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1、航海英语习题归纳2011年6月(航海十班。陈阳青)1.16_is not contained in the NM Weekly.A. Amendments to Admiralty Sailing DirectionsB. Amendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog SignalsC. Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio SignalsD. Supplement to Guide to Port Entry2.31_amplify charted detail and contain informatio

2、n needed for safe navigationAAdmiralty Sailing Directions BAdmiralty List of LightsCAdmiralty List of Signals DAdmiralty Notices to Mariners3.31_amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigationAAdmiralty Sailing Directions BAdmiralty List of LightsCAdmiralty List of Signals

3、DAdmiralty Notices to Mariners4.32_are published for the correction of Admiralty ChartsAAdmiralty Sailing Directions BAdmiralty List of SignalsCMariners Handbook DAdmiralty Notices to Mariners5.33_cargoes chargeable at the same rate,part of one ton shall be taken as one tonA At BFor COn DAbout6.34_c

4、hart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 003 minutes NorthwardA To consideer BTo check CTo examine DTo agree with7.37_get your engine ready before six tomorrow morningAYoud better BYou would better CYou at least DYou at most8.44_is the process by which the position of the vessel at

5、 any moment is found by applying the last well determined position to the run that has been made since,using for this purpose the ships course and the distance being those indicated by logADead reckoning BDead weightCDead slow ahead DDead slow astern9.46_is used for heaving up and slacking away the

6、anchor and chainAA mooring winch BA windlassCA deck crane DA lifeboat engine10.47_means the curve on the earths surface which cuts all the meridians at the same angleAGreat Circle BPosition Line CRhumb line DTrue Bearing11.1365 Sailing directions are kept up to date by _.A. publicatons B. notices to

7、 mariners C. supplements D. Annual Summary of Adiralty Notices to MarinersKEY: C英版航路指南通过补编(修正)保持最新。The actual draft when the vessel arrives in salt water after departing a portDThe testing of the linethrowing appliance once every 3 months12.51_port anchor,one shackle in waterA .Throw BHeave in CCut

8、off DLet go13.52_published in England amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safenavigationAAdmiralty Sailing Directions BAdmiralty List of LightsCAdmiralty List of Signals DAdmiralty Notices to Mariners14.53_refers to the angle between true north and the heading line of the vesse

9、lATrue position BTrue meridian CTrue course DTrue bearing15.56_water is the water to keep the ships stabilityA Bilge BBallast CSlop DSanitary16.57_will reduce the visibilityA dust Bsea water Cland sand DWind17.130 A design modification of an anchor chain which prevents kinking is the _.A. detachable

10、 link B. stud link C. Kenter link D. connecting link18.203 A lookout can leave his station _.A. at the end of the watch B. at any timeC. ONLY when properly relieved D. 15 minutes before the end of the watch19.1390Stop_the derrick at once,the gooseneck is bentA. to use Bto operate Cmaneuvering DUsing

11、 KEY: D立即停止使用吊杆,鹅颈头弯曲。20.1417 The air cylinder bottles in the survival craft should be refilled with _.A. oxygen B. nitrogen C. compressed air D. nitrogen and oxygen KEY: C救生筏上的空气瓶应该充满压缩空气。21.1430 The approval period for a shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan expires after _.A two years B. three y

12、ears C. four years D. five years KEY: D船舶油污应急计划的许可有效期在5年后期满。22.1443 The best method to stop a vessel from dragging anchor in a sand bottom is to _A. reduce the length of the cable B. pay out more anchor cable C. back the enginesD. swing the rudder several times to work the anchor into the bottomKEY:

13、 B停止一船舶在沙底地质中走锚的最好的方法是松出更多的锚链。23.1459 The charts sold are of _A. newly edition with up to date correction and in reasonable prices.B. the current edition and incorporate the last Notices to Mariners correctionC. the current edition and incorporate the latest Notices to Mariners correction at the time of saleD. brand-new one with up to date correction and clean writingKEY: C出售的海图是最新版本的并且合并购买时最新的航海通告改正。24.1494 The entries in the Official Logbook must be signed by the Master and _.


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