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1、(word完整版)翻译:风筝 (鲁迅)对比翻译:风筝 (鲁迅)对比(a) Kite (translation: alexcwlin/edit: adam.L)(b) TheKite (杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)(c) Kite (刘士聪译)北京的冬季,地上还有积雪,灰黑色的秃树枝丫叉于晴朗的天空中,而远处有一二风筝浮动,在我是一种惊异和悲哀.(a)It is wintertime in Beijing。 The ground is covered with thick snow。 Leafless tree-branches in greyish-black color reach into the

2、 clear sunny sky。 A couple of kites floating high in the air at distance saddle me with a feeling of bewilderment and melancholy。(b)APekingwinterdismaysanddepressesme:thethicksnowonthegroundandthebaretrees ashenbranchesthrustinguptowardstheclearbluesky,whileinthedistanceoneortwoskiesarefloating.(c)W

3、hen,in late winter in Beijing,there was still snow on the ground and, up in the air,an entanglement of dark-gray bare branches against a sunny sky,a couple of kites were already fluttering up and down in the distance a sight that filled me with amazement and forlornness。*故乡的风筝时节,是春二月,倘听到沙沙的风轮声,仰头便能看

4、见一个淡墨色的蟹风筝或嫩蓝色的蜈蚣风筝。(a)The kiteflying season of my hometown is around February in springtime。 If you happen to hear rustling sound of wind-wheels, look up and you would see a grayish-black crab-shaped kite or a lightblue centipede-shaped kite。(b)Athome,thetimeforkitesisearlyspring。Whenyouhearthewhir

5、rofawindwheel,you raiseyourheadtoseeagreycrabkiteorasoftbluecentipede-kite.(c)In my hometown,kites were flown in early spring. When you heard the whirring of windwheels and looked up,you saw a darkish crabkite or one resembling a centipede of limpid blue。还有寂寞的瓦片风筝,没有风轮,又放得很低,伶仃地显出憔悴可怜的模样。(a)There is

6、 also the solitary tile-shaped kite which doesnt have wind-wheels。 Helplessly it flies at low altitude with a worn-out and piteous look。 (b)Ortheremaybeasolitarytile-kite,withoutwind wheelandflowntoolow, lookingpathetically lonelyandforlorn.(c)There were one or two others in the shape of old-fashion

7、ed tiles, without wheels. They flew at a lower level,looking lonely and shriveled,arousing asenseof compassion.但此时地上的杨柳已经发芽,早的山桃也多吐蕾,和孩子们的天上的点缀相照应,打成一片春日的温和。(a)At this time, the foliating willows and budding wild-peaches on the ground complement those childrens high-flying adornments to fill a warm

8、springs day。(b)Bythistime, though,thewillowsonthegroundareputtingoutshoots,andtheearly mountain peaches have budded. Set off by the childrens fancy work in the sky, together they make up the warmth of spring。(c)Around thistime of the year,poplars and willows began to sprout,and new buds appeared on

9、the early mountain peaches,forming a picture complete with the sky decorated by the kids with their kites,a picture that gave you the feel of the warmth of spring.我现在在哪里呢?四面都还是严冬的肃杀,而久经诀别的故乡的久经逝去的春天,却就在这天空中荡漾了。(a)And where am I now? I am surrounded by bitter cold in all directions, but then a remind

10、er of the longgone springtime of my hometown is now going up and down in the sky。(b)WhereamInow?Allroundmedreadwinterreigns,whilethelong-departedspringofmylongforgottenhomeisfloatinginthisnorthernsky.(c)But,where was I now?Standing in the midst of the severe and desolate winter,I felt the spring of

11、my hometown rippling in the air,the spring that had beenlonggone。*但我是向来不爱放风筝的,不但不爱,并且嫌恶它,因为我以为这是没出息孩子所做的玩艺.(a)Kite-flying is never my cup of tea. Not only that I dislike it, I hate it with a passion because I always think that is something an unmotivated kid would do。(b)YetIneverlikedflyingkites.Far

12、fromlikingkites,infact,Idetestedthemasplaythingsofgood-for-nothingchildren.(c)I had never enjoyed flying kites and,further,I detested it,thinking that it was the play of kids of little promise.和我相反的是我的小兄弟,他那时大概十岁内外罢,多病,瘦得不堪,然而最喜欢风筝。(a)My little brother is the opposite。 At that certain time he was ar

13、ound ten years old, sick all the time and skinny as a twig. He loved flying kites。(b)Myyoungbrotherwasjustthereverse.Hemustthenhavebeenaboutten, oftenfellillandwasfearfullythin,buthisgreatestdelightwaskites。(c)My younger brother,however,about ten years of age then,weak and thin,frequently troubled w

14、ith sickness,was crazy about kites。自己买不起,我又不许放,他只得张着小嘴,呆看着空中出神,有时竟至于小半日.(a)He couldnt afford to buy a kite, and I wouldnt allow him to fly one. All he could do was to gaze at the sky in fascination with his mouth open, and sometimes for duration of almost half-aday.(b)Unabletobuyoneandforbiddenbymet

15、oflyone,hewouldstandforhoursatatime,hissmalllipsparte inlonging, gazingraptlyatthesky.(c)Unable to afford it and deprived of the access to it by thiselder brother of his,he would stand there,his tiny mouth open in a gape,watching upward, sometimes for hours running。远处的蟹风筝突然落下来了,他惊呼;两个瓦片风筝的缠绕解开了,他高兴得跳跃。他的这些,在我看来都是笑柄,可鄙的。(a)When a crab-shaped kite from afar fell off the sk



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