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1、-摘 要随着测绘事业的迅速开展,全球一体化的形成,要求测绘资料形成统一标准,坐标系统的统一就是其中的一方面。现在国家采用的坐标系统有54坐标系、*80坐标系、WGS84坐标系,国家2000坐标系以及各地方坐标系,它们选择的椭球参考系不同,通过不同坐标系之间的转换来满足不同工程测量的需求。在同一坐标系下又有不同的坐标表示方式,例如大地坐标、空间直角坐标、平面坐标。不同坐标系之间的相互转换,一样坐标系下不同坐标之间的转换,都会运用各自对应的转换模型进展转换。 不同坐标系之间的相互转换,本文中主要采用了三种模型,即三参数模型、四参数模型和七参数模型。一样坐标系下的坐标转换,通过选择相应的参考椭球运用

2、相应的转换模型进展转换。坐标转换数据处理过程复杂,模型参数计算涉及最小二乘原理和矩阵运算,所以利用计算机进展坐标转换,既节省了时间,又能提高计算结果的准确性。本文就基于MATLAB平台编写坐标转换程序以及设计坐标转换系统用户界面,利用MATLAB强大的矩阵运算能力以及丰富的函数,能够方便快捷的实现坐标转换。关键词:坐标系,坐标转换,参数模型,MATLABAbstractWith the rapid development of the cause of the surveying and mapping, the formation of global integration, of surv

3、eying and mapping material form a unified and standard requirement, coordinate system of unified is one of the hand. Now countries adopt of coordinate system has Beijing 54 coordinate system, *ian 80 coordinate system, WGS84 coordinate system, the national 2000 coordinate system, and the local coord

4、inate system, they choose different frame of reference ellipsoid, through the different coordinate conversion between to meet different demand of engineering measurement. In the same coordinate system and the coordinates of different means, such as the earth coordinate, space rectangular, plane coor

5、dinates. The transformation between different coordinate system, the same coordinate conversion between different coordinates, will use their corresponding transformation model for conversion.The interaction between the different coordinate system transformation, this paper mainly adopts three model

6、, that is, three parameters model, four parameter model and seven parameter model. The same coordinate coordinate transformation, through the selection of the corresponding reference by the transformation model of the corresponding ellipsoid for conversion. Coordinate conversion of data processing p

7、le*, model parameter calculation involved in least square principle and matri* putation, so use puter coordinate transformation, both to save time, and can improve the accuracy of the calculation results. This paper based on MATLAB platform of coordinate transformation and write program design coord

8、inate transformation system user interface, use of MATLAB strong matri* operation ability and rich function, can facilitate quickly realize the coordinate transformation.Keywords:coordinate, coordinate transformation, the parameters of model, MATLAB. z.-. z.-. z.-目 录摘 要. ABSTRACT英文摘要. 目 录.第一章 引 言. 1

9、 1.1 研究的背景及意义. 1 1.2 坐标系间转换的研究现状. 2 1.3 研究的内容和目标. 2 第二章 大地测量坐标系统. 3 2.1 地球外表、大地水准面和椭球体. 3 2.2 三种常用坐标. 6 2.2.1 空间坐标. 6 2.2.2 大地坐标. 8 2.2.3 平面坐标. 8 2.3 基准. 9 2.4 常用坐标系. 10 2.4.1 1954年坐标系. 10 2.4.2 1980年国家坐标系. 10 2.4.3 WGS-84坐标系. 11 2.4.4 2000国家大地坐标系. 11 2.4.5 地方独立坐标系. 12第三章 坐标转换的理论及其方法. 13 3.1 坐标转换模型. 13 3.1.1 三参数模型.



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