2023年五年级下册英语试题期中考试试卷 人教无答案.doc

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1、装 订 线考生姓名: 学号: 座位号: 2019年小学英语五年二期期中检测卷(考试时间:30分钟 试卷总分:100分)题次听力部分笔试部分总分一二三一二三四五得分(亲爱的同学,你的英语学习成果将在这里得到检验!请细心做好每一道题,做完别忘了回头检查。注意书写美观,让人赏心悦目。)念题要求:听力没有磁带,由英语老师根据听力材料现场朗读。听力部分 (30分)、listen and choose.听一听,选择你所听到的单词.(25,共10分)1. ( ) A. celebrate B. chocolate C. collect2. ( ) A. January B. July C. June3. (

2、 ) A. fifth B. fourth C. first4. ( ) A. waste B. work C. write5. ( ) A. cut B.paint C. glue、Listen and number. 听音,排序。根据听到的内容将正确的序号写在相应的括号内。(25,共10分)Dont draw on the wall. find information do some research restaurant cut the bamboo、Listen and write. 听录音,选择正确的单词填在横线上。(25,共10分)do some research talk abo

3、ut paint on the road in May1Are we going to _our school?.2My birthday is _. 3We are going to _.4Next, draw a picture and _ it with a brush.5Dont play football _.笔试部分 (70分)I、Write the sentences. 请按正确的书写格式抄写下列句子。(45,共20分)1.Were going to read stories.2.Let me show you how to make a kite.3.Dont throw wa

4、ste paper on the floor.4.Whens your birthday?5.Ill make a beautiful card.II、Lets choose.选择正确单词的代号填到括号内(35,共15分) ( ) 1. What are we _?A. going to B. go to C. going to do( ) 2. Miss Li is showing us _ make a kite.A. what to B . how to C. how( ) 3. Next, draw a picture and paint it _ a brush.A. to B. i

5、n C.with( ) 4. A: Whens your birthday? B: My birthday is _ the fifteenth of November. A. on B. in C.to( ) 5. There _ fifty students in our classroom.A. be B. are C. isA. Its on the seventh of March. B. I d like some hamburgers.C. Yes, we are. D. Ill make a beautiful card. E. Were going to read some

6、books .、Read and choose.请选择正确的回答,将代号填在题前的括号内。(25,共10分)死记硬背是一种传统的教学方式,在我国有悠久的历史。但随着素质教育的开展,死记硬背被作为一种僵化的、阻碍学生能力发展的教学方式,渐渐为人们所摒弃;而另一方面,老师们又为提高学生的语文素养煞费苦心。其实,只要应用得当,“死记硬背”与提高学生素质并不矛盾。相反,它恰是提高学生语文水平的重要前提和基础。 ( ) 1. Are we going to read the stories? “师”之概念,大体是从先秦时期的“师长、师傅、先生”而来。其中“师傅”更早则意指春秋时国君的老师。说文解字中有注

7、曰:“师教人以道者之称也”。“师”之含义,现在泛指从事教育工作或是传授知识技术也或是某方面有特长值得学习者。“老师”的原意并非由“老”而形容“师”。“老”在旧语义中也是一种尊称,隐喻年长且学识渊博者。“老”“师”连用最初见于史记,有“荀卿最为老师”之说法。慢慢“老师”之说也不再有年龄的限制,老少皆可适用。只是司马迁笔下的“老师”当然不是今日意义上的“教师”,其只是“老”和“师”的复合构词,所表达的含义多指对知识渊博者的一种尊称,虽能从其身上学以“道”,但其不一定是知识的传播者。今天看来,“教师”的必要条件不光是拥有知识,更重于传播知识。 ( ) 2. What would you like t

8、o eat? ( ) 3. What are we going to do? ( ) 4. What will you do for your mother? ( ) 5. When s your birthday? 、Read and match. 读句子,并与相对应的图片连线。(25,共10分)1、Lets make a kite.2、Dont talk in the library.3、Were going to study and think.4、Ill buy her a box of her favourite chocolates.5、Dont throw waste paper

9、 on the floor. V、Read and judge. 阅读短文判断正误, 对的写T,错的写F。(35,共15分) Hello! My name is Tom. I like English very much. My favourite food is beef, onions and noodles. I can clean the room, wash my clothes and water the flowers. I often read books, do my homework and watch TV on Saturdays. What do you do on

10、weekends?There are some mountains behind my house. There is a river in front of my house, you can see two bridges over it .Welcome to my home .( ) 1. Tom likes beef , onions and noodles. ( ) 2. Tom can cook.( ) 3. Tom often do his homework on Sundays.( ) 4. There are some mountains in front of Toms house.( ) 5. There are two bridges over the river.第 页


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