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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上一般过去时和现在完成时练习题1. A. 用 already或 yet1) Have they taken down the old pictures _ _? No, they havent_ _.2) Most of us have finished our positions _ .3) He said he hadnt visited the exhibition _ _.B.用 since或 for1) We have learned five lessons _ _ _ the beginning of this term.2) Mrs Liao has b

2、een in hospital _ _ _last week.3) I have stayed at my aunts _ _two weeks.C. 用have gone或 have been1) Where are the boy students? They _ to the school factory.2) Is your father in? No, he _ _ to Shenzhen. _he ever _ there before ?Yes, he _ there several times3) He asked me if I_ _ to Hangzhou before.

3、I told him that I wanted to go there for a visit as I _ _ never _ _ to that city before. 2. 选择填空1.Mother _ _me a new coat yesterday. I _ it on. It fits me well.A. had madehave tried B. madehave triedC. has madetried D. madetried2 “He _to draw horses already”. “When _ he ?” “ Last year “ A. learnedha

4、s B. learneddid C. has learnedhas D. has learneddid3.Tom _up into the tree. Look, he _ high up there !A. has gotis B. has climbedwas C. got wasD. climbedis4._ you _ the text yet ? Yes, we _ it two hours ago.A. Didcopydid B. Havecopiedhave C. Havecopieddid D. Did copyhad5. “Why _ she _ angry ?” “Beca

5、use he _ at her just now .”A. didgetshouted B. hasgotshouted C. didgethas shouted D. hasgothas shouted6. _you _ the film before ? Where _ you _ it ?A. Have seendidsee B. Did seedidwatchC. HaveseenhaveseenD. Did seehaveseen7.You _ me waiting for two hours. I _ for you since five.A. keptwaited B. have

6、 keptwaitedC. kepthave waited D. have kepthave waited8.Where _ John _ ? To the library. He _ there for an hour. A. hasbeenhas goneB. hasgonehas been C. didgowent D. didbewent9._ the baby still _ ? No, it _ crying.A. Hascriedhas stoppedB. Iscryingstopped C. Did crystopped D. Iscryinghas stopped10. I

7、_ the way. I _ here for quite many years.A. knewhave lived B. knewlive C. knowhave lived D. knowlive11. _ you ever _ America ? Yes, I have.A. Havegone to B. Havegone in C. Havebeen to D. Have been in12. My brother _college for over three years.A. has gone to B. has been to C. has been in D. has been

8、 at13.He _ the Army by the end of 1989. He _ in the army since then. A. joinedis B. has joinedhas been C. had joinedisD. had joined has been14. By the time I _ back they _ up ten satellites.A. camehave sent B. camehad sent C. ehave sent D. had esent15. Jack _ over five lessons by seven oclock. Then

9、he _ a rest.A. wenttook B. wenthad taken C. had gonetook D. had gonehad taken16. We _ out by that time that he _ a spy for a long time.A. had foundhad been B. had foundwas C. foundhad been D. foundwas17. Before the news _ him, he _ to know about it.A. reacheshas gotB. reachedhad got C. reachedgot D.

10、 had reachedgot18. I _ him a second letter before I _ from him.A. wroteheard B. wrotehad heard C. had writtenheard D. have writtenhear19. People _ that the soldiers _ fighting.A. sayhad stopped B. saidhas stopped C. saystopped D. saidhad stopped20. We _ in a good harvest because we _ enough rain.A.

11、didnt gethad hadB. gothad hadC. had gothad had D. gothadnt had21. They _ for five hours when they _ in New York.A. flewarrived B. had flownhad arrived C. flewhad arrived D. had flownarrived22. She _ that it _ for two days by that day.A. sayshas rained B. sayshad rained C. saidhad rained D. saidraine

12、d23. John _ there since the year before, so he _ them.A. had workedknew B. had workedhad known C. workedknew D. workedhad known24. He _ angry because he _ for a long time.A. had gothad waited B. gotwaited C. had gotwaited D. gothad waited25. -I have seen the film “Titanic” already. -When _ you _ it?

13、 -The day before yesterday. A. have; seen B. will; see C. did; see D. did; seen 26. Mr Black _ in China since five years ago. A. lived B. has lived C. lives D. is going to live 27. We _ trees last Sunday. So far we _ over 3,000 trees there. A. planted; planted B. planted; have planted C. have planted; planted D. have planted; have planted练习答案:1.A. 1) yet, yet 2) already3) yetB. 1) since 2) since3) since C. 1) have been 2) has gone, Has, been, has been 3) have


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