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1、湘少版六年级下册英语填空题校外培训专项题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1_(not smoke) here. Im sorry.Can you see a sign on the wall? It means “No_( smoke)”.2Their father_(swim) very fast. Look, he_(swim) in the swimming pool now.3Wheres my camera?It_(is) on the table a moment ago.4_(do) Nancys brothers usually get up at six?5T

2、here are a lot of books. Please put_(they) into the library.6What can I do for you?I want to have two_(glass) of milk.7My sister_(have) many new books. But I dont have_(some).2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Jean has many_(dream).2My mother is a good_(write).3Can you_(help) me_(make) my dream come true?4What about_(

3、go) fishing this afternoon?5Do you want_(paint) a picture?Yes, I do.6He will_(be) a good teacher, I think.7_(dance) makes people healthy and beautiful.8My uncle is a_(science).3. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1They are_(cheer) for the party.2I_(hit) the dog with the stone just now.3They run to the classroom_(quick).4

4、I want_(reach) the pears.5Wang Bing_(write) an email to his friend now.6Hes_(real) good at English.7I_(go) to a shopping centre last Sunday.8We couldnt_(find) our football.4. 参照例子,写出下列句子种类。例:Please sit down.祈使句1He is happy._2What a lovely girl!_3Who is your brother?_4Have you got a pen or pencil?_5O

5、pen the door, please._6Which class are you in?_7Do you like dancing?_8The little bird cant fly._9What shape is it?_10Do you like bread with butter or jam?_5. 补全单词。1If you eat too much sweet, your t_will hurt.2Purple is my favourite c_.3W_your hands before meals.4I think s_is the most beautiful seaso

6、n in a year.5An elephant is h_than a rabbit.6My brother is f_kites in the park now.7She is so nice that we all want to m_friends with her.8I take the b_to school every day.9I have P.E. lessons on M_morning.10Open the d_, please! Its so hot.6. 语法填空。1What can you see?I can see two_(tiger).2He often_(d

7、o) his homework after school.3How many_(bag) of milk do you want?4My mother likes_(dance).5It_(sell) many different things.7. 照样子写出单词的相应形式。例:meet met meeting1ride 2sit 3take 4make 5eat 6feel 7stay 8buy 9jump 10sleep 8. 填空题。1Today is Lucys birthday. She is h_a party with her friends.2My favourite sea

8、son is_.3That old man is my_.4In spring it is often warm. In autumn it is_.5Its very c_. Heres your j_.9. 根据首字母及图片提示写出单词。1 Please o_the window. OK, Mum.2C_is on 25thDecember.3Ben has a busy day on Friday. After school he is very t_.4pup_l10. 把下列单词归类,并将序号写在后面的横线上。A. collectingB. bicycleC. stamp D. Ch

9、inaE. hobbies1. planetrainbus_2. ridingflyingreading_3. bookpicturephoto_4. familiesfactoriesladies_5. CanadaJapanEngland_11. 根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。1ChinaJapanCanada_2It is_the table.3We are_of the beautiful flowers.4My sister will f_kites with Tom.5My mother_(like)_(go) shopping.6I_(go) to Paris las

10、t year. Its a very beautiful city.7I dont have_(some) pictures of my house.12. 看图,完成下面的对话。1A: What did the girl do yesterday?B:2A: What did the boy do last Sunday afternoon?B:3A: What happened to you yesterday, Wu Yifan?B:4A: What did you do last night, Wu Hua?B:13. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Mike wants_(visit) T

11、aipei this summer holiday.2Yang Ling will stay there for three_(month).3Please show_(they) our photos.4My parents_(be) very busy this Sunday.5Lets make some_(plan) for this summer holiday.6Liu Tao is_about the_(excite) plan.7I want to be a_. I like_(travel) around the world.8Its Sunday today. What about_(watch) a football match?14. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Lets_(put) on our new clothes.2He wants_(go) swimming.3Lets have a good time_(one).4Here_(be) some toys for you.5_you going to_(watch) cartoons?6Shall we_(clean) the classroom now?7What about_


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