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1、行政管理专业英语课程教学大纲、课程基本信息英文名称English of AdministrativeManagement课程代码GEAD5017课程性质专业选修授课对象行政管理专业学分2学时36指定教材无,任课教师自选经典文献和专业学术文章二、课程目标(-)总体目标:使行政管理专业的学生将行政管理学和英语结合起来,能够阅读相关经典文献和专业学 术论文,翻译专业文献中的复杂语句,学习并记忆一些专业术语,并能用英文与同学讨论某 些学术问题,写作篇幅不长的英文论文。在此基础上提高学生在行政管理领域的英语交际能 力,其中包括良好的阅读和翻译英语专业文献的能力、撰写学术性英语文章的能力和流利的 英语口头

2、表达能力,从而为以后的学习和工作打下坚实的英语基础。(-)课程目标:课程目标1:能够阅读经典文献和专业学术论文,并能用英文讨论一些学术问题。课程目标2:了解一些专业术语,翻译专业文献中的复杂语句。课程目标3:写作篇幅不长的英文论文。(三)课程目标与毕业要求、课程内容的对应关系表1:课程目标与课程内容、毕业要求的对应关系表课程目标对应课程内容对应毕业要求课程目标1第一至九章毕业要求5、6课程标2第一至九章毕业要求5、6Governance, Citizens, and the Next Generation of Public Administration五、教学进度表3:教学进度表周次章节名称

3、内容提要授课 时数作业及要求备注1-3The Role ofGovernment(1) Introduction(2) Market Failure as the Basis for Public Pol icy(3) Public Goods(4) Externalities(5) Natural Monopoly(6) Imperfect Information(7) Basic Functions of Government6讨论问题:(1) Why do we need government intervention?(2) What s the difference between

4、public goods and private goods?(3) What is the relationship between public sector and private sector?(4) What are the basic functions of government?4-5TheStructure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances Between theDifferent Departments(1) How to maintain the partition of power

5、s among the several depcirtments?(2) How to prevent the several powers gradually concentrating in the same department?(3) How to remedy the legislative authority* s predomination?4讨论问题:(1) How to maintain the partition of powers among the several departments?(2) How to prevent the several powers gra

6、dually concentrating in the same department?(3) How to remedy(4) Two considerations applicable to the federal system of Americathe legislative authority* s predomination?(4) How to guard the society against the oppression of its rulers?(5) How to guard one part of the society against the injustice o

7、f the other part?6The Law of Multiplicat ion of Subordinate s and Work(1) The relationship between the number of the officials and the quantity of the work(2) Two motive forces of Parkinson* s Law(3) An example of overstaff2讨论问题:(1) What is Parkinson s law?(2) Do you agree with Parkinson?(3) How to

8、avoid the Parkinson phenomenon?7-8Accountabil ity and Corruption(1) Introduction(2) Corruption as a crime(3) The political determinants of corruption(4) Political accountability and corruption(5) Structure of provision of public goods4讨论问题:(1) Are there any differences between corruption and common

9、crimes? If yes, what are they? If no, why?(2) What are the political determinants of corruption?(3) What are the three main characteristics that determine the degree of political accountability?(4) How does thepolitical structure influence corruption?(5) Which kind of market structure of provision o

10、f public goods tends to reduce the incidence of corruption?9-10Mass Media and Political Accountabil ity(1) Introduction(2) Political agency problems(3) Media and agency(4) Media capture(5) Concluding remarks4讨论问题:(1) What are the di fferences between political agency and other kinds of agency proble

11、ms?(2) What is the key problem of principal-agent relation?(3) What effects do media have upon political accountability?(4) What are the forces that influence the effectiveness of free and independent media?(5) What determines the likelihood that media is captured?11The Peter Principle(1) Introducti

12、on(2) A universal2讨论问题:(1) What is thephenomenon(3) An important clue(4) A new science!(5) This means you!(6) Who turns the wheels?Peter Principle?(2) Do you agree with Peter and Hull?(3) How to avoid the influence of Peter Principle?(1) Catalytic Government: Steering Rather than Rowing(2) Community

13、-Owned Government: Empowering rather than Serving(3) Competitive讨论问题:Government: Injecting(1) What isCompetition intocatalyticService Deliverygovernment?(4) Mission-Driven(2) How to injectGovernment:competition intoTransforming Ruleservice delivery?12-13ReinventingGovernmentDriven Organizations4(3)

14、How to understand(5) Results-OrientedenterprisingGovernment: Fundinggovernment?Outcomes not Inputs(4) What is(6) Customer-Drivenresults-orientedGovernment: Meetinggovernment?the Needs of the Customer, not theBureaucracy(5) What is market-oriented government?(7) Enterprising Government: Earning Rather than Spending(8) Anticipatory Government: Prevention Rather thcin Cure(9) Decentralized Government: From Hierarchy to Participation and Teamwork(10) Market-Oriented Government:Leveraging Change through the Market14-15Some Basic Issues ofPol



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