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1、如何解答英语竞赛中的智力测试题(答案)英语智力测试是全国中学生竞赛笔试部分的一个重要题型,它是竞赛试题不可缺少的组成部分。该题型涉及范围极广,可以说是包罗万象。智力测试采用主观性笔答形式,主要是常识题、谜语题、计算题、推理题、图形观察 题、词义猜测题和脑筋急转弯等几种形式。英语智力测试题具有灵活、巧妙、隐蔽和反常的特点。如果按照常理思维不易得到答案,稍有不慎就会落入命 题者设置的圈套之中。但智力测试题的设疑点又主要在题干或关键词上,因此抓住题干中的关键词提供的信息,充 分挖掘信息中隐含的条件,多角度地积极思维,可以攻破“迷惑点”。一、选择正确的答案:1.lf all the letters a

2、re asked(被叫)to a tea party, which letters will be late ? ( D )A.u and z B.w,x and y C.x,y and z D.u.v,w,x,y and z2. What letter is an insect(昆虫)? It _ s BA.Ww B.Ff C.Bb D.Ss3. Which is medicine(药)for your head in the English letter?(C)A.ABO B.AUO C.APC D.APU4. How many letters are there in En glish?

3、(C)A.48B.30C.26D.75. A the ninth letter in the English alphabet(字母表).A. “ I ” is B.l am C.l is D. “ I ” am6. I see three men on a bus. A speaks En glish and Japa nese. C only talks with B. B can speak Chin ese and En glish. What does C speak? He speaks.(C)A. En glish B. Japa nese C. Chin eseD. En gl

4、ish and Japa nese7. How long should your legs be? They are. (D)A. 1.5 meters long B. 2 meters long C. Ion ger tha n my fathers D. long eno ugh to reach the ground8. What would George Washington be most famous ( 著名的)for if he were alive today? (C)A. A preside nt (总统). B. A great America n. C. His old

5、 age. D. A father of his son.9. Who can stop a truck(卡车)with one hand?(D)A. A worker B. A farmer C. An old manD.A policema n10. His talk was nothing but milk and water. Milk and water ”,here means(A)A.毫无意义B.丰富多彩C.血浓于水D.例行公事11. What the Chinese for six of one an half a dozen of the other ?(C)A.六分之一B.

6、人云亦云C.半斤八两D.见一面分一半12. What three letters turn into a woma n?(D)A.SUN B.DAB C.EYE D.EGA13. We dontwant it .It a white elephant. What is it?(A)A.昂贵而无用之物 B. 头白象C.白给的东西D.白色陷阱14. What too much for two and just right for on e.( A)A. Time B. A secret C. Two friends D.A room15. What the Chi nese for talk bi

7、g.? (A)A.吹牛B.说谎话C.骂人 D.很大16. I know that from A to I.(B)A.从A到IB.从头到尾C.字母表D.距离很远17. You can do it .You can sue to Ann for help.(A)A .ask B. thi nkC. find D. give18. What that? Thats a lily. I like it very much.(B)A. girl name B. flower C. pictrue D. cup10. Hes a yes-ma n. I don him.(A)A.唯唯诺诺B.总有理的人C.

8、坚强的人C.说一不二的人All right. Let me do it. That the boy.(A)A. good boy B. young child C. big boy D. bad boy20. Zhou Shure n pen n ame is Lux un .(C)A.假名 B.真名 C.笔名 D.艺名21. They are not here. Ten to one theyre in the classroom.(C)A.肯定是 B.有点儿可能 C.很可能 D.有可能23.I don ltkMr. Li . He is an old woman.(A)A.女人气的男人B.

9、没有妻子的老头C.喜欢罗嗦的人 D.老太婆24. You can play with Bill. He is not in the same class.(B)A.他棒极了B.他不是你的对手C.他和你不在一个班上D.他是个生手25. Mr.Wa ng is a bus in essma n. He always talks shops.(C)A.自吹自擂 B.吹他商店的好C.谈生意上的事 D.三句不离本行26. Kate is working in a factory now. She is not a chicken again.(C)A.小鸡B.鸡肉C.不是小孩D.单身女子27. D on

10、 give a carrot to me. I can tgo with you.(B)A.把一胡萝卜给我 B.引诱我 C.让我吃胡萝卜 D.小看我28. I can tgo to school today. I feel cheap.(B)A.便宜 B.不舒服C.忙碌D.虚伪29. We can go to the moon on foot. You re killing me.(C)A.你让我死了吧B.你杀了我吧C.你的话笑死人了D.你在胡说八道30. The neighbours (令邻居)called the man cold fish ,because he never helped

11、 others. What the meaning of cold fish here?(B)A.冻鱼B.冷酷无情的人C.忙人 D.杀手31. Every one says hes good at talk ing with all kinds of people and he n ever puts a foot wrong. The Chin ese meaningfor puts a foot wrong ”n this sentence isBA.把一只脚放错了 B.说错话C.放下一只脚D.步行32.1 can kill a duck ,it duck soup to be a coc

12、k. The meaning of duck soup ”n Chin ese isD.A.鸭汤B.鸭子游泳C.后悔的事 D.易如反掌的事二、问答题:1. Fill in the miss ing nu mber.12,6,18,12,30,(),34Answer: _42. Work out the missing digits(数字)so that the calculation(计算 )is correct.61+24=853. What nu mber gets bigger whe n you turn it upside dow n? 64. From what number ca

13、n you take half(一 半)and leave nothing? 8 5. What 5-letter word has 6 left whe n you take 2 letters away?Sixty6. There is an interesting number. Its letters are in alphabetical order(按 字母顺 序排歹U ).What s the number?Forty7. How many mon ths has 28 days in a year?Twelve8. How many hun dreds are there in

14、 half a thousa nd.Five9. A box contains(装 有)six small boxes. And each small box also contains another four boxes. How manyboxes are there together( 一共)?3110.If it takes you three and a half minutes to boil(煮)one egg. How long does it take to boil ght eggs atleast(至少)? Three and a half minutes11. Pet

15、er can run from the train station to his home in eight minut es. His brother Tom run the same distanee ( 距 离)eight times in one hour. Who runs faster(更快地)? Tom12. Tim always goes to school by bus. He often looks out of the bus win dow on his left, and he sees fourpet shops. In the evening, on the way home, he sees f there? Fourour pet shops on his right. How many pet shops are13. -Can you take 1from 4( 从 4 中取走 4)and get 5? How?Yes. Take _Jfrom V and I can get V.14. Which letter doesn tbelongs


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