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1、巧学情态动词重庆市武隆中学:罗映红情态动词是英语中的一个重要语法项目,也是语言学习中的一个难点,也是历年高考必考内容。它的考试热点在于情态动词的基本用法,情态动词表示态度的用法,情态动词表推测的用法以及情态动词在虚拟语气中的运用。因此如何学好情态动词就成了学生的一个难题。结合本人十多年的教学实践,把情态动词的用法编成歌决,让学生易学易记。一、shall的用法口诀:疑问句中表请求和建议,所用人称第三和第一。陈述句中表决心和命令,还有允诺、警告和强制,条约规章中表规义,shall用法要牢记。1、在疑问句中表示征求对方的意见和指示可以用于第一、三人称,意思是“要不要”或者是“好吗?”e.g. Sha

2、ll we go to the theater tonight? Shall he come to see you?2、用语陈述句中表示允诺、命令、警告、决心或强制等e.g. You shall get the answer tomorrow.(允诺) Then you shall come.(命令) Nothing shall stop us from carrying out our plan.(决心) He shall be sorry for it one day.(警告)3、在条约规章中表规定和义务e.g Passenger shall not talk with the drive

3、r when the bus is moving.二、will 的用法口诀: 疑问句中表请求建议, 所用人称第二要牢记。陈述句中表愿意,所用人称无限制。若表习惯和倾向,will 用来不必疑。1、疑问句中表示请求和邀请用第二人称e.g Will you come with us?2、陈述句中表意愿人称无限制e.g. I will never talk about that again. If you will allow me, I will see you home.3、表某种习惯倾向和习惯性的动作e.g. Fish will die out of water. Oil and water w

4、ill not mix.4. 表揣测意思是“大概”e.g. This will be the house (that) you are looking for That will be the post.三、would的用法口诀:would也表请求和建议,语气委婉更合适。条件句中表虚拟,主句之中构谓语。used to对比今昔,would重复如一。1、条件句中表虚拟,在主句中构成谓语e.g. If there were an accident ,we would have to report it. Dont bother to read all those papers, it would t

5、ake too long.2、委婉地提出请求、建议或看法e.g. Would you like to have a cup of tea? Would you mind taking part?3、表过去反复发生的动作或倾向,而used to 表示过去常干某事而现在不再那样做了e.g. Occasionally she would come to see us Now and then a magpie would call . When I was young, I used to go swimming in the river.4、表意愿e.g. I would do it if you

6、 would let me. She would never agree.四、can/could的用法口诀:can/could表能力。否定疑问表猜疑。could have done “本可以”。表委婉请求could更适宜。be able to与can同义,更多时态后天的努力。1、表能力e.g. The nine-year-old boy can swim across the river. Could you follow her talk? Two eyes can see more than one.2、表客观可能性e.g. Everyone can make a mistake. Man

7、 can not live without air.3、表征询对方意见和允许,此时Could语气更委婉,回答时不能用could而要用can.e.g. - Could I smoke here? - Yes, you can. / No, you cant.4、表惊异、怀疑、不相信等态度e.g. Where can/could they be now? He couldnt /cant be over fifty.5、在虚拟条件句中构成谓语e.g. I would help you if I could. If you had tried hard, you could have overcom

8、e the difficulties.6、could have done用于肯定句,表示那时本来可以做某事而实际上又没做 。e.g. We could have solved the problem in a more reasonable fashion. 7、be able to表通过努力才做到,可用于更多的时态如:将来时态、完成时态等;而can只表现在能力could表过去某时的能力。e.g. After finishing his courses, he will be able to speak French will. Im sorry, I havent been able to

9、answer your letter. He was able to take care of himself when he was ten.五、may/might的用法口诀:may/migh表请求,might委婉更合意。表揣测常用肯定句,否定句常被can代替。目的让步中组成谓语。表祝愿may独一。(一)、may的用法。1、询问或说明一件事可不可以做。e.g. May I trouble you with a question? Yes, you may/please/certainly. No, please dont/you mustnt2、表示一件事或许会发生,此时多用于肯定句,否定句

10、中常用can来代替,翻译为“也许”。e.g. He may be engaged now. She may not be here today.3、在表示目的或让步状语的从句中构成谓语。e.g. Write to him at once,so that he may know in time. Come what may, well always stand together.4、表祝愿。e.g. May you succeed! May you enjoy yourself!(二) 、might的用法1、询问或说明一件事可不可以做,比may语气更委婉。e.g. Might I ask for

11、 a photo of your baby?2、表示一件事或许会发生,此时多用于肯定句,只是可能性要比may弱,翻译为“大概”。e.g. You might have a fever. The paper says that it might rain tomorrow.3、在表示在表示目的或让步状语的从句中构成谓语。e.g. He died so that the others might live.4、在虚拟条件句中构成谓语。e.g. If she had made better use of her time, she might have leant more.六、must/have

12、to 的用法口诀:Must主观表必须,否定句中表禁止。肯定句中表猜疑,表示某事“一定是”。反意问句要留意,must后动词是依据。have to客观事,更多时态能用之。1、must表示必须要做的事,强调主观意愿。用于否定句时意思是“不允许”,“禁止”,要注意must的一般问句的肯定和否定回答。 e.g. We must do everything step by step. We mustnt smoke here. Must I do it at once? Yes, you must. No, you neednt/you dont have to.2、表必然的结果。/ e.g. All m

13、en must die.3、表猜测,只用于肯定句。此时must意思是 “某事一定是”,比may,might要肯定得多,它的反意问句要与must后的动词和时态保持一致。(1)对此时的情况或将要发生的动作进行猜测,用must+动词原形。e.g. This must be your room, isnt it?(2)对正在发生的动作进行猜测,用must + be doing.e.g. He must be having lunch now, isnt he?(3)对过去发生的动作或已经发生的动作进行猜测,用must + have done.有明确的过去时间,反意问句用一般过去时,否则用现在完成时。e

14、.g. It must have rained last night, didnt it? They must have missed the train, havent they?4、have to强调客观需要,比must有更多的时态。e.g. Her mother was ill, she had to look after her. Well have to reconsider the whole thing. 七、should, ought to 的用法。口诀:should, ought to都表责任和道义,词义 “应该”要牢记。Should常用于虚拟,ought to常强于语气。接have done应该而未做之事,接not have done不该做而做之。(一)、should的用法:1、 should常用于虚拟语气中:1)、用在条件句的主句或从句中。e.g. What should we do if they should fail to carry out the plan?Let me know if you should hear more news.2)、用在lest, for fear that, in case 等表目的的状语从句中。e.g


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