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1、 2009-12-18 | 2/6普勞恩印刷機的20年回歸史曼羅蘭普勞恩Plamag工廠的成功故事在普勞恩基地生產的印刷機,就是品牌的保證。其生產的印刷設備已成功在全球市場上銷售超過100年的歷史了。從1946年到1989年,曼羅蘭普勞恩Plamag基地生產的印刷機主要銷往東歐國家;時至今日,它又恢復到該工廠於1896年建成之初一樣,其生產的設備開始銷往世界各國。普勞恩基地從並購到現在發生了什麼事?工廠自身又有什麼變化?這要追溯到1990年。在那年春季,Plamag工廠找到了一個很有實力的商業合作夥伴,那就是曼集團旗下的曼羅蘭公司,這使它得以在很短的時間內就過渡到市場經濟。在隨後舉行的1990


3、恩的員工在奧格斯堡的各個部門工作,工作時間從幾天、幾星期到幾個月不等;他們的目的是希望學習奧格斯堡的工作方法,並將其所學到的知識帶回普勞恩,並應用到日後的工作中。與此同時,奧格斯堡的專家們也多次回訪普勞恩,支援合併工作,特別是管理領域上的支援與協助。臨場發揮在合併的第一年,合併的雙方在操作層面上需要大量的臨場發揮。逐漸的,經驗交流從核心的設計和生產領域擴展到其它領域和部門。眾多的專案小組構建成一個不斷規劃和發展的核心進程。奧芬巴赫產品事業部的同事以及位於奧格斯堡的前附屬公司MAN Diesel的同事都有加入到這些項目小組。印刷機新視角密切合作為雙方產品的擴展和銷售提供了各種感興趣的觀點。普勞恩

4、工廠的相關技術人員設想將輪轉膠印刷機的承印範圍擴展到4頁或8頁。UNISET 8頁印刷機系列就是最早的合作專案。設計和銷售人員均來自兩家公司,他們一起工作、共同開發符合該領域全球圖像市場技術規範的、靈活的產品系統。這首先確立了普勞恩公司形象就是具有混合性的先驅。1996年到1998年期間,普勞恩的發展里程碑出現了,這包括優化的UNISET和CROMOMAN印刷機,其印刷速度分別達每小時70,000張和每小時50,000張、無軸單獨電機驅動器、1998年在IPEX展會上展出的雙幅8頁REGIOMAN系列。最能體現合併驚人速度的顯著證據是,在1995年獲得了DIN EN ISO 9001品質管制體

5、系證書。在2001年中期,曼集團Plamag德國公司與曼羅蘭德國公司合併,長期擔任的執行委員會主席的Dietrich Hartmann退休。隨後Georg Riescher,出生於德國Allgaeu地區,作為董事長開始管理該基地。現況如何?從1990年至今,有超過750套普勞恩生產的印刷設備銷往世界的每個角落在合併後的19年裡銷售的印刷設備數量遠遠超過了該公司在德意志民主共和國建立的40年歷史的總和。這些印刷設備更大、更複雜、均可提供4色印刷。現今,無論是從冰島到南非的印刷公司,還是從夏威夷、印度到新西蘭的印刷公司都已非常依賴普勞恩公司的測試品質。而普勞恩公司已在2008年5月正式更名為曼羅蘭

6、公司。圖注:如今的製造車間:曼羅蘭普勞恩Plamag工廠總裝部一覽。由奧格斯堡和普勞恩的員工組成的項目團隊,成為1991年合併後新公司的核心骨幹。20 years of reunification for presses from Plauen manrolands Plamag plant a success story in the Vogtland regionPrinting presses made in Plauen. This describes products that have been successfully established on the global mark

7、et for more than 100 years. From 1946 to 1989, the manroland AG Plamag Plauen plant mainly delivered its presses to Eastern Bloc nations, today it once more exports to the entire world as it did in its beginnings in 1896.What has happened since the reunification and what took place within the factor

8、y itself? In the spring of 1990, Plamag found a strong business partner in the company then known as MAN Roland Druckmaschinen AG, which enabled it to make the transition to the free market economy within a very short period of time. At the drupa fair in 1990, following several preliminary talks, re

9、presentatives of both companies signed a declaration of intent regarding future close cooperation and a planned merger in line with anti-trust laws. In the fall of 1990, the German Federal Cartel Office approved the application of MAN Roland to acquire a majority interest in Plamag Plauener Maschine

10、nbau AG. The purchase of the trust institution took place retroactively as of July 1, 1990, upon which the Federal Ministry of Finance approved the purchase contract. The new wholly owned subsidiary was given the name MAN Plamag Druckmaschinen AG. During the transition period, a great amount of expe

11、rtise was transferred back and forth between Plauen and Augsburg. The first phase of the agreed on graduated transition process focused on setting up communication channels. The next phase involved an extensive exchange of experience. On a regular basis, Plauen and Augsburg employees held meetings o

12、n topics like sales, design, production, electrical systems, electronics and shipping, as well as marketing and human resources. Many Plamag employees worked for days, weeks, and even months at various departments in Augsburg to learn the methods applied there and to subsequently implement them at h

13、ome. At the same time, specialists from Augsburg repeatedly visited Plauen to support the integration of functions, especially in administration areas.Improvisation was neededDuring the first year after the merger, a great amount of improvisation continued to be needed on both sides to initiate this

14、 change on all operational levels. Gradually, the exchange of experience moved from the central functions of design and production to other areas and departments. Numerous project teams constituted the core of an increasingly planned and targeted development process. Employees from the Offenbach pro

15、duct division and the former Augsburg-based affiliated company MAN Diesel were also included in these project teams.New perspectives for press constructionThe close cooperation offered both sides interesting perspectives for extending and marketing both product ranges. Plamag assumed responsibility

16、for expanding the web offset press range in the four- and eight-page sector. The UNISET eight-page series was the first joint project. Design and sales staff from both companies worked together to develop a flexible product system that meets commonly defined technical specifications and that covers the global graphics market for this segment. This first established



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