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1、2014精神病学基础复习题(答案在教材中)第一章1. The information-Processing Sequence in the Brain Is , , .2. 各种高级认知功能在大脑皮质都有明确定位。对, 错。3. 从神经科学角度看,眼见为实这句话是正确的。对, 错。4. 简述脑损伤阻碍兴奋或抑制指令后的行为改变。第二章1. Activation of sensory neurons by external stimuli generates .A. resting membrane potential B. Receptor potentials C. synaptic pot

2、entials D. action potentials E. peripheral potentials2. The velocity of conduction of the nerve action potential is increased because of the . A. chloride conductance B. sodium-potassium ATPase C. axon hillock D. voltage-sensitive potassium channels E. myelin sheath3. The neuron generates an action

3、potential based on the postsynaptic potential at theA. Synapse B. Dendritic spines C. Cell body D. Axon hillock E. Node of Ranvier4. An Inhibitory Post Synaptic Potential (IPSP)A. Results from the influx of sodium ions. B. Depolarizes the cell.C. Can induce seizures. D. Hyperpolarizes the cell. E. G

4、enerates an action potential5. The cell responsible for myelin in the CNS isA. Astrocyte. B. Microglia. C. Schwann cell. D. Oligodendrocyte. E. Ependymal cell.6. Postsynaptic potentials are a type of A. receptor potential B. resting potential C. graded potential D. action potential E. digital event7

5、. The cell which modulates electrochemical activity at the synapse isA. Astrocyte. B. Microglia. C. Schwann cell. D. Oligodendrocyte. E. Ependymal cell.8. Which of the following is true?A. Mg2+ is a common second messenger. B. Most monoamine receptors are fast receptors.C. Fast receptors typically l

6、ead to gene expression.D. Autoreceptors give negative feedback to the neuron.9. 按所需能量来源,神经细胞膜上的主动转运载体可分为几类 A2类 B. 3类 C. 4类 D. 5类 E. 6类10. In general, neurons are composed of four morphologically identified regions: (1) , (2) , (3) ,(4) .11. The Five Functions of Neurons are , , , , .12. The typical

7、chemical synapse comprises a , a , and a .13. 突触囊包中存在的主要是神经肽。对, 错。14. 简述化学突触处的信号传递过程15. 有哪些可能的方式能影响神经细胞之间的信息传递?第三章1. Metabotropic receptors 又称为:A. G-protein-coupled receptors B. Enzyme-linked receptors C. Channel-linked receptors D. Intracellular receptorsE. ligand-gated ion channels2. Which of the

8、following is not a second messenger? A. Ca2+ B. PKA C. IP3 D. cAMP E. DAG3、Neurons use many different second messengers as intracellular signals. The principal second messengers are , , , and .4. Well-characterized forms of chemical communication include , , .5. 神经系统内的受体类型有 ; ; ; 。第四章1. Blockade of

9、dopamine receptors in the tuberoinfundibular tract results in the increased secretion of . A. prolactin B. substance P C. norepinephrine D. serotonin E. histamine.2. Most of the cell bodies for histamine neurons reside in theA. Medullary reticular formation. B. Raphe nuclei. C. Arcuate nucleus.D. Tu

10、beromammillary nucleus.3. Which of the following statements about the neurotransmitters is accurate? A. The nigrostriatal tract is a serotonergic tract. B. Glutamate is an inhibitory amino acid. C. Phencyclidine (PCP) acts at the level of the GABA receptors. D. Acetylcholine is synthesized from the

11、amino acid precursor tyrosine. E. Peptide neurotransmitters are made in the cell body of the neuron.4. Which neurotransmitter is degraded in the synaptic cleft? A. Acetylcholine B. Dopamine C. Serotonin D. Norepinephrine E. GABA5. In the biosynthesis of dopamine, the immediate precursor of dopamine

12、is . A. Tyrosine B. Epinephrine C. Tryptophan D. DOPA E. Norepinephrine6. The two major enzymes involved in the metabolism of norepinephrine are and catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT). A. tyrosine hydroxylase B. dopamine-hydroxylase C. monoamine oxidase type A D. aromatic amino acid decarboxylase E

13、. monoamine oxidase type B7. The noradrenergic neuron cell bodies are in the . A. dorsal raphe nuclei B. substantia nigra C. nucleus basalis of Meynert D. hypothalamus E. locus ceruleus 8. Serotonin is synthesized in the . A. dendrite B. cell body C. axon D. axonal terminal E. synaptic cleft9. Blockade which receptor can induce psychosis? A. GABAA B. Dopamine D2 C. mGluR2 D. AMPA E. NMDA10. A long-lasting depletion of norepinephrine and dopamine can be produced by administration ofA. Amphetamine B. Apomorphine C. Clonidine D. Haloperidol E. Reserpine 11. Excessive block



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