高中英语 Unit 3 Back to the past达标基础练习 牛津版必修3

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1、达标基础练习我夯基 我达标.根据句意和首字母提示完成下列句子1.The bomb e,but fortunately nobody was injured.答案:exploded2.The box didnt s at once;it floated for a little while.答案:sink3.The terrible earthquake d most of the buildings within 10 minutes.答案:destroyed4.Father was very attentive(专心的)with his head b in a book.答案:buried5

2、.She hasnt been seen for four days and we are c for her safety.答案:concerned6.I have used the computer for nearly five years,but it is still in good c.答案:condition7.What parents do has a great i on their children.答案:influence8.The old government was o and a new one replaced it.答案:overthrown.从方框中选择正确的

3、短语填空take overdrive sb.madcarry outbe concerned aboutin return forno more in usein good conditionin memory ofon board1.The farmer was _ by his cattle along the road.答案:driven mad2.Although the house was built many years ago,it is still _.答案:in good condition3.They _ experiments and finally find the s

4、olution to the problem.答案:carried out4.Titanic sank with many people _ after it banged into an iceberg.答案:on board5.You should act like a man.Anyway,youre _ a child.答案:no more6.We gave Peter a nice present _ his cooperation.答案:in return for7.After his father retired,Mark _ the restaurant.答案:took ove

5、r8.Bill fell down from his back and hurt himself,all of us _ his health.答案:are concerned about9.The monument was built _ the great navigator(航海家)Zheng He.答案:in memory of10.The boy likes playing games too much.His computer was always _ during the weekend.答案:in use.单项填空1.Not only you but also your sis

6、ter _ to cut the grass though you may hate doing it.A.wantsB.is wantedC.wantD.are wanted解析:not only.but also.连接并列的主语时,谓语动词的数与but also后面的主语保持一致;根据题干的意思,“you”和“your sister”都是被要求剪草的,所以要用被动语态。答案:B2.Not he but I _ wanted to do the job.A.areB.amC.wereD.is解析:not.but.是“不是而是”的意思,连接的成分作主语时,谓语动词的数与but后的主语保持一致。

7、答案:B3.Neither you nor I,nor anybody else _ content to live in such a lonely village.A.isB.amC.areD.were解析:neither.nor.与上两题中的连词一样,连接并列主语时,谓语动词的数与后面的主语保持一致。答案:A4.Id like to do something for you _ everything youve done for me.A.in exchangeB.in turnC.in return forD.in terms of解析:in return for是“作为的回报”的意思

8、,句意是“我想为你做点事作为你为我做的一切的回报”。答案:C5.Its a good idea.But whos going to _ the plan?I think Tom and Grey will.A.set asideB.carry outC.take inD.get through解析:plan是“计划”的意思,与“执行,实施”搭配,carry out意为“执行,搭配”。答案:B6.After he graduated from college,he _ his fathers business.A.took inB.took upC.took overD.took on解析:ta

9、ke in意为“接受,欺骗”,take up意为“开始从事”,take on意为“承担,从事”,take over意为“接管”;句意为“他毕业后接管了他父亲的生意”。答案:C7.Is the patients health getting any better?Yes,his _ has _ improved.A.situation;more thanB.condition;more or lessC.case;no moreD.health;no longer解析:condition指“状况”,more or less是“或多或少”。答案:B8.Jane is one of the stud

10、ents in the class who _ by their teacher.A.are praisedB.is praisedC.praisedD.praising解析:在“one of+复数名词+定语从句”的结构中,定语从句的谓语动词的数应由它所修饰的先行词的数来决定;题中被表扬的人不止一个,所以用复数形的被动语态。答案:A9.What the teacher said suggested that he _ satisfied with our spoken English.A.wasB.should beC.beingD.be解析:题中的suggest是“表明”的意思,从句不用虚拟

11、语气。答案:A10.When and where to build the factory _ yet.A.is not decidedB.are not decidedC.has not decidedD.have not decided解析:主语是and连接的两个并列的不定,谓语动词用复数;yet用于完成时态。答案:D.根据提示翻译下面的句子1.很难想像,我们的生活如果没有水将会怎样。(imagine)_答案:Its hard to imagine what our lives would be like if we did not have water.2.夫妇俩晚上谁也不给孩子讲故事。

12、(neither.nor)_答案:Neither the husband nor the wife tells stories for children every night.3.没有什么能阻止这个计划的执行。(prevent.from.)_答案:Nothing can prevent the plan from carrying out.4.别给小孩吃鸡蛋了,他感冒了。(feed sb.with sth.)_答案:Dont feed the baby with eggs.He has caught a cold.我综合 我发展.听力训练第一节A.听下列对话,根据所听内容完成句子。M:Do

13、you have any trouble with your pronunciation,Mary?W:Not too much.I can pronounce English words well,but I write them poorly.1.Do you have any trouble _ _ _ Mary?Not too much.I can pronounce English words well,but write them_.答案:with your pronunciation;poorlyM:Why dont you go and ask the man sitting in the chair?W:Oh,thank you very much.2.Why _ _ _ and ask the man _ _ ?答案:dont you go;sitting in John,a quite ordinary playwriter,is now in high debts.3.John, _ _ _ _



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