【英语】大纲版第2册 课课练Unit1:Warming up, Listening and Speaking

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1、训练Warming up,Listening and Speaking课前预习:无师自通.汉英翻译1.以而著名_ 2.非凡的才智_3.科学分支_ 4.与有共同之处_5.毫无问题_ 6.与相似_答案:1.be known for 2.unusual intelligence 3.scientific branch 4.be in common with 5.There is no doubt 6.be similar to.单词拼写1.The paintings show his real _(灵感).2.We would live in another world if people didn

2、t have _(想像力).3.A small company managed to _(承揽) the great project by cheating.4.The Weihe River is a b of the Huanghe River.5.I dont know what “x”_(代表) here.6.We are _(讨论) what to do next.7._(显然),what you have said is true. 8.He is such an_ (有才能的) student that we all like him.9.I have been waiting

3、for my boss_ (耐心地) for two hours. 10.She is _(好奇) about space.11.The curtain doesnt _(相配) the wall.12.You _(误会) him,for he did nothing wrong.13.The accident _(使丧失能力) him to speak.14.How many _(段落) does the passage have?15.These two buildings are _(相似) to each other in design.16.What are you _(争论) ab

4、out with him?答案:1.inspiration 2.imagination 3.undertake 4.branch 5.represents6.debating 7.Obviously 8.intelligent 9.patiently 10.curious 11.match12.misunderstood 13.disabled 14.paragraphs 15.similar 16.debating课堂巩固:一点即通.句型转换1.People dont doubt that American soldiers are to suffer a great defeat in I

5、raq._ is _ doubt that American soldiers are to_ in Iraq.2.I believe the news to be a fact.It _ that the news is a fact.3.The building is being constructed after the earthquake.It is _ that is _.4.Tom married Jane two years ago.Tom _ to Jane for two years.5.It seems that there is no reason for discus

6、sing the question any further.There doesnt seem _ in discussing the question any further.6.The problem is being debated.It is _ that is _ debate.答案:1.There;no;be defeated 2.is believed 3.the building;under construction 4.has been married 5.much point 6.the problem;under.单句改错1.It costs great imaginat

7、ion to be an excellent artist.答案:coststakes提示:此处为固定句型:It takes sb.something/some time/some money to do sth.。cost的主语为sth.。2.We see only that we know.答案:thatwhat提示:what引导一个名词性从句作see的宾语,what本身在从句中又作动词know的宾语。3.Will you please write a list of what we need to buy?答案:writemake提示:make a list of意为“列单子”,固定搭配

8、。4.Which is the man known as his novels or his inventions?答案:asfor提示:be known as意为“作为而出名”。be known for意为“以而著名”。5.It is no doubt that he will succeed.答案:ItThere提示:固定句型:There is no doubt that.表“毫无疑问”。6.What do these great minds have for common?答案:forin提示:固定搭配 have sth.in common表“有共同之处”。.介词、副词填空1.He ha

9、s been engaged _ business,he was a successful businessman.2.This is the solution _ the problem.3.According _ my clock,it is four oclock now.4.He dreamt _ being a scientist.5.You should make a list _ what you saw.6.Who came _ _such a bad idea?7.The weather turned _fine.8.He is known _ a writer.9.The

10、song is similar _ hers.10._ common _ everyone else,I think he is right.答案:1.in 2.to 3.to 4.of 5.of 6.up with 7.out 8.as 9.to 10.In;with课后检测:融会贯通.单项选择1.This watch needs _,for it loses five minutes per day.A.to repair B.be repairedC.repairing D.being repaired答案:C提示:表示“某事需要(被)做”,need后用ing或to be done表达。

11、2.Right now you need _ still until help comes.A.stay B.to stay C.staying D.be staying答案:B提示:表示“某人需要做”,need后用to do形式,而need作情态动词时一般用于疑问句或否定句。3.It _ great efforts to succeed in this cause.A.takes B.costs C.charges D.pays答案:A提示:此处表示“需要”,需用takes;而cost只表示“花钱”,charge表示“收费”,pay表示“付钱”。4.Much of the work is _

12、 before sunset.A.finished B.to finish it C.being finished D.to be finished答案:D提示:此处构成be to do的结构表示将来动作,因工作是被完成的,所以用被动形式。若用A项,则表示“已完成”这一状态。5.How long has the house_ ?A whole night.A.caught fire B.been on fireC.been set fire D.made fire答案:B提示:问句是现在完成时,故答语的谓语动词需用表示延续性的状态或动作。6.Which word in the followin

13、g sentences is similar _ the one I mentioned just now?A.to B.with C.for D.as答案:A 提示:be similar to为固定搭配,意为“与相似”。7.Youd better not ask the boy to do it.I think its too much _ him. A.to B.with C.for D.of答案:C提示:for表示“对来说”。8.(2006北京海淀高三期末检测) Its general consider unwise to give a child _ he or she want.A.however


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