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1、闽教版小学英语第一册Unit 8 The New Year Part A执教者 王玲玲 知识目标: 1.巩固复习26个字母。2.能听懂并正确认读单词:sing, dance, have a party, idea。 3.能听懂会说: The New Year is coming. Lets sing and dance.技能目标: 1.学会认读本课的单词和词组sing, dance, have a party, idea,并能看图识词。 2.学会使用Lets.句型来邀请他人一起做事情。 3.学会用“Good idea!”来表示赞同别人的建议。情感目标: 学会与他人商量要做的事情,培养良好的沟通

2、习惯。教学重点: 引导学生听懂并学会使用Lets. 句型来邀请他人一起做事情。教学难点: 单词idea的正确发音以及句子The New Year is coming. Lets have a party. 正确的分意群的朗读。 教学用具:单词卡片,教学VCD, 多媒体课件等。教学步骤:Step 1 Warming up & revision1.Greetings. Good morning, boys and girls. Now lets enjoy a song.2.Sing a song I can say my ABC.3.“捕鱼达人”环节来巩固复习26个字母。Step 2 Prese

3、ntation & Leading-in 1. 课件出示一些欢庆新年的图片,教师问:What festival is this? T: Right, New Year means “新年”!1)、相机教学新词:new和year,2)、巩固操练方式多样化:折叠词卡教学-自然拼读-升降调读-挖空拼写3)、T:As we know, the New Year is a wonderful festival. So the first letter “N” & “Y” must be big.2.出示日历,并提问:When is New Year? T:Yeah, January 1st is the

4、 New Year. 引导学生认真观察日历并说出时间“1月1日”(便于和“春节”的区别)3.互相送祝福T:So the New Year is coming. Lets say “Happy New Year”!Can you say Happy New Year to Miss Wang?师生互动、生生互动,齐送新年祝福!4.T: So today we will learn “Unit 8 The New Year Part A”. (1) 板书并揭示课题。 (2) 齐读课题。Step 3 Presentation & Practice1. 课件出示图片,老师相机向学生打招呼,从中引出词组

5、“Good idea!”的教学。渗透德育情感的教学:与人热情打招呼是个好主意!让我们一起做个文明“小标兵”吧!2. T: Why do they look happy?从中引出The New Year is coming.的进一步巩固操练和应用。3. Lets chant together.4. T: Wonderful, the New Year is coming. Lets sing together. Enjoy the songHappy Ne Year.5.1)课件出示倒计时字样,引出“新年晚会”的学习。2) 板书lets(让我们)和新句型Lets have a party. 引导

6、学生跟读句子。3)Lets chant.party, party, have a partyLets , lets. Lets have a party.6. 1)节目一:Lets sing. 单词卡片操练新词sing。2)节目二:Lets dance.升降调和touch the card方式来巩固操练新词dance。3)通过chant形式来巩固操练所学新词与句型。7. 1)Play the VCD, watch and listen carefully.让学生初步感知课文内容,加深印象。 2)出示各位主人公的图片,请学生来自行回忆说出他们的建议 “Lets .”3)Listen, imita

7、te and repeat.4) Role play.Step 4 Extension and Consolidation1. 综合活动:我会邀请。2. SummaryStep 5 Homework必做题:1. Copy the new words 3 times. (背记、抄写单词3遍) sing, dance, party, idea, New Year2. Exercise Book: Unit 8 Part A.3. Listen, imitate and recite the text.选做题:4. Try to make a New Year card.5. Sing the song “Happy New Year”!Step 6 Blackboard Design:Unit 8 The New Year Part Ahave a party.Lets sing. dance. Good idea.


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