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1、跨文化交际名词解释名词解释1. Interultual comuniatio rees oounicationbeeen pepe whos cutepetonsan ymb stem are ditict enuh oalerthe comunicaio event. 跨文化交际:指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人文之间进行的交际。2. Culure aleaed etof shared nterpretations abouteliefs,vaues, n ors, whch affectte bhviorofa relaively lrge oup of people.文化是习得的一套关于

2、信仰,价值观,规范的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,规范对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。 3. ultre ientity reer t ne seneof blngi toa paricular cultreorethnic rou 文化身份:指有意识地把自己归为某一特定文化或种族群体。4. Subculture re formd by gr of peple posessing haracteicraits thatse aprt anddiuish tem r othrs wihia large ociety r domintclture. 亚文化:具有能在更大的一个社会范围内或主流文化中

3、使自己有别于他人的特点的人类群体所形成的文化。5. Nom are clturall nrinedpincileso corct nd incorrec ehavs wic, i broken carrya for f ovr or cortenalty.规范指的是正确和不正确行为根深蒂固的文化原则,这种不正确的行为一旦发生,就意味着一种显性或隐性的处罚。6. 文化震荡ulursck efers tttaumti priece thtaniniviualmyecountewn enterin a fferetculture.人们在进入一种新文化环境时,遭遇的痛苦和难忘的经历。7. 人际交际it

4、rperson commnicaon: sallnumb of inivdual hoar nteracting cusvely with oe ather ad whothereoreaete abliyoadapt theirmsages specifically for thoseoher nd o obt imdae teretationrom them.指少数人之间的交往他们既能根据对方调整自己的信息,又能立即从对方那里获得解释。8. 世界观odview :she belief thtwe od exlaningthe os Gd,te nture f humaitnd ntue.指

5、我们持有的对宇宙,神,人本质及自然的最根本的看法。9. ntext :its theinfmationtsrrounds an event , i tricaybound up with e meannof theevet .10. 高语境文化Hig-ontet cutre :its a kin of ule n c peopleareeryhmogeneou wthegardto xrieces ,inforatio nwors ,an he ike ,eg. hin,Je11. 低语境文化Lowcntext culure :its aki of uluein whih the poutio

6、n isles homogenos adthreforetends tocmptmentaliz itrersonalcontcs ,.g merican ,ran 12. 个人主义Indvii :bradlyspekig ,inivlism refrs to dotrin teer he intests of te individual re of oughtt bepamount,an tat all value ,iht a dutesorignte i idiul ,it emhasize ndividua initaive,inependnce ,idivdual expressio

7、n,nd ee prvac .个人利益胜于集体利益13. 集体主义Cllctvm: s charactrizedby a rgidsocl frmework that disinuih ewn in-gos and ut-goupspeoplxe hei i-rupto look ater them ,and in exhange forthattheyfell ty oweaoue loyaly o t goupcllectism mea reaer mphasis on (1)hevews,need ,a gals of thein-gousaher than oeef; (2)sol n

8、rms andty efine by he ingouprth than ehvoo ge plasue ; (3)elief ard whthe i-up; hr tanelifs tat istigih sl r igro ; ad (4)ret readineso cooprat wth igoupmembhip .个人融入集体。14. 对不确定因素的回避态度:unrtain iancedeals wth a soietys tlance fr ucertaintyand ambigui ;i ultimely refers toma search forruth是关于一个社会对不确定性

9、和模棱两可的容忍程度。15. 权利距离poedisane:组织或机构里边,没有权力的成员对于权力不均等分配接受和期望的程度。16. 焦虑Aney occus buse of nonowingwhat ne is expte to ,ad ocusn onthaeeling an not b alypese in te commuicaion tasacion.在新环境下人们不知如何应对,过多关注自己的情绪,不能全身心投入到交际中。17. 假定一致性:() assm pople now ho somene else istnkg bsed n ow they see thingsiscld pr

10、ojecte cognitve imilaity.从自己看待事物的角度来判断别人的想法。()Aing siilarity instead of iffence efer to he asuption tht pele are moremilr t u hathey ctually areothat another prons situionimor simiar to you on situation a in fact is.18. 定势stereotyps:refers oneative r ostivejdgen meaout indivuals basedn any obsrvable

11、 o bievd group mebrship.针对目标群体成员所特有的正面或方面的判断。19. 偏见Prejdi referso te irraioa ise,suspicin, o atred o apariclar roup, ra,reigon, r seal orenaio偏见是指对于某一特定群体,种类,宗教或性取向的无端的憎恶和怀疑。20. 言语交际Vralntrculuralcomunicatioshppes wh eple fro ff cltural bacgroudscommuniate wtheac ther b usinglanguae.当来自不同文化背景的人们用语言进

12、行交流时言语交际就发生了。21. 禁忌语:bo refer t some words actins that re vied y a articular gou of pep,o i certain for ligiou r socil rasons在特定文化中出于宗教或社会原因被一特定群体所避免使用的一些词语或行为。22. 委婉语:Ephemis eans theactof susiuing a mil,indire,r vgue m o on consdredhas,lun, ffesive指用温和的,间接的方式来代替严厉的,生硬的或冒犯的言语。23. 非言语信号:(狭义)overal comunicae rfersoinetonl usof nooken yml t comuniae a secificmessage .运用非言语符号传达特定信息的交际行为。(广义)rs to ments of th environentthatcommunicate irue o peop sof m人们交际时运用的环境因素。24. 副语言:aalaguae refs to te at ,pitch and volue aites ft vi,whic inerrutr teprarily tke th plae osph and affect h



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