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1、一短语 M101. 带某人四处参观_ 2.(广播)播出_3. 采访_4.亲自,本人_5. 要求,请求_6.一周两次_7. 停止播出_8.避免做某事_9、一直做某事_10.不客气_二、 根据汉语提示,完成句子。1、 感谢您带我们参观。 _ _ _ _ _.2、 当它亮的时候,我们正在广播。When its _, it means were _ _.3、 我们应该避免制造任何背景噪音。We should _ _ _ _ in the _.4、 我怎样才能成为一名主持人呢?_ can I _ _ _ ?5、 我希望将来有一天你能加入到我们。I_ that you can _ _ _ _.6、 那是我

2、们采访体育明星的地方。Its _ we _ _ _ the big sports _. 7、那是个可怕的消息。Thats _ _!8、 我该怎么解释呢_ can I _?9、 当我四岁时,我紧挨着客厅的收音机坐着,听我最喜欢的节目和最喜欢的主持人的声音。_ I was four, I _ _ _ the radio in the living room, _ _ my favourite _and to the voices _ my _ _.10、 好像他们不是在和广大观众说话,而是在亲自和我说话。It_ that they were _ _ to _ _ _but to me _ _.11

3、、 我去小电台求过兼职工作。I_ _ _ _ in small radio stations.12、 我们每周一次准备一个节目,内容包括音乐文献的研究。We _ a _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ about music.13、 让我们来做一个音质测试。_ _ a _ _.14、 你就告诉我你早餐吃了什么。Just _ me _ _ _ _ breakfast.15、 其目的是测试音质。_ _ is _ _ _ _ _.16、 许多其他学生也擅长写作。A lot of _ _ are _ _ _ _ _.17、 干的好。_ _.18、 电台在12点停止播音。The _ _ _ at 12pm.

4、19、 我不知道你为什么如此惊讶。I _ _ _ you were _.20、 他开发了一款不用电池工作的聪明收音机。He _ a clever radio that works _ batteries.三、 单项选择。1、 ( )He said that he _ his homework. A will finish B finish C had finished D finishes2、 ( )Tom said she _ more trees the next year. A plants B will plants C would plant D plants3、 ( )He asked when _. A we would go to Bejiing B we go to Beijing C did we go to Beijing D would we go to Beijing4、 ( )You should avoid _ the street when the light is red. A crossing B cross C crossed D to cross5、 Mr Green explained that maths problem _ us. A for B at C to D in



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