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1、课题沪教牛津版七年级 Module 3 TravelUnit 5 Visiting the MoonListening LessonUnit4 A trip to space课型Listening 备课时间1 period学情分析学生特征该班学生思维较活跃,对新鲜事物感兴趣,但是自我表现欲望一般。语言能力学生话题储备、词汇量不足、语言表达的精确度有待提高。教材分析教学目标语言能力1.通过介绍,了解太空旅馆的设施和营业时间等信息。 2.运用一般将来时时态来展示小组作品。学习能力1. 听一段太空旅馆的介绍,学会记录时间、地点等关键词。2. 学会描述自己小组的作品。思维品质培养学生通过小组合作培养创

2、新思维及小组合作能力。教学重点听力训练中捕捉关键信息的能力。教学难点听录音,记关键词,复述录音内容。描述作品。教法与学法指导PPP教学法、情景教学法、任务教学法、合作型教学本单元各课型的主要内容请参考下图:ListeningAbout the Space HotelWritingA plan for visiting the Space Hotelthe Grammar The simple future tense with will, be going toSpeaking : l r hReadingA trip to spaceUnit 4Visiting the MoonCultur

3、e cornerChinas space dreamMore practiceThe Hotel on the Moon教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间第一环节复习引入课题StepRevisionFill in the blanks about the content of reading.Show the exercise to studentsConnect with the last class.2Step II: Warming upIntroduce the space hotel and set context.(Each group manages 1

4、place. Kiki is the CEO.The group leaders are managers.)look at the pictures of the space hotel (some are downloaded on the net, some are drew by students)and answer the questionsFind a photo about the space hotel,and ask them to discuss:What are there in the hotel?What can you do?Arose the interest

5、of the students and develop their imagination.3第二环节观察操作、探索归纳平移的作法Step III: Before listening: New words learningSome listening skillsLook at the pictures and say out the new words, Present the listening skills to notice them.Show them some pictures about the new words.Notice students how to do before

6、 and after they are listening.To form the good habit of before -listening.3Step IV: While listening1.Listen to the tape and finish the task and check the answer.(The 1st)Listen to the tape again. (The 2rd)1.Listen to the tap and finish the exercise on the textbook.2.Listen to the tape again and try

7、to write down the parts of your group on the paper.1.Play the tape for them once or twice.2.Play the tape for them once or twice.To practice the listening.6Step V: Post listening1.Retell the information.(competition)2. Read the tape script together and check what they hear. 3. Discuss in groups and

8、try to describe the picture of their own group in their own words.(What/Where/When/How/tense)1.Try to retell what they hear.2.Read the tape script and check what they hear.3. Discuss in groups and introduce their places in groups.Each group come to the platform to show their paintings. 1.Ask student

9、s to retell and give points.(6)2.Show the tape script.(3) 3.Give the instructions and points.(4+12)To develop the students ability of speaking.25第三环节小结Step VII: Summarize and HW Write down your plans. 1板书设计I. 3 listening skills 1. Predict2. Key words3. GuessII.教学评价:优点:1、该节课教学目标目标清楚明白、具体,易激发兴趣,引导自主探究

10、、合作交流、练习设计体现知识的综合运用,形式多样分量与难度适中,学法指导得当。2、该节课教学重难点把握准确,教学内容主次分明,抓住关键;结构合理,衔接自然紧凑,情感态度与价值观三个维度,符合学段教学要求、教材特点与学生实际。3、该节课能以旧引新,寻找新旧知识的关联和生长点,注重知识的发生发展过程,能找到教材特点及本课的疑点,并恰当处理在课堂上设疑问难,引导点拔。4、本节课各种学习活动设计具体、充分注意学生学习习惯,师生配合度高。缺点:1、 教师语速有点慢,可以适当加快。2、 教案上应把学情及教学流程图展示。3、 课堂上会有不可预知的学情,灵活调整教学设计时各环节的时间分配,没有做出取舍。计划:1、 要多与名师交流,争取各种学习机会,利用学习平台提升自己的专业水。2、 做到认真备课,制定合理的教学计划,不写无用的教案与计划。3、 做到因材施教,灵活多变。4、 做为一名刚入职的新教师,通过观看视频和对标准的学习,我认识到了自己在课堂教学方面还有很多不足的地方,标准给出了努力的方向和具体措施,使自己受益非浅,我会在今后的教学中实践争取做到更好。


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