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1、(完整word版)2019中考英语代词专项训练中考英语代词专项训练单项选择1. New Zealand has two islands. One is North Island and is South Island. A. another B。 the other C。 other D. the others2。 She is new here, so we know about her。 A。 nothing B。 something C. anything D. everything3. Which of the caps will you take? -Ill take , one f

2、or my father, the other for my brother. A。 neither B. both C。 all D. either4。 -Who helped you clean the classroom yesterday? - , I cleaned it all by myself。 A。 Somebody B。 Nobody C. Everybody D. Anybody5。 -We have five kinds of schoolbags。 Do you like this one? -No. Can you show me ? A. another B. e

3、ach other C. the other D。 others6. A lot of books are on sale, but there are good ones. A. any B. some C. few D. many7。 -Are you from America? -No, none of us。 A。 both B。 all C. any D. either8。 -I think that work is a big problem for me. - is difficult if you put all your effort into it. A。 Anything

4、 B. Something C。 Nothing D. Everything9。 If you need a pen, I will lend you . A. the one B。 another C。 some D. one10。 “ is the woman?” “She is fine.” A。 What B. Who C。 Which D。 How11。 There are many teachers in this school. Some are men teachers, are women teachers。 A。 the other B。 others C。 other D

5、。 the others12. Except Mrs Lee and , no one was old in the waiting room. A. his B。 me C。 I D. she13。 These film tickets are yours. Those are 。 A。 the other B. others C。 others D。 others14。 Do you know hair is shorter, Lucys or Marys? A。 who B。 what C. whose D。 which15。 Here are two bottles。 You may

6、take of them and leave me one。 A。 all B。 every C。 both D。 either16。 is a close friend of aunts. A. She; mine B。 Her; mine C. She; my D。 Hers; my17. books are on the desk。 A. There B。 This C. That D。 Those18. is the shortest way to the hospital? A。 Which B. What C。 What way D. Which the way19. work i

7、s heavy, but is heavier than 。 A。 Our; their; our B. Our; theirs; ours C. Ours; theirs; our D。 Our; their; ours20。 The cars made in Shanghai are better than made in Tianjing. A. that B. these C。 those D。 this21. My parents are teachers and of them work very hard。 A。 both; both B. both; each C. all;

8、all D。 both; either22。 China is larger than country in Africa。 A. any B。 any other C。 all D. other23. Look at Toms shoes. beautiful。 A。 Its B. These are C。 Theyre D. Hes24。 Is this pen? A。 you B. yours C。 I D. your25。 There isnt milk in the cup. A。 any B。 some C. a D。 his26。 We are Chinese and English. Lets learn Chinese and English from 。 A。 we B. us C。 every other D. each other27. go to the bus stop at seven in the morning. A. I, she and he B. I, her and him C。 He, she and I D。 She, he and me第 2 页 共 3 页


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