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1、高三英语练习1阅读理解AFrench tourist outsmarts Dutch thief AMSTERDAMA quick-thinking French tourist outsmarted a Dutch thief after the thief tried to seize his bag, Amsterdam police said Wednesday. After winning a brief tug-of-war over the sports bag, the 27-year-old tourist ran into a nearby police station w

2、ith the thief in hot pursuit. The thief “realized too late he had run straight into the long arm of the law,” police spokeswoman Wilma Verheij said of the incident, which took place Tuesday. After it dawned on the thief, a 28-year-old man whose identity was not released, that he was in the middle of

3、 a police station, he tried to run away again. But he was quickly caught by officers and arrested, Verheij said. Liz Taylor remains hospitalized LOS ANGELESHeart trouble is keeping Elizabeth Taylor hospitalized in Los Angeles for some time, but her publicist says the 78-year-old actress is OK and ha

4、s been visiting with family and friends. Taylor spokeswoman Sally Morrison said in a statement Tuesday that the two-time Oscar winner is comfortable at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and “there has been steady improvement in her condition” since she was admitted last week. Taylor is being treated for s

5、ymptoms of heart failure, a condition she revealed in November 2004. “Her medical team is satisfied by her progress to date, and it is hoped and expected that this will continue over the next few days. For now, she will remain under their care in the hospital for continued monitoring,” Morrison said

6、. “Friends and fans around the world should be convinced that Elizabeth Taylor is in good hands and receiving the best possible care from her skilled and devoted doctors and nurses.” Morrison described Taylors condition as stable but offered no other details. Japan halts (暂停) whale hunt after chase

7、by protesters TOKYOJapan has halted its annual Antarctic whale hunt following protests from a campaign group. Activists from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a US-based environmental group, have been chasing the Japanese fishing ship. Commercial whaling was banned in 1986 but Japan uses a regu

8、lation permitting hunting for scientific research. Iceland and Norway have claimed official objections to the ban and continue to hunt commercially. “Putting safety as a priority, the ship has halted scientific whaling for now. We are currently considering what to do,” Tatsuya Nakaoku, an official a

9、t the fisheries agency, told Reuters news agency. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society says one of its boats has been blocking the ship loading ramp (斜梯), preventing any hunted whales from being loaded on to the ship. “Every whale saved is a victory to us, so weve gotten a lot of victories down her

10、e this year,” Sea Shepherd captain Paul Watson told Reuters news agency by satellite phone from the Steve Irwin ship. 1. The underlined part “the long arm of the law” refers to _ in Amsterdam. A. a travel agency B. a policeman C. a police station D. a police spokeswoman 2. What can we know about Eli

11、zabeth Taylor from the news? A. She has been suffering from heart illness for some years. B. She will go back home in a day or two. C. She is feeling quite well in hospital. D. She will receive her Oscar Award in the hospital. 3. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Japanese fishing ships go to th

12、e Antarctic for wha1e hunt every year. B. Iceland and Norway will not stop hunting whales. C. Commercial whale hunt has been banned for about twenty-eight years. D. Japan will not hunt whales any more.BThe malls were filled with people seeking gifts for their loved ones. Some of the malls remained o

13、pen around the clock, partly to satisfy our needs to buy gifts. Behind the materialistic aspect of shopping for gifts lies the idea of caring, being attentive to the desires of special people in our lives. However, to use a well-worn play on words: it is our presence, not our presents, that truly co

14、unts. Many of us, unfortunately, can be so inattentive, even in the presence of our loved ones, that we might as well not be there at all. Attention is one of the greatest gifts we can give each other. Companies around the globe spend billions every year on advertising to catch our attention for jus

15、t a short moment at a time. Whole industries media, entertainment, education rely on the precious gift of our attention for their continued existence. A baby lacking attention for a long time is likely to be psychologically unhealthy. In earlier times, both diet and attention could be left unregulat

16、ed (没人管的) without major cause for concern. There were natural checks and balances: limited availability of food meant few got fat, for example. Similarly, in bygone times we might have spent a few hours communicating with the village storyteller; today, watching an entire TV series, while speaking to nobody, is common. In traditional societies, with smaller population, everyo


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