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1、医院科室牌标牌中英文对照表病房楼楼层总索引Layout of Inpatient Building 大厅Lobby 卫事中心Patientaid center 小卖部Buffet 出院病人领取费用清单List of expenses for discharged patients 普通病人出院结帐Check-out for common discharged patients 住院登记收费Check-in for inpatients 医保社保出院结帐Checkout for patients with medical / social insurance 病区药房Ward dispensar

2、y 输血科Transfusion section 急诊化验Emergency lab 急诊手术室Emergency operating theatre 门诊手术室Clinic operating theatre 出入院病人接待处Reception of inpatients (二病区)重症监护ICU ( Area 2 ) 外科示教室Surgery demo room 妇科示教室Gynecology demo room 仓库Warehouse 特殊感染病室Special infection diseases 主任办公室Director office 治疗室Therapeutic room 护士长

3、办公室Head nurse office 医生办公室Doctor office 护士站Nurse station (三病区)儿科Pediatrics Dept (Area 3) 电脑中心Computer center 更衣室Change room 儿科教研室Pediatrics teaching & research section 婴儿洗澡间Infant bathroom 新生婴儿监护室Neonatuswardship新生婴儿室Neonatus room 重症室ICU 诊疗室Consulting room (四病区)产科Obstetrical Dept (Area 4) 机房Machine

4、room 婴儿抚触中心Infantstroking center (五病区)产房Obstetrical Ward (Area 5) 分娩室Delivery room 隔离分娩室Isolation delivery room 陪伴分娩室(一)Delivery room with companion (1) 陪伴分娩室(二)Delivery room with companion (2) 护士值班室Nurse on duty 医生值班室Doctor on duty 单床间Singlebed room (六病区)妇科Gynecology ( Area 6) 妇科教研室Gynecology teach

5、ing and research section 换药室Dressing room (七病区)骨科Orthopedics Dept ( Area 7) (八病区)普外(肝、胆、胰、肛肠)科General Surgical Dept (Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Anorectum (Area 8) 外科教研室Surgery teaching research section (九病区)心胸(肿瘤)外科Cardiothoracic Surgery (Tumor) ( Area 9) (十病区)普外(泌尿)科General Surgical Dept (Urinar

6、y system) (Area 10) (十一病区)耳鼻咽喉科、眼科、口腔科( Area 11) E。N.T。 Dept, Ophthalmology Dept, Stomatology Dept眼科暗房Ophthalmological dark room (十二病区)神经外科Surgical Dept of Neurology (Area 12) 麻醉科Anesthesiology dept示教室Demo room 麻醉医生办公室Office of anesthesia doctor 医生休息室Doctor rest room 女更衣室Change room (F) 男更衣室Change r

7、oom (M) 有菌手术室Non aseptic operating theatre 手术取材室Operation material room 麻醉器械储藏室Storeroom of anesthesia instrument 非限制区Unrestricted area 半限制区Semirestricted area 换鞋处Shoe-changing 配电室Distribution room 手术室Operating theatre 石膏房Gypsum room 手术准备室Operation preparation 清洗间Cleaning room 麻醉准备室Anesthesia prepar

8、ation 麻醉器械室Anesthesia instrument room 限制区Restricted area 精密仪器室Precision instrument room 无菌室Asepsis room 护士登记室Nurse registration room 复苏室Anabiosis room 麻醉清洗消毒室 Anesthesia cleaning and sterilizing room 等候室Waiting room 存放间Storage room 后勤楼楼层分布Layout of Logistic Building 病案统计室Medical record statistics ro

9、om 图书室Library 后勤服务管理中心Logistic service and management center 设备科Equipment section 工程维修部Engineering maintenance dept基建科Capital construction section 供应服务部Supply service dept实习生值班室(1)Probationer night shift room (1) 门诊楼楼层总索引Layout of Outpatient Building 本层科室分布Layout of sections 开水间Boiled water 检验科Labor

10、atory section 抽血化验Blood test 门诊药房Clinic dispensary 大小便、白带化验Test of stool, urine, leukorrhea药房Dispensary 体液实验室Humoral lab 放射影像科Radio & Image dept放射科登记处X-ray registration 放射科X-ray dept摄片2 (Xray 2) 挂号收费Registration charging 内科(二)Internal medicine dept ( 2 ) 门诊办公室Outpatient office 老干部门诊Veteran carder cl

11、inic 老年专科Special section of geriatric diseases 糖尿病专科Diabets special section 内科专家门诊1 Expert clinic of internal medicine ( 1 ) 专家门诊Expert clinic 专科门诊Clinic of special section 高血压专科Hypertension special section C T 室CT room 换药室Dressing room 肛肠科Anorectum section 肝胆专科专家门诊Expert clinic of liver and gallbla

12、dder section 骨科Orthopedics dept腰腿痛专科Lumbago & Skelalgia special section 脑外科Cerebral surgery 疼痛专科Special section of pains 普外科 General surgical dept皮肤科Dermatology dept性病专科Special section of VD 儿科专家门诊Expert clinic of pediatrics 儿科Pediatrics dept中药房TCM dispensary 耳鼻咽喉专家门诊Expert clinic of E。N.T 耳鼻咽喉科E。N。

13、T. dept中医科TCM dept眼科检查室(眼电生理) Ophthalmology check room (EOG) 眼科专家门诊Ophthalmologic expert clinic 煎药室Herb decocting room 眼科治疗室Therapeutic room of ophthalmology 眼科检查室(眼压验光视野)Examination room of ophthalmology (intraocular tension, optometry, visual field) 声阻抗室Acoustic impedance room 电测听室Electrometric he

14、aring test 助听器选配室Hearing aid selection 眼科诊室(常规诊室) Ophthalmology clinic (Routine clinic) 宣教室Publicizing and education 胸外肿瘤专科Special section of thoracic tumor 皮肤性病科专家门诊Expert clinic of dermatosis and VD 人流室Induced Abortion Room 介入门诊Intervention clinic 妇产科专家门诊Expert clinic of gynecology & obstetrics 高危

15、妊娠门诊High-danger pregnancy clinic 妇产科Gynecology & obstetrics dept仓库Warehouse 心室晚电位Ventricle late potential 动态血压Dynamic blood pressure 动态心电图室Dynamic ECG 心向量Vectorcardiogram心电图室ECG room 心电图科ECG section 超声科Ultrasonographic section 彩色B超Color B-Ultrasonography 理疗推拿科Physical therapy & manipulation section 儿科示教室Demo room of pediatrics 盆腔炎治疗室Therapeutic room of PID 儿童生长发育门诊Children growth clinic 急诊B超Emergency BUltrasonography 胃镜肠镜预约窗口Reservation of gastros



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