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1、417join, join in, take part in, attend, enter for, sit for 和 go in forIjoin用作及物动词,表示“参加,加入”,后面可以跟团体等作宾语, 也可以跟人作宾语,搭配有:join the army 参军join the Party 入党join the League 入团join the team 入队join the club参加俱乐部join sb.和某人一起(干)join sb. in sth./in doing sth.和某人一起进行某项活动2join in通常指参加正在进行着的活动,如work, talk, game,

2、 match等;join in也可单独使用,结构为:join in+某项活动join in doing sth.Please come and join in the game.请来参加游戏 Would you please join in playing football?你来参加踢足球好吗?One bird began to sing and other birds also joinedin.一只鸟开始鸣叫,别的鸟也叫了起来。The train has just arrived.火车刚刚到站。He had just gone to bed when the telephone rang.

3、电话铃响时,他刚睡 下。1 just had a phone call from Mr.Brown.我刚刚接到布朗先生的电话。(2广正好,恰好”,相当于exactly,可修饰多种句子成分,如形容词、 副词、从句等,放在被修饰的成分前。The money is just enough.钱刚好够。That is just what he said.那正是他说的话。He is just in need of help.他正需要帮助。2 justly意为“公平地,公正地;合法地,应得地;有正当理由地”。 He was justly punished for his crimes.他犯 了罪,受到了 应

4、有的惩罚。 Were justly proud of it.我们有正当理由为之骄傲。just now意为“刚才”,用于一般过去时,相当于alittle while ago。 just now也可表示此刻,就在现在,相当于at the moment,在这种 意义上可用于一般现在时或现在进行时,可以看作是just修饰now, 表示强调。I saw her just now.我刚才看见她了。He is busy just now.他此刻正忙着。We are having a meeting just now.我们正在开会呢。提示just now还可以表示“马上”,用于将来时。He wont come

5、 to see you just now,他不会马上来看你。presently表示“立刻,马上”,相当于soon,同一般将来时连用。The guest will arrive presently.客人马上就会到。在美式英语中, presently表示“目前”,相当于now,与一般现在时或现在进行时连用。 His uncle is presently in London.他叔叔眼下在伦敦。He is presently writing a book.他现在正在写一本书。5 at present表示“目前,相当于currently或presently,与一般现在时 或现在进行时连用。He is a

6、t present in Shanghai.他目前在上海。Nothing is wanted at present. 现在什么都不缺。421 just/all the same和at thesame time just/all the same %副词短语,表示“尽管如此,虽然如此,通常放 在句尾。He has his shortcomings,but we like him all thesame,他有缺点,尽管如 此我们仍然喜欢他。I can do it all by myself. Thank you just the same.我完全能够自己做这 件事,但仍然感谢你。2at the s

7、ame time可以表示两种含义。(1) 表示“同时,一起地,相当于 togethero Dont ask me questions at the same time.不要同时都向我问问题。They ran out of the room at the same time.他们都同时跑出了 房间。(2) 表示可是,然而”,相当于 yet,stillo We love peace,but at the same time we are not afraid of war.我们热爱和平,然而我们也不怕战争。The book is not the best. At the same time you

8、 should look through it.这本书 不是最好的,可是你也应该浏览一下。K422 keep out, keep up 和 keep up with keep out sb./sth.或 keep sb./sth.out 意为使.不进入,使在夕卜。也可说 keep sb./sth.out of sth.oThese clothes may help you keep out the cold.这些衣服可以帮助你御 寒 o (=keep the cold out)He kept the dog out.他把狗关在门外。She keeps the children out of t

9、he room.她不让孩了们进入那个房间。You should keep out of such things.你不要介入这些事情。2keep叩意为“继续”,相当于continue;也表示“使不低落,保持”,相当于 remain highoI hope the fine weather will keep叩.我希望这好天气能继续下去。He has kept叩studying English.他一直坚持学习英语。Her courage kept up in the face of danger.她在危险面前仍能鼓起勇气。3keep叩with意为“赶得上,不落伍”,表示同时起步,不至于掉队。We

10、should keep up with the times.我们应不落伍于时代。提示catch叩with表示在已经落后或起步较晚的情况下“赶上,追上”,与 keep upwith 有区另lj。She can keep up with any other student in theclass. 她能赶上班上任何一位学生。After two weeks absence from class, he had to study harder to catch up with his classmates.缺课两周后,他必须更加努力学习,才能赶上同学 们。423 keep sb./sth.from d

11、oing sth.和 keep sb.doing sth.1“阻止,制止,防止某人或某物做某事”有一种固定结构:keep sb./sth. from doing sth.prevent sb./sth. from doing sth.stop sb./sth. from doing sth.2keep sb./sth.from doing sth.中的 from 不可省略,如果省去 from,则 为keep sb./sth.doing sth.,表示“使某人一直做某事,让某人持续做某 事“,这种用法的keep可用have代替。The heavy rain kept us from going

12、out.大雨使我们不能出去。She could hardly keep herself from crying.她无法控制自己不哭。He kept us waiting for over an hour.他让我们等了一个多小时。She kept them laughing all the way.她使他们笑了 一路。Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long.很抱歉让你们久等了。3prevent/stop sb./sth. from doing sth.中的 from 可以省略,意思不变, 但在被动语态中不可省略。Nothing can prevent

13、him (from) doing that.没有任何东西能阻止他做那 件事。You have to prevent such a thing (from) happening again.你应该防止这 样的事再发生。Such a thing has to be prevented from happeningagain. 这样的事应该阻止再发生。You should stop him (from) smoking.你应该阻止他抽烟。He should be stopped from smoking.他应该被阻止抽烟。424knock,knock at, knockdown 和 knock in

14、toknock可用作及物动词和不及物动词,意为“敲,击,撞”。结构为: knock sth.off撞掉(灰尘等)knock sb.on the head 击某人的头knock oneself on sth.(自己)撞到She knocked the dust off his coat.她把他上衣的尘土挥掉。He knocked the boy on the head.他朝那个男孩头上猛击。He knocked himselfon atree.他撞到 了 一棵树上。2knock at/on意为“敲(门、窗等)。Who is knocking at the door?谁在敲门?Somebody i

15、s knocking on the window.有人在敲窗。knock down意为“撞倒,打倒,击落,拆除气The boy was knocked down by a car.那男孩被一辆汽车撞倒 了。They knocked down three enemy planes yesterday.他们昨天击落了 3 架 敌机。提示knock down是“及物动词+副词构成的短语,可以说knock+名词 +down或knock+down+名词,但只能说knock+代词+down。同类动词 短语还有:turn down, turn on, take off, put away, throw aw

16、ay, break down 等。Hsbnated tiodioa doao 他把那条封打倒了。 =He knocked it down.4knock into sb.意为“撞到某人身上,knocksth.into意为把敲进If you knock into someone,you should apologize to him or her.如果你撞 到了某人身上,你应该向他或她表示道歉。He knocked a nail into the walL他把一颗钉子敲进墙里。比较knock sb.out把某人击昏knock sb.down把某人击倒425 known for, known to,known+t



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