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1、( )1. _ you like ice cream? A. Are B. Am C. Does D. Do( )2. _ play table tennis. A. Let B. Lets C. Lets D. Its( )3. _ does your father have _ lunch? Chicken and tomatoes. A. What; for B. What; / C. How; for D. How; /( )4. Oranges are a kind of _. A. vegetables B. vegetable C. fruits D. fruit( )5. Wh

2、at _ Tom like _ for breakfast? A. does; eat B. is; eat C. does; to eat D. is; to eat( )6. Do you like ice cream for _ dessert? A. a B. the C. / D. an( )7. Does your friend like salad? - _. A. Yes, she like. B. No, she does. C. Yes, she doesnt D. No, she doesnt.( )8. I have a cat. It likes fish. It e

3、ats _ every day. A. a lot B. many C. lots of D. much( )9. Does your English teacher sing very _ ? -Yes, She does. A. good B. nice C. great D. well( )10. Lets _ baseball. -OK. Lets _. A. play; go B. plays; go C. play; to go D. play; goes( )11.People like _. A.green food B. greens foods C. food green

4、D. foods green( )12.There are many _in the yard(院子).So(因此) we often eat _.Achicken;chicken B. chickens;chicken C.chickens;chickens D. chicken; chickens( )13.Do you like _socccer after class? A. to play to B.playing C. to plays D.plays( )14.“What_do you like best?”“Apples.” A. fruit B. vegetable C. s

5、port D.color( )15.My sister Mary _bananas very much. A. like B. liking C. to like D. likes二、完形填空 (10分)Mrs Jones: Which meal do we need most, breakfast, lunch or _1_?Tony: Dinner.Mrs Jones: Dinner is the big meal of the day. But I dont _2_ we need it most.Tony: Is lunch the meal we want most?Mrs Jone

6、s: No, _3_ is the meal we need most. But why?Kate: It is a long time from night to morning. We have no _4_.Mrs Jones: Right! If we dont have breakfast, we dont feel _5_. But what makes a good breakfast?James: I think we can _6_ milk, bread, noodles or porridge. _7_ are good for breakfast.Mrs Jones:

7、Thats right. We can eat some vegetables and fruits _8_ the morning, too. They make us healthy.David: I _9_ coca cola a lot. Can I have that in the morning?Mrs Jones: Youd better not. Water is good for you.Danny: Mum says we can not eat too much things after _10_.Mrs Jones: Great, Danny. It may make

8、you sick. After sports you need water and a rest first, not lots of food.( ) 1. A. fruits B. food C. dinner( ) 2. A. like B. know C. think( ) 3. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner( ) 4. A. water B. food C. vegetables( ) 5. A. good B. great C. well( ) 6. A. take B. make C. have( ) 7. A. You B. They C. W

9、e( ) 8. A. for B. in C. on( ) 9. A. eat B. bring C. like( ) 10. A. school B. lunch C. sports三、阅读理解(20分) ATom: Good evening, Mum.Mum: Good evening, Tom.Tom: Do we eat chicken for dinner, Mum?Mum: No, we eat fish and carrots, dear.Tom: Mum, I dont like carrots. I like chicken.Mum: But we need more veg

10、etables, not only meat. Its not healthy to eat chicken every day. Tom: OK. But dad likes chicken, too.Mum: Well, lets eat chicken and broccoli tomorrow. (明天)Tom: That sounds great!( ) 1. What do they eat for dinner? A. chicken B. Carrots C. Carrots and fish( ) 2. What does Tom want to eat for dinner

11、? A. fish B. chicken C. broccoli( ) 3. What do they need to eat more? A. chicken B. meat C. vegetables( ) 4. Does Toms father like chicken? A. No, he doesnt B. Yes, he does. C. We dont know.( ) 5. What will they eat tomorrow? A. fish and carrots B. chicken and fish C. broccoli and chicken B任务型阅读根据材料

12、,请找出Jim Green为家人准备的晚餐,并填写表格。(分) Today is my birthday. I want to thank my family for their love. So I cook the dinner for them. I know my mother likes hamburgers and broccoli. But my father likes chicken and tomato soup. I have a brother. He likes hamburgers, too. But he doesnt like broccoli. He likes carrots. I have a sister, too. She likes fish and French fries. I like chicken and strawberries. I will buy these things for the birthday party.2019-2020年七年级英语上


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