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1、英语(四年级下册)Unit 6 Whose dress is this? Story timeTeaching contents 教学内容Story timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 学生能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词dress, gloves, trousers, 能听懂、会说、会读单词so, too, cousin。2. 学生能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Look at 、Try this/these.、Whose is this/are these?、Its /Theyres.,并能正确运用到实际中进行描述。3. 学生能初步掌

2、握服饰类单词中复数单词的形式和用法,以及与动词be和代词连用时的一致关系。4. 学生能初步掌握所有格s的用法。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:学生能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词dress, gloves, trousers, 能听懂、会说、会读单词so, too, cousin。教学难点:学生能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Look at 、Try this/these.、Whose is this/are these?、Its /Theyres.,并能正确运用到实际中进行描述。Teaching pr

3、ocedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting, Free talk & Revision 1. Greeting & Free talk T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today?S: Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. Today, lets come to Unit 6 Whose dress is this? (Read together.)Lets try our best to get more stars. OK. Here we go!Look! Whos she? S

4、he is Miss Cui. Whos he? He is my friend Tom.We are very happy, because we get an invitation from Su Hai and Su Yang. We will go to the partyFancy Dress Party.2. RevisionT: So we should dress up for the party. We need different clothes. Now, lets say a rhyme Nice clothes. (PPT播放三上Nice clothes视频,学生拍手

5、朗读,复习旧知。)【设计意图:本课时为第六单元第一课时,一开始先用一小段时间与学生进行问候与聊天,创设一个情境,介绍自己和朋友受邀参加化妆舞会,引出本课时话题“准备并参加化妆舞会”。同时,以聊天的方式开始本单元第一课时的学习,让学生放轻松,缓解面对新知识的紧张感。利用三年级上学期学过的一首小诗Nice clothes来复习一些服饰单词,复习旧知,引入新知。让学生在已掌握的知识中开始新知识的学习,以增强学生学习的自信。】Step 2 Presentation1. Know the clothesT: What clothes can you see in the cartoon?S: A jac

6、ket./AT-shirt/a skirt/a cap T: Look, this is my closet. Wow! So many beautiful clothes.T: This is a skirt. (指着长裙) Is this a skirt?S: No, it isnt.T: Its a dress. (点击出现单词dress)T: This is a T-shirt. Is this a T-shirt?S: No, its a shirt. T: What are these? (指着socks)S: Theyre socks. (点击出现单词学习复数类单词)T: Yes

7、. (在服饰类中有些单词通常是以复数出现的,及时巩固复数单词gloves、trousers)2. Describe the clothesT: Now boys and girls, look! Here comes my new dress for the Fancy Dress Party. Please come and help Miss Cui. Im wearing the dress. Look at the dress.S: Oh, its too small.T: Try this.S: All right.T: Look at the dress now.S: Its so

8、 beautiful.T: Thank you.(Read together: too, so.)T: Now, boys and girls, please help my son. Look at Dudus shirt.S: Oh, its too small.T: Try this.S: All right.T: Look at his trousers. They are too long. Learn “try these”. (Tips: 当coat、dress、shirt等服饰类单词以单数形式出现时,我们用Try this.;当gloves trousers等成双成对的物体出现

9、时,我们用Try these.)【设计意图:这两个环节既是对我们初创情境的一个陈述,也是对学生进行下一步故事理解的铺垫,了解服饰名词的复数形式以及如何使用too、so两个单词对服饰进行评价。】3. Story timeAT HOMET: Look at our clothes. We are ready for the party. How about Su Hai and Su Yang? Where are they now? They are at home. They are preparing for the party, too.A. Watch & tickT: Lets wat

10、ch the cartoon and tick. What clothes are they talking about?S: T: This is Su Hai. This is her dress. So we can say S: This is Su Hais dress. These are Su Yangs trousers.T: Whose dress is this?S: Its Su Hais.T: Whose trousers are these?S: They are Su Yangs.B. Say the chantSay a chant. (配合节奏,师示范一遍,生读

11、两遍,可加拍手方式)C. Read & chooseT: Read and choose. (P1-P3)Su Yangs dress is B too short. Su Hais trousers are A too long. (师出示题面,点击PPT核对答案。)D. Read & imitateLearn to say P1P3 (注意语音语调)T: Time for us to read this part, and lets try to read and imitate.AT THE PARTYT: They are ready for the party. Now, theyr

12、e at the party.A. Watch & fillT: At the party, boys and girls watch and complete.A: Whose gloves are they?B: They are Su Hais fathers.A: How about these gloves?B: They are so big.A: Whose dress is this?B: Its Helens cousins. (教授cousin 堂妹 表妹)A: How about this dress?B: Its so beautiful.T: Youre right.

13、 Good job.Lets see the result: (试着用下面的句子总结表格内容) These are s. Theyre too/so This dress is s. Its too/so.B. Read & imitateT: Now lets learn to say P4-P6. (注意语音语调)a. Read after the computer. (注意点一句,读一句)b. Lets dub. (播放动画,静音)c. Lets read in roles.【设计意图:在文本阅读的过程中,我们根据场景的不同自然划分为两块:在家准备化妆舞会和在化妆舞会现场,脉络清晰。将学

14、生引入情境,共同准备、参加舞会,通过Watch and tick和Read and choose两个环节掌握故事细节,用Read and imitate 环节进行朗读巩固前半部分的故事,后半部分稍稍调整形式,采用Read and fill形式让学生自主阅读,自主梳理故事脉络、寻找故事细节,最后,朗读巩固,通过跟读、模仿等形式,适当训练学生的语音语调、朗读水平。】Step 3 Consolidation1. Summary (1) 你想知道这条裙子是谁的,可以问:Whose dress is this? (2) 回答这条裙子是海伦的可以说:Its Helens. (3) 你想知道这条裤子是谁的,

15、可以问:Whose trousers are these? (4) 回答这条裤子是迈克的,可以说:Theyre Mikes. (5) 形容手套太大了, 可以说:The gloves are too/so big.(6) 试穿这件/这双,可以说:Try this/these.2. Lets design the clothes for the party.(四人一组,请为其他小伙伴们设计参加“化妆舞会”的服装,小组内合作完成,记得用上今天所学的句子哦!) Look at the Its/Theyre (too/so) Try this/these. Its/Theyre (too/so) Whose is/are Its/theyre s【设计意图:巩固环节中,我们首先对本课时的语言点进行简单的问答梳理。作为本课时重要的语言输出环节,教师结合并延续本课时的情



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