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1、忠犬八公观后感英语 忠犬八公观后感英语 忠犬八公英文观后感,观看完这部忠犬八公你的感想是什么呢?以下是忠犬八公英文观后感阅读。 Parker was a college professor. He worked at the neighboring town by train. One day, he encountered an stray dog at the station. When seeing its innocent eyes, he felt something sympathetic springing up in his heart. So he took it home.

2、 At first, his wife strongly opposed his behivor, But she saw that her husband and daughter loved the dog very much. Finally she decided to aept the dog as a part of the family. They called it Hachi. Gradually Hachi grew up from a puppy into a bigger one. Every day , Hachi aompanied Parker to go to

3、the station on time. At 5:00 in the dusk, it punctually appeared at the station exit to wait for Parker. That was the tacit agreement between them! Around the station, the hot-dog vendor and the store proprietress always saw an impressive scene that once Parker came out from the station and called “

4、Hachi”, the dog excitedly rushed forward, scratched his trousers, licked his face and groaned with pleasure. In his free time, Parker wanted to teach Hachi to pick a ball with its mouth, even lying on the ground and picked the ball with his mouth to set an example for Hachi, but gradually he felt it

5、 difficult to teach Hachi to do it. But one day, Parker went to the station as usual, suddenly he felt Hachi bitting his trousers. When turning back, he found that Hachi should pick the ball, Parker was very happy. But he still leaved. At that time, Hachi had a premonition that it would never see Pa

6、rker again. In fact, it was the last precious recollections between them. Because on that day, Parker suddenly collapsed in the classroom, he died of the heart disease. He never returned to the station. But Hachi didnt realize it. Afterward, Hachi still waited for the professor at 5:00 pm every day.

7、 The leaves became green and yellow, the snow fell and began to melt. Year after year, ten years slid past unconsciously. Hachi still waited and waited until it died. The moment Hachi died, it seemed to see Parker ing out from the station exit again, and called it “Hachi” gentlely. Hachi wanted to s

8、tand by him, but it couldnt. It groaned weakly as if it wanted to say “I miss you very much!” Finally, they stayed together in the other world. As I watched the film, my eyes filled with tears.I was moved by the emotion between them, especially the loyalty of Hachi. Hachi devoted the whole life to w

9、aiting for Parker. Nowadays, few people can love someone to this extent. Yes, We cant! What we could learn from Hachi are that what the true love is and how to love. By the way, the film was based on a true story happened in Japan in 1935. 或许,每一条狗都叫八公 看忠犬八公又着着实实的被震撼了一把,鉴于某些原因就再写写观后感。) 片子以一位老人和爱犬的生活点

10、滴为主线,没什么惊心动魄,却很真实,让观众一下子就融入其中,在融入的过程中我们的心也跟着剧情跌宕起伏。 片中音乐也处理得当,适时的音乐更煽情。 片中的细节也符合逻辑,不矫情、不做作。 忠犬八公 的故事开始于一个小镇的小火车站,一位大学教授帕克在下班回家的时候偶遇了迷路的小狗,看着楚楚可怜的狗狗善良的教授试图帮它寻找到主人,几经周折仍无果,于是教授小心翼翼的把它带回了家。冥冥之中教授与狗狗之间有着某种缘分,教授一抱起小狗就舍不得放下,狗狗也十分依赖教授,最终教授和狗狗之间的感情打动了坚决反对教授再次养狗的妻子凯蒂。 帕克也从一个日本朋友那里得知,狗狗是条正宗的秋天犬,是人类最早的朋友之一,而狗狗

11、颈上的八更象征着好运,于是帕克给狗狗取名八公。 帕克爱八公,八公爱帕克。他们一起做游戏,一起洗澡,一起看球赛帕克弹钢琴,八公就趴在地上静静地聆听,正如帕克女儿所言,八公能懂他的音乐,也喜欢他的音乐。帕克上班,八公就偷偷地送他到车站,直到目送他离开,帕克试图阻止它的这种行为,但八公还是义无反顾的坚持,帕克也就选择了承受。工作日,每天早上8点,下午5点,都会有帕克和八公亲昵的身影。 周围的人们也渐渐地被他们深厚的感情所感染,纷纷喜欢上了忠诚可爱的八公。 帕克的朋友曾经说过,秋田犬是不会捡球的,除非有什么特殊的意义。 这一天终于来了,帕克在上班之前,八公闷闷不乐,一改常态不愿意出门,帕克几经劝说,八

12、公却叼着球要和帕克玩球。到了车站,八公仍舍不得帕克离开,破天荒的玩捡球试图挽留住帕克,最后甚至对帕克大叫。主人带着骄傲和疑惑踏上了火车。或许八公已经感觉到什么不幸帕克在上课的时候,心脏病发,永远的离开了 此后的每一天,八公都像个战士一样坚守在它以前等待帕克的地方,日复一日,春去冬来,从青年到老年,从步子稳健到步履蹒跚,静静地守候在那等待帕克的归来。 9年后,八公在一个风雪交加的黄昏,慢慢地倒在了它等待帕克的那块花台,在雪花飘散中,它看见了它陪伴,等候的主人它随着主人去了 9年,对一个人来说只是一段很长的时间,但对一条狗来说就是一生。八公用一生来陪伴,守候永远不归的主人,谁能不为之而动容。 片尾一位男孩牵着属于他的天使另一只八公,于铁路道上,渐行渐远。 原来,有些情感,是不会被人遗忘,却是一代一代的延续。而,我们称之为爱。 这是一个真实的故事,故事原型在日本,八公是真真实实存在过的。在东京涩谷车站北口,有一尊狗的铜像。它昂首翘望,好似总在等待着什么那就是八公的塑像 这是一个现实的故事,生活中,有许许多多的狗狗也像八公一样忠诚、坚持。


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