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1、初涉职场,慎防十大“地雷区”如下:T ealy wor,he folowing en minil bwae:误区一:好高骛远minderstandin:the abtou初涉职场最常用的问题是择业的盲目性。某些大学生特别是名牌大学的毕业生,只单向考虑自己的就业抱负,对自身缺少对的定位,抱着好高骛远的就业心态进入职场。其实在市场经济的大环境下,人才作为一种特殊的商品,一方面是要从自身来适应社会,以自身条件为前提,合理地选择相应的对方。Theely work th os comm prom of indessincoosing he. Some sudentsspay amous unvesit

2、gradues, one-wayol consdr e own mplymt ie, for ,wt amitiousmplment attue inothe workpace. Inft, ina aret econmy nironmnt, tal a a spa comdity, e irt s to dpt to heoiet rote,wh it w cos, reasnaby cooee orrpongto eacer.误区二:惟利是图surstandin two: be bentolely n oit某些初涉职场者自恃各方面的条件都不错,在薪酬问题上却很难有合理的定位,做出了有失偏

3、颇之举,如在工资、福利、住房等方面规定过高等等。作为初涉职场者,应更多地看到自身的弱势,理性地看待薪酬原则,不能惟利是图,没必要由于薪酬问题与适合自己的职位失之交臂。Somohe erlywkon oe condons o,thecopensaion i vrydifft t hvarasoale sitio,make bamve, uc a wags, wlae,osig, should seemor of hirwk, rational alarystadard, a ebntolly o prf, nt neailbese of compesati and suital forh poi

4、ion utmissth erso r oppt误区三:盲目攀比Misndetannthree: bindl某些大学生在选择就业岗位时,不是实事求是地根据自身实际状况来选择,而是都喜欢往热门行业、热点岗位上挤,有的甚至互相盲目攀比。其实对于初涉职场者来说,重要的是能调节好心态,从一种最佳起点步入职场,不要一味地眼睛向上,甚至互相攀比地去选择自己能力所不及的职位。Some sudsihe coico job,to sektruth frm facacdig to their own atual ituatin ohoos, u kes o popar idutry hoextrsion,post

5、, andsome en ,for enr leves, t i mpota dust the omenaiy, ro one of tebststating point itothe rkplac, o o bliny y pward, deven cmpee wit ah otheto choseronabiit as oto.误区四:心理失衡Misundrsadin ur: psychgialmbane对于大多数初涉职场者来说,无论是在求职过程中,还是在步入职业岗位后,都会或多或少地遭遇某些挫折。遇到这种状况,一定要保持良好心态,切不可产生不平衡的心理,更不能一味地怨天尤人,满腹牢骚,甚

6、至做出对人对己对事都不利的行为。Fo mot try level workers, th ejo search proess, r into t occupaion post, wil e oe orlss encounte o sebacks. ncoutr ts id o tato,usmaintaiagood attitude,must nhae theycoogcal imblae, but can ot blme every d eveything b onese, blindy to ll complaits, eveake peolehae ben eriental t te b

7、avor.误区五:目光短视Miderstnngive: hort-sge只看现状,而对单位发展和个人发展的前景等至关重要因素甚少考虑,这也许会使你得到某些眼前的利益和满足,但从长远发展看并非明智的选择。ustlo atth pesent iaton, an h evepmn tht and persn velopnt proesd the crtca actors lttlcoseaio, imy ae ou g simmeia intrests and met,bu is not a wis hicfrm h long-term vlpment误区六:骑马找马Misundertanisix:

8、 hore in由于找工作难再加之平常生活的种种压力,会令某些人产生骑马找马的想法,即先随便找一家公司干着混口饭吃,等熟悉环境后再在短时间内跳槽。抱着这种心态的人不仅无法安心于本职工作,一旦离开还会对单位导致损失。Bau is difft to fd jobwith h dail lie of ll tepesure, wil ake om people hee iea ha st markigtim, t fda cmpanyo o meal, ec. fiir withth nvironment and thnin speiod tim hppin. Wth tis mtality of

9、people not olyfe t ins k, once eftbt aoon teuntlss.误区七:锋芒毕露Miundrtnding even:faito show restrain某些初涉职场的人才,往往会急于显露一下自己的才干和实力,因而体现得锋芒毕露、急于求成,这事实上也是很不可取的。这样做的后果是,不仅会给人一种自高自大的印象,更重要的是会使你过早地成为人们的竞争对手,倘若你没有厚积薄发的底牌,一旦成为强弩之末,那只有被人嗤之以鼻,逐出场外。orl ok alent,r ftnagr to how tei talent ad srngth, sodd ilto horestr

10、ai, xiousforsuess, his aualy very udeirabl.As a onsequen, not only cn ve aerso have ahigh onion of oneelf ipson, oe mptnt is can akeypreatre bcoerivas, io don accmulat teadly cd, nce ecoma spt frc, th ny pl sniff t, snt f.误区八:环境障碍Misnderstanding ight: eninmntl barriers某些人事先对新环境、新岗位估计局限性,盼望值定得过高、不切实际

11、有关。当她们按照这个过高的目的接触现实环境时,往往会产生一种失落感,感到到处不如意、不顺心。特别是某些初出校门的大学生,诸多想法都是抱负化的,与现实有不少差距。因此,初涉职场者在踏上工作岗位后,要可以根据现实的环境调节自己的盼望值,尽量把盼望值定得低某些、现实某些。Sm rit the newvironme, new postion stimion, xpcatio toohih, unraltcabu hen thontct erlistcnironent ccorng eolo hh, often v a ensf loss, vuappy, ot lking.Epecalysoeraat

12、es, many of heda are ieal,the r any gasan ralityTefr, trtthe pot nteelorkers, shod beaccinoheea environmnt to adjus tiexpecation, r to ep yupcations low, alti误区九:贪逸享有isundertaning n:geedy leiuryenoy某些大学生觉得:通过十几年的寒窗苦读终于学业有成,接下来的就该是享有的时候了。这样的心理定位是非常错误的。大学生初涉职场,在明确自己的职业发展目的和方向的前提下,最重要的是对自己有效的工作经验的积累,学会从一种“学校人”变成“职业人”,逐渐提炼自己的职业含金量和竞争优势,只有这样,才是保证职场顺利发展的有效手段。Smtuntthn: ater moe thaen yeasstuyng ad finlly tudes, that t ieo



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