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1、名词复数变化1. 一般情况下加s mapmaps2. s, sh, ch, x等结尾的词加-esbusbuses 【stomach(胃)-stomachs;epoch(新时期)-epochs】3. 以y结尾的名词,变复数时 a. 以辅音字母+y, 变y为i 加es babybabies b. 专有名词或元音字母+y, 直接加stwoMarys, monkeys 【Dry禁酒论者-drys , standby 后备人员-standbys】 4. 以o结尾的名词,变复数时a.加s, photophotos b.加es,Negro, hero, potato, tomato, volcano, to

2、rnado, torpedo, veto, mosquito,5. 以f或fe结尾的名词变复数时a. 去f或fe加ves,halfhalves b.加s,gulf/cliff/roof/grief chief/belief/proof/safe +S 6. 名词复数的不规则变化a. manmen womanwomen childchildren footfeet toothteethgoosegeese mousemice louse - lice ox - oxenb. anEnglishmantwoEnglishmen.【但German-Germans,human-humans】*c. 外

3、来名词:criterioncriteria(标准);phenomenonphenomena(现象);analysisanalyses(分析);basisbases(基础);crisiscrises(危机);thesistheses(论文);bacteriumbacteria(细菌);Medium media(媒介物); 7. 单复同形名词deer, sheep, fish, shark, giraffe, buffalo, Chinese, Japanese, Swiss, Swedish, Danish, means, series, species,aircraft, staff, li,

4、 jin, yuan, twoli, threemu, fourjin除了中国度量衡和货币之外,美元,英镑,法郎等都有复数形式。theEnglish, theChinese,表示国民总称时,谓语用复数。【-ese, -ish结尾的国家人单复同形。】2 pieces of fish 2 fish2 fishes2 pieces of glass2 glasses2 pairs of glassespenny(便士)pence (价值)Pennies(个数)8. 集体名词A单数类集体名词:意思为复数,但谓语用单数humanity 人类clothing 衣服glassware 玻璃器具machine

5、ry 机械mankind 人类equipment 设备jewelry 珠宝poetry 诗baggage 行李furniture 家具luggage 行李pottery 陶器B复数类集体名词:以单数形式出现,但实为复数,谓语用复数。 faculty, poultry, folk, people, police等本身就是复数,谓语动词复数。不能说apeople和apolice,但可以说aperson和apoliceman 【a peopletwo peoples】C单复同形类集体名词谓语单复数由意思决定army; audience; bacteria; cast; class, committe

6、e; community; company; council; crew; data; enemy; family; flock; gang; government; group; herd; jury; media; navy; opposition; police; press; public; staff ; team; youth 单数:My family is big family. 复数:His family are all music lovers.9. 以s结尾,仍为单数的名词 a.maths,politics,physics学科名词,为不可数名词,是单数。 b.news是不可

7、数名词。 c.theUnitedStates,theUnitedNations应视为单数。 d. 某些疾病mumps 腮腺炎 measles 麻疹e. 活动名称billiards /cards /darts10. -表示由两部分构成的东西 -以ing结尾的词 -其他复数如:glasses, trousers, clothes, slippers 若表达具体数目,要借助数量词pair; suit,apairofglasses;twopairsoftrousers。谓语单复数取决于数量词pair单复数。belongings; surroundings; doings; earnings; find

8、ings; savings;contents; arms; fireworks; wages; forces; remains; valuables; stairs; sweets11. 复合名词的复数a. 由man和woman构成的合成词,其复数形式前后都变复数Woman teacherwomen teachers b. 中间无连字号也没间隔的复合名词变复数,将最后一个名词变复数 housewifehousewives; greenhousegreenhousec. 中间有连字符号或间隔的复合名词,将主要的词变成复数passer-bypassers-by; mother-in-lawmoth

9、ers-in-lawd. 复合名词中的单词没有名词时,则在最后一个单词的词尾+s go-betweengo-betweens, has-beenhas-beens (过时的人或物)12. 用复数的固定词组thanks to; give regards to; take pains; with best wishes; have words with; in high spirits; in all directions; shake hands with sb; make preparations for; make friends with; congratulations (to sb)

10、on (doing) sth常见的不可数名词有:-物质/材料:air; beancurd; beef; blood; bread; butter; chalk; chicken; chocolate; cloth; coal; coffee; corn; cream; daylight; cotton; dirt; dust; energy; cheese; fibre; fog; food; fruit; flesh; four; glass; gold; grain; grass; hair; honey; iron; kerosene; lightning; meat; milk; mo

11、ney; moustache; mud; music; mutton; hay; oxygen; paper; pork; porridge; powder; rain; ice; rubbish; salt; sauce; silver; steam; steel; storage; sugar; sunrise; sweat; thirst; thunder; water; wheat; wind; wood; wool; soap; vinegar; wine; soup; baggage; clothing; furniture; luggage; jewelry; equipment

12、; electricity; homework;-抽象:time; noise; information; knowledge; progress; trouble; fun; courage; luck;patience;poverty; wealth;traffic;waste;quality; advice; attention; business; citizenship; danger; darkness; death; depth; damage; comfort; education; disappointment;experience(经验); freedom; future,

13、 goodness, graduation; grammar; happiness; health; hunger; imagination; importance; justice; kindness; luck; measure; labour; humor; permission; pressure; practice; pleasure; population; sickness; smoking; sorrow; starvation; treatment; truth; use; willingness; wisdom; weather; work; housework; poll

14、ution; *【牢记以下纯不可数名词永远不能与不定冠词连用:weather, fun, space(太空), advice, word=news, progress, information, news】不可数名词也可以直接加-s等表示复数,但它的意义也有所变化,用来指一些具体的事物。-Cake is a kind of food. 蛋糕是一种食物。 (不可数) -These cakes are sweet. 这些蛋糕很好吃。 (可数)-This factory produces steel. 这个工厂生产钢铁。(不可数) -We need various steels. 我们需要各种钢材。

15、(可数)-Our country is famous for tea. 我国因茶叶而闻名。(不可数) -Two teas, please. 请来两杯茶。(可数)water(水) - waters(水域),sea(海) - seas(海域)sand(沙子) - sands(沙漠) wood(木头) - woods(树林)damage(毁坏) - damages(赔偿金)good(好处) - goods(货物)time(时间) - times(时代)custom(风俗) - customs(海关)minute(分钟) - minutes(记录)manner(态度) - manners(礼貌) exercise(锻炼) - exercises(体操、练习)paper(纸) - papers(文件)character(性格)- characters(汉字、



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