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1、2023中英文辞职报告中英文辞职报告范文合集六篇进入一家公司一段时间后,有时会因为一些缘由离开岗位,这时候写好辞职报告是有必要的。那么你会写辞职报告吗?以下是办公室王秘书为大家整理的中英文辞职报告6篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。中英文辞职报告 篇1敬爱的领导:自从年入职以来,我始终都很享受这份工作。转瞬快年过去了,我要重新确定我将来的方向。诚然,论工作环境、团队、压力,甚至个人喜好,我都很满足。但,因为某些个人的理由,我最终选择了起先新的工作。希望你能早日业胶鲜实娜耸纸犹嫖业墓鳌当然,假设你容许的话,我情愿,并且渴望在工余时间,为我们这个团队接着出力,最终,我也不知道可以说什么,只能忠心对你

2、说对不起与感谢你,并祝福您和大家能开创出更美妙的将来。 敬上it is with both regret and anticipation that i submit this letter of resignation, to resign from the position of 职位 effective february xx, 2023. i have decided to takethis time to evaluate my current goals and investigate new opportunities.it has been my genuine pleasur

3、e to work for edward keller and 公司名group during these last xx years.thank you for allowing me to 公司名.yours sincerely辞 职 报 告从初至今,进入公司工作两年的时间里,得到了公司各位同事的多方帮助,我特别感谢公司各位同事。在过去的两年里,我在公司里工作的很快乐,感觉公司的气氛就和一个大家庭一样,大家相处的融洽和谐,同时在公司里也学会了如何与同事相处,如何与客户建立良好关系等方面的东西。并在公司的过去两年里,利用公司赐予良好学习时间,学习了一些新的东西来充溢了自己,并增加自己的一些学

4、问和实践阅历。我对于公司两年多的照看表示真心的感谢!在经过年下半年的时间里,公司赐予了很好的时机,让自己学习做市场方面的运做,但由于自己缺乏市场等方面的阅历,自己没有能很好的为公司做好新的市场开发,自己身感有愧公司的两年的培育。由于我个人感觉,我在过去的一段时间里的表现不能让自己感觉满足,感觉有些愧对公司这两年的照看,自己也感觉自己在过去两年没有给公司做过点奉献,也由于自己感觉自己的实力还差的许多,在公司的各方面需求上自己实力不够。所以,经过自己慎重考虑,为了自己和公司考虑,自己现向公司提出辞职,望公司赐予批准。年月日中英文辞职报告 篇2敬重的xx领导:Dear XX leader:您好!He

5、llo!我特别感谢xx公司给我的机遇和帮助!但是由于某些个人缘由,使我只能离开我酷爱的公司,所以在此提出辞职申请。I am very grateful to XX for giving me the opportunity and help, but for some personal reasons, so I can only leave the company I love, so I apply for resignation here.在过去x年的时间里,公司教给了我许多东西,并且赐予我许多帮助和熬炼的时机,让我在这个岗位上积累了肯定的专业技能和工作阅历,同时也学学到了许多工作以外的

6、,为人处事等道理,我很感谢公司对我的帮助,我信任这也是我一生中最难得的财宝,因为这些都为我在将来的工作和生活中带来帮助和便利。In the past x years, the company has taught me a lot of things, and give me a lot of help and training opportunities, let me in this post has accumulated certain professional skills and work experience, and also learned a lot of work out

7、side the humanness of truth, I am very grateful to my company help, I believe this is the most precious wealth in my life, because these are for our help and convenience in the future work and life.如今我将离开Now Im leaving公司并且已受聘于另一家企业,我已考虑成熟,并且我有信念能够在新的工作岗位上充分发挥自己的专长。The company has also been employed

8、by another company. I have considered maturity and I am confident that I can make full use of my expertise in my new job.我希望xx公司在今后的开展旅途中步步为赢、蒸蒸日上。同时再次感谢xx公司让我曾经成为其中一员。I hope to, x x company in the development of journey in the future on the upgrade. Again, thanks to x x company, let me be one of th

9、em.申请人: xxxApplicant: XXX2023年xx月xx日中英文辞职报告 篇3Dear HR Leadership:I regret that I give my official resignation to the companyI came to the company just three months, and Im very honored to be able to become a member of our company. During three months , I learned a lot, and the companys financial sit

10、uation is also in good shape. Im very grateful that the company gave me such a good environment to work and learn.But I need to resign for personal reasons. In regularization with my salary after the nature of work and measure my ability to work, I feel the salary is not with my expectations. So, I

11、decided to resign.I hope my applications can be approved before June 20,I wish you good health .Applicant: JackDate: June 22, xx敬重的人力资源部领导:我很缺憾自己在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职。我来公司刚好三个月了,也很荣幸自己能够成为医院的一员。在医院工作的三个月中,我学到了许多东西,公司的经营状况也处于良好的态势。特别感谢公司赐予了我在这样的良好环境中,工作和学习的时机。但是我因为个人缘由须要辞职。在对转正后的薪资与我的工作性质和自己工作实力的衡量后,我觉得与自己的

12、预期不相符合,出于对医院制度的敬重及个人开展的考虑,我确定了辞职。我希望在2023年7月20日之前完成工作交接,请领导支配工作交接人选。在未离开岗位之前,我肯定会站好最终一班岗,我所在岗位的工作请领导尽管安排,我肯定会尽自己的职,做好应当做的事。望领导批准我的申请,并请帮助办理相关离职手续。祝您身体健康,事业顺心。并祝医院以后事业蓬勃开展。此致敬礼申请人:xx2023年x月x日中英文辞职报告 篇4November 24, 19xxDear Mr. Bao:敬重的包先生:By this letter I am resigning my position as Quality Engineer,

13、effective immediately.我写信目的是通知您我要辞去质量工程师的职位,并且马上生效。Recent circumstances incompatible1 with my personal beliefs and styles require that I change my employment.最近公司发生的一些事情有悖我个人的理念及风格,驱使我更换工作。I appreciate the opportunity to work and learn at ABC Company.能有时机在ABC公司工作学习,我感到不胜感谢。Sincerely,xxx中英文辞职报告 篇5Dea

14、r 老板的名字As required by my contract of employment, i hereby give you 自己看你合同 weeks notice of my intention to leave my position as 你现在的职位 i have decided that it is time to move on and i have accepted a position elsewhere. This was not an easy decision and took a lot of consideration. However, i am confi

15、dent that my new role will help me to move towards some of the goals i have for my career.please be assured that i will do all i can to assist in the smooth transfer of my responsibilities before leaving.i wish both you and 你现在的公司 every good fortune and i would like to thank you for having me as part of your team.sincerely,签名敬爱的“xx依据我的雇佣合同,我在此给你“xx周的通知我准备离开我的地位“你现在的职位“我确定现在是时候接着前进,我已经接受了一个位置。这不是一个简单确实定,把大量的考虑。然而,我信任,我的新角色将帮助我走向我对我的职业生涯的一些目标。请放心,我将尽我所能帮助在离开之前的顺当转移我的责任。我希望



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