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1、百朗英语动词短语 1高考常见动词短语积累归纳总结Look1. look about/around 环顾四周,四周寻找 The little boy looked around for his mother。2. look back 回头,回顾, 与on/to连用 When a man becomes aged, he likes to look back on/to his old happy days.3. look down upon/on 轻视, 瞧不起 You cant look down on a person only by his appearance.4. look up to

2、 尊敬 I look up to my parents.5. look in on sb. / at a place 作简短而顺路的拜访 I will look in on you tomorrow. I may look in at the party on my way home.6. look into 调查,检查A working party has been set up to look into the problem/matter.7. look on 观望, 旁观 Two men were fighting while the people looked on.8. look

3、on sb./sth. as 把看作 I look on her as a promising singer.9. look out 小心, 注意 look out of 向外看10. look through (1) 浏览, 大略地看一边I looked through several magazines in the bookstore.(2) 复习I have to look through my notes for the following exam.11. look up(1) 仰视(2) 查阅 (指在相似的信息中找到自己要的东西, 如在字典, 电话号码本, 时间表中)Youd b

4、etter look up the time of the next train in the timetable.look 的其他常用短语:look up in查找look sb. up and down 上下打量look back to/ upon回顾look uponas把 看作look forward to期待look through浏览; 看穿take a new look呈现新面貌Die1. die away(尤指声音、风、光)渐渐消失The sound of the car died away in the distance。2.die down (物质特性和感情的)逐渐减弱,逐

5、渐平息 The fire / wind is dying down。 The excitement soon died down。3. die off (一群生物)相继死去As she got older and older, he relatives all died off.4.die out (家族, 种族) 灭绝, 死绝 (做法, 观念) 完全消失, 绝迹, 废除This kind of bird is dying out.5. die for sth. / to do sth. 迫切想得到某物/想做某事Im really dying for a drink on a day like

6、 this!Im dying to see him again.Let1. let alone (用于表示接着提到的事更不可能) 更不用说, 更谈不上 The baby cant even walk , let alone run.2. let sb./sth. alone 对某人/某事放任不管/置之不理 let sb./sth. be 不打搅/不干涉某人/某事3. let down (1) make (clothes) longer 把(衣服)加长,放大Im going to let down this old dress for my daughter.(2)使某人失望, 失约于某人Im

7、counting on you to support me; dont let me down.4. let in (1) 把某人/某物放入, 允许进入 She opened the door and let me in. (2) allow, admit 容许, 许可This new evidence lets in the possibility of doubt.5. let sb./sth. off(1) 宽恕,从轻处理;免除(责任,处分等)If you promise not to do it again, Ill let you off.(2) 放(枪, 炮等), 使爆炸Dont

8、let those fireworks off indoors.6. let out(1) 放出, 释放Someone has let the air out of this tyre.(2) 泄露, 使知道He accidentally let out that he hadnt been home for three weeks.7. let sb. go 放某人走, 让某人逃走Set1. set about(1) begin to do or deal with; startWe set about cleaning up the mess.(2) deal with; doHe set

9、 about this job in completely the wrong way.2. set aside = save for a special purposeShe set aside a little money each week.3. set back 阻碍的进展,使受挫,延缓The bad weather will set back our building plans by three weeks.4. set down(1) (汽车或司机) 停下让(乘客)下车The bus sets the children down just outside the school g

10、ate.(2) 规定, 制定Its clearly set down that you are not allowed to vote twice.5. set off(1) 出发, 动身They set off in search of the lost child.(2) 使爆炸They set off the fireworks as soon as it got dark.6. set out(1) 陈列, 摆出, 安排The meal was set out on a long table.(2) 出发,动身(3) (目的明确地)开始(一个通常是长期的或困难的行动过程)set out

11、 to do sth.(4) (尤指以书面) 表明, 陈述,阐述(事实,理由等)The reasons for my decision are set out in my report.7. set up(1) 竖起, 设置set up a committee(2) 建立,设立,创立(组织,企业); 制定(计划等)(3) 造成,产生,引起The high winds set up dangerous driving conditions.Call1. call at a place2. call back 给回电话3. call by 顺路拜访, 路过顺便到 Ill call by at th

12、e shop on my way home.4. call for(1) demand 把召来, 要求 call for the waiter/the bill(2)need or deserveThis sort of work calls for a lot of patience. (3) go and get sb. from their house, office, etc.; collect 去接某人Ill call for you at 9 oclock.5. call in(1) ask to come to help 请来(帮助) call the doctor in(2)收

13、回, 要求归还The makers have called in some cars with dangerous faults.6. call off(1)取消, 撤消(计划的活动)The football match was called off because of the snow.(2)下令停止7. call on/upon(1)对某人做短时间访问 call on sb.(2)要求某人做某事 I now call on the best man to make a speech. 我现在邀请男傧相讲几句话.8. call out (尤指一伙人)出动, 召集 The governmen

14、t had to call out the army to restore order.9. call up(1)给打电话(2)使想起往事The picture of the park called up memories of our class trip last year.Do1. do away with = abolish, cause to end 废除, 取消, 消除 The law did away with slavery.2.do good/harm to sb3.do sb. a favour 4.do sb. justice / injustice 公道/不公道地对待, 说公道/不公道的话5.do ones best / utmost 尽最大努力, 尽量6.do up(1) 收拾, 整理, 修理, 装饰, 洗熨The house needs to be done up./doing up.(2) 打扮得漂漂亮亮 Mary has done herself up for the party.7. do well in sth 在某方面做得好, 表现得好8.do with(1)(和 what连用)(怎样) 处理, 安排, 办(2


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