristics.The results of the study showed that the onset of the blooming of the early-maturing 1, early- maturing 2,late- maturing 1 and Shixia(as ck) longan were April 3rd、April 6th、April 18th and Ap

5、ril 12th,respectively. The flowering order for the 4 varieties was from male flower to female flower to male flower. The flower period of male flower synchronous with female flower in the population was longer than that of single panicle or a single plant.The peak time of flower dropping of early-ma

6、turing 1 longan female was1924days after blomming, and another two peaks of male flower dropping were 1220 days and 2226 days after blooming. The peak time of female flower dropping of early -maturing 2 longan was 1824 days after flowering,and another two peaks of male flower dropping was 1018 days

7、and 1824 days after flowering. The peak time of female flower dropping of Shixia longan was1722 days after flowering,and another three peaks of male flower dropping was 1115 days and 1519 days and 1923 days after flowering. The peak time of female flower dropping of late- maturing 1 longan was1622 d

8、ays after flowering,and another two peaks of male flower dropping was 1018days and 1822days after flowering. In the fruiting characteristics,the ontogenesis of Longan fruit was divided into two different stages based on the examination. The first stage is the growth of fruit and seed coats, which is

9、 about 50 days. The second stage is the growth of aril and cotyledon. Its duration is about 60 days. The results of investigation and analysis of the fruit dropping and fruit development,showed that the circumstance of the fruit development of the early-maturing 1, early -maturing 2,late-maturing 1

10、and Shixia longan had two peaks of fruit dropping which were one month and two month after flowering respectively.Fruit maturation period of early-maturing 1 and early-maturing 2, longan were July 20th, July 25th respectively, which were 1520days earlier than that of Shixia. Fruit maturation period

11、of late-maturing 1 longan was September 1st,25 days later than that of Shixia. The soluble solids content of early-maturing 1 , early -maturing 2 and late-maturing 1 were 20.3,19.5 and 19.1,respectively. Mean weight of fruit were 11.06g,10.93g and 11.82g respectively.Keywords: Early-maturing Late-ma

12、turing Flower dropping Fruits dropping Fruit development目录摘要Abstract1 前言11.1 研究目的和意义11.2 国内外研究动态22 材料和方法32.1 材料32.2 方法33 结果与分析43.1 早熟1号、早熟2号、晚熟1号以及石硖龙眼开花特性43.2 早熟1号、早熟2号、晚熟1号以及石硖龙眼落花规律123.3 早熟1号、早熟2号、晚熟1号以及石硖龙眼落果规律143.4 早熟1号、早熟2号、晚熟1号以及石硖龙眼果实发育规律173.5 早熟1号、早熟2号、晚熟1号以及石硖龙眼果实品质分析203.6 早熟1号、早熟2号、晚熟1号以及

13、石硖龙眼坐果率分析214 结论与讨论21参考文献24致谢26广西大学本科毕业论文 早晚熟龙眼开花结果特性研究1 前言1.1 研究项目及意义龙眼(Dimocarpus longan Lour.Euphorialongana Lam)为无患子科(Sapindaceae)龙眼属(Dimocarpus Lour.,Euphoria Comm.)植物。龙眼为原产于我国南方的名贵水果,为重要的亚热带果树之一1。是常绿乔木,龙眼俗名桂圆,又名龙目、比目等。龙眼花为圆锥状聚伞花序,每花序一般有10余分枝,少者数枝,多者二十余。着花数百朵至二、三千朵,多达五千余朵。龙眼花型主要有雄花和雌花这两种。此外尚有为数较


15、的规律,为制定早晚熟龙眼的生产管理提供依据。目前,广西大学农学院的两个新的早熟品种早熟1号、早熟2号,晚熟品种有晚熟1号,它们有着其他栽培品种无法媲美的优良特性。首先,早熟1号、早熟2号花期要只比石硖等品种早69天,始花期在4月初,盛花期在4月中下旬,晚熟1号花期比石硖晚7天,始花期在4月中旬,盛花期在5月初,早熟1号、早熟2号、晚熟1号花期都有利于避过从3月初到4月上旬的连续的的低温阴雨天气,这对于授粉受精相当有利。而在另一方面,早熟1号、早熟2号其果实发育却要比其他栽培品种快得多,果实于 7月中下旬成熟,比石硖提前半个月到20天采收上市。晚熟1号果实发育比石硖更慢,果实成熟于8月底到9月初,比石硖晚20天,晚熟特性很明显,而且早熟1号、早熟2号、晚熟1号果实质量并不逊于石硖,市场价格较喜人。因此,这三个品种早晚熟品种在华南地区极具推广意义。石硖是广西主要品种之一,所以关于石硖龙眼的生物学特性的报道已经很多4-7,包括其花穗间、单株间和植株群体的雌雄花开放特性,以及落花落果规律,果实生长规律的报道都以有学者进行的研究并发表论文。但关于早晚熟龙



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