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1、ue济南至乐陵高速公路声屏障工程监理实施细则济南至乐陵高速公路声屏障工程监理实施细则济南金诺公路工程监理有限公司济南至乐陵高速公路JL2驻地办二一四年八月目 录序 言1第一节 工程概况1第二节 编制依据2第三节 监理机构及职责3一、监理机构3二、监理组织机构框图3三、驻地办主要职责4四、岗位职责5第四节 施工准备阶段的监理12一、施工监理工作准备12二、施工准备的主要监理工作13第五节 声屏障监理实施细则15一、质量控制要点15二、监理工作流程图18三、工程检查验收19第六节 环境保护监理实施细则22一、环境影响评价22二、建设期环保监控22三、环境保护监控程序23四、环保验收24第七节 安全

2、施工监理实施细则24一、目的和原则24二、组织机构24三、工作内容及要求24四、安全生产检查和考核26五、安全事故处理26第八节 文明施工监理实施细则27一、施工现场管理27二、办公、生活设施28三、建设工地具有良好的文明氛围28附图 监理工作流程图29Provide training and the introduction of a XX in XX city XX special childrens Rehabilitation Center City Federation of the disabled and all sectors of the community concern

3、and support in 2013 December was established, with the purpose of rehabilitation, happy, warm a piece of rehabilitation purposes, for the citys hearing impairment, autism, mental retardation, limb and other special children to provide high-quality, convenient and efficient rehabilitation services is

4、 a set of educational rehabilitation, rehabilitation exercise in one comprehensive rehabilitation services. The center since its establishment, adhering to the rehabilitation effect as the main starting point, the full implementation of professional rehabilitation service personnel, and constantly e

5、nhance the rehabilitation service ability, 2 years for a total of 36 children with special needs children Kang Complex services, including six special children after rehabilitation training were involved in ordinary kindergartens and elementary schools enrolled. At present, in the center of the acce

6、pt rehabilitation training for children with special 22, one of 4 children with mental retardation, children with hearing disability, 9, children with physical disabilities 9.In the Municipal Federation and the social from all walks of life care and support, we, Jiangsu Province, the rehabilitation

7、of the disabled body specification of construction standards in accordance with, and gradually make the center to the distinctive, comprehensive, function more perfect professional rehabilitation organizations to develop in the direction of, in the development process we also encountered a difficult

8、, but through the unremitting efforts of all employees in the center in the rehabilitation effect, rehabilitation service ability and the rehabilitation service level promotion by the good social effect, which is mainly reflected in the following four aspects:, rehabilitation institutions to regulat

9、e construction. Rehabilitation center must be in accordance with the hardware, personnel, services, rehabilitation, rehabilitation assessment construction standardization construction, as the center is a private non-profit organization in the hardware construction investment has great difficulty. Th

10、erefore we promptly and city FIMITIC communication and municipal CDPF leadership in the understanding of the actual situation of center of rehabilitation training venues, equipment and gave strong support. At the same time, we have also sent professional rehabilitation teachers participated in the p

11、rovincial special childrens rehabilitation professional training class, let them continuously broaden the concept of rehabilitation, the learned knowledge to practical work, gradually perfecting the rehabilitation education Learning quality, enhance the ability of rehabilitation services., children

12、to fully enjoy the nearby, a handy rehabilitation services. Found in the presence of hearing disorders in children must be timely to wear hearing aids and rehabilitation training, in our city last year, through the rehabilitation assessment of hearing-impaired children Sun Wangyan in 2012 began to a

13、ccept19济南金诺公路工程监理有限公司序 言为实现济南至乐陵高速公路建设总目标,有效地控制工程质量、提高工程管理水平,使本项目声屏障施工监理标准化、规范化、程序化,达到任务明确,标准统一,程序合理,根据济南至乐陵高速公路的实际情况,特制定本细则.本细则适用于正常施工环境下,SPZSG-01施工标段K0-567K19+350段19.917 km及乐陵北连接线4.4km路段范围内声屏障工程的监理工作。未详尽之处,需按合同文件及国家有关规范规定办理。第一节 工程概况1、项目简介济南至乐陵高速公路工程位于鲁北,向北与河北省规划的沧州至冀鲁界高速公路相接,项目北起德州市乐陵与河北省沧州交界的漳卫新河

14、河槽中央,向南经过德州市乐陵、临邑、济南市商河、济阳等地,终点在崔寨镇与青银高速公路(济南绕城高速公路北线)相接。路线沿线地形较平坦,地势较开阔,水网密布、河流沟渠众多。本项目工程主线全长115公里,概算投资75.4亿元。建设标准为双向六车道高速公路,设计行车速度为120km/h。2、声屏障设计标准: 、我驻地办所监理的声屏障材料采用吸隔声单元板(插板式)和吸声隔声一体式尖劈吸声砖(钢筋缓凝土框架结构)。A、E、F为插板式声屏障,固定单元的角钢与H型钢立柱之间采用螺栓连接。B、C、D型声屏障采用钢筋混凝土结构.声屏障材料降噪系数不低于0。75,隔声量大于30dB。钢构件及螺栓等采用碳素结构钢(

15、GB700-88)规定的Q235钢。结构设计的使用年限为50年,基础按丙级设计。设计参数:风荷载:基本风压不大于0.6KN/m2;地震基本烈度:六级。路基声屏障高度:3.0、3。5、4.0、5.0米,基础为钻孔桩;桥梁声屏障高度:3。0、4。0米。、声屏障设计形式:型号高度(m)线路形式结构形式A5。0路基吸隔声单元板(插板式)B4。0路基吸声隔声一体式尖劈吸声砖(钢筋混凝土框架结构)C3.5路基吸声隔声一体式尖劈吸声砖(钢筋混凝土框架结构)D3.0路基吸声隔声一体式尖劈吸声砖(钢筋混凝土框架结构)E4.0桥梁吸隔声单元板(插板式)F3。0桥梁吸隔声单元板(插板式)第二节 编制依据1、建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准(GB50300);2、公路工程质量检验评定标准(JTG F80/1-2004);3、公路声屏障材料技术要求和检测方法(JT/646-2005);4、碳素结构钢(GB70088);5、公路环境保护设计规范(GB/J9-1987);6、建筑隔墙轻质条板(JG/T169-2005);7、普通混凝土配合比设计规程;8、公路工程水泥混凝土试验规程(JTG E302005)



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