Double deck vibrating screen.docx

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《Double deck vibrating screen.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Double deck vibrating screen.docx(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Kc Double deck vibrating screenIt shall be floor mounted type with double deck. Effective screen area shall可地面固定,两层,有效得分面积:800X600MM,要求有可以快速更换不同孔径筛板设计。一套方形筛孔的筛板,孔径分别为:80mm , 70 mm , 60 mm, 50 mm , 40 mm, 25 mm, 20 mm, 16 mm, 12.5mm, 10 mm, 9 mm, 5 mm, 6.3 mm and 500 微米,be about 800 x 600 mm with arr

2、angement for easy / fast replacement ofscreens of different apertures. A set of sieves with square apertures of 80mm , 70 mm , 60 mm, 50 mm , 40 mm, 25 mm, 20 mm, 16 mm, 12.5mm, 10 mm, 9 mm, 5 mm, 6.3 mm and 500 micro meter shall besupplied along with collecting pans, made of G.I. sheets.The vibrati

3、ng mechanism shall be fully circular positive throw type. Deckinclination, amplitude of vibration, machine rpm, etc. shall be suitable toobtain around 95% screening efficiency.振动机制应是完全圆形上抛型,筛层倾斜度,振幅,转速等都应满足95%的得分效率。The screen shall be provided with charging hopper, discharging chutes,motor of repute

4、d make, push-button starter, switch fuse unit, V-pulley withbelt-guard, cover, etc. Appropriate dust extraction arrangement shall alsobe provided. The scope of supply shall include spares for two years ofoperation and maintenance, commissioning spares, standard accessories,foundation bolts, initial

5、fill of oil and grease and consumables for threemonths of operation after commissioning.提供进料抖,出料槽,品牌电机,按扭启动器,开关熔断保险装置,带有护带罩的V形皮带轮,盖子等。适当的除尘装置。报价应包括两年操作保养的配件,调试配件,标准附件,基础螺栓,可供调试后三个月使用的机油、润滑脂和消耗品。Single deck vibrating screen 单层筛机It shall consist of a single deck having frame size 600 x 450 mm. It shal

6、l becapable of mounting detachable square hole punched plate screens. A screenwith 50 mm square aperture shall be used for screening of coke, receivedbefore conducting micum test as per IS 1354 ( latest edition ). A cover andappropriate dust exhaust system shall be provided with the screen.The scope

7、 of supply shall include spares for two years of operation andmaintenance, commissioning spares, standard accessories, foundationbolts, initial fill of oil and grease and consumables for three months ofoperation after commissioning.包括一个单层600 x 450 mm筛框,可以安装拆卸的方孔冲孔板,一个孔径为50MM的方孔筛板,用来筛焦碳,须经过IS 1354(最新

8、版本)测试。提供防尘盖和适当的排尘装置(或系统),报价应包括两年操作保养的配件,调试配件,标准附件,基础螺栓,可供调试后三个月使用的机油、润滑脂和消耗品。. Multi-deck vibrating screen多层振动筛The screen shall be used for determination of various size fractions of coke,produced in a coke oven plant. The screen shall have reciprocating typeshaking arrangement with slow speed and l

9、arge stroke. The shaking motionshall be imparted to the screen by an eccentric shaft with cam arrangement.该筛机用来检测练焦炉生产的不同尺寸的颗粒,应该采用往复振动设计,大冲程,低速度。采用偏心轴凸轮设计产生振动。The screen decks will be mounted on sturdy steel frame at a convenientheight so that different size fractions any be collected in trays eith

10、er at thefloor or at the front end of the desk. The machine shall be fitted with sieves of80 mm and 60 mm in upper deck and 40 mm and 25 mm in lower deck. 筛板要安装在坚固的机架上,高度要合适,以便不同尺寸的颗粒可以收集到收料盘里,或者地板上或者工作台的前端。80MM和60MM孔径的筛板装在上层,下两层是40MM和25MM的筛板。Thesieves shall be made of mild steel plates with square

11、punched holes. In theupper deck, the sieves shall be fitted in such a manner that top end shall have60 mm screen and discharge shall have 80 mm screen. In the lower deck theorder of fixing the sieves shall be 25 mm and 40 mm respectively. The sievesshall be fabricate as per IS: 460 ( latest version

12、) .筛板用低碳钢生产,方形冲孔。上两层筛板装配:顶端60MM的筛板,排料80MM的筛板,下两层筛板装配顺序分别是,25MM和40MM,筛板按照IS:60(最新版本)生产。The perforated plates used in the manufacture of test sieves shall haveuniformly and clearly punched holes.试检筛用的冲孔板上面的孔要光滑一致。The machine shall have provision for adjustment of the angle of inclination ofthe screen

13、and also for adjustment for increasing /decreasing the amplitude ofvibration. The machine shall have feeding skirt to avoid splashing of cokewhile charging on to the screen. It shall have discharging chute. The fractionsas over flow at the screens front end shall be collected in trays suitablymounte

14、d on structural frame which shall be bolted with the main framestructure. The overall dimensions of the machine shall not exceed 2500 mmalong the length, 1500 mm along the width and 2000 mm along the height.该筛机应有调整筛板倾角和偏心块,以及增加和减少振幅的规定(条款指示)。应装有进料缘以防止送料的时候物料飞溅,卸料槽。加装收料盘,收料盘架要和主机架固定,以便筛机前端溢出的物料可以收集要收

15、料盘内。机体总尺寸不应超过长2500MM,宽:1500MM,高:2000MM.The machine shall be complete with 4 Nos. of test sieves, 5 Nos. ofcollecting trays, frame for the deck, supporting structure for the motor,starter, V-belts, belt guards, etc.共4台试验筛,5个收料盘,筛板框,电机支架,启动器,V形皮带,护带罩等。Broad parameters of the equipment设备大致参数Type of scr

16、een : Shaking (upper),振动(上层)Semi-vibrating (lower)半振动(下层)Screen slope : 6-8 degrees (upper)筛板倾角(层)(6-8度)6-9 degrees (lower)下层(6-9度)Eccentricity of Vibrator : 15mm (upper)振动器偏心率:上层15MM,下层5MM5 mm (lower)Speed of vibration : 330 rpm (upper)振动速度上层:330RPM655 rpm (lower)下层:655RPMCapacity : 900-1200 kg/h产量900-1200公斤每小时。Fractions to be separated : + 80m



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