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1、(完整word版)北京中医药大学远程教育英语2作业1A型题:请从备选答案中选取一个最佳答案1。After everyone was seated the chairman _ to announce the plans.1分A。 precededB。 producedC。 processedD。 proceeded2.You go first and I ll _1分A。chaseB。huntC.followD.track3。He never told us why he was late for last meeting, _?1分A。wasnt heB.didnt heC.did heD。

2、had he4._ you have finally answered the question, perhaps wed better ask someone else1分A。In thatB。 Now thatC。 Since thatD。Even though5。At first _ I thought it was Mary, but when I looked again I saw it was Jane。1分A.sightB。lookC.watchD。stare6。She is unconscious now, but may _ at intervals1分A.come out

3、B.come toC。come onD.come over7。His parents _, the orphan is now taken care of by the government1分A.have diedB.having diedC.dyingD。dead8.The man who came to help is a friend of _1分A。meB.IC。myD.mine9。The children took their skates and _ the frozen pond。1分A.made upB。made outC。made forD。made in10.Houses

4、 _ almost in the night during the housing boom.1分A。spring outB。spring offC.spring upD.spring away11。Having been _ work for nearly three months, the poor fellow has little money left now to buy himself food.1分A. out ofB。 atC。back toD. off12。Would you mind _ down and wait for a few more minutes?1分A.si

5、ttingB。 to sitC.to have satD.sit13.Who _ will come to the press conference to be held this afternoon?1分A.will you supposeB。do you supposeC。you supposeD.you are suppose14.He spoke in a quiet, distinct voice as if his thought _。1分A.was far awayB.had been far awayC。were far awayD。went far away15。The re

6、porter failed to _ the story.1分A.track downB。track alongC.track throughD。track back16。She is going to call you, _?1分A。wont sheB。isnt sheC。hasnt sheD.doesnt she17.Who is going to _ the telephone?1分A.replyB。takeC。respondD.answer18.Lets _ the votes。1分A.countB.estimateC。numberD。calculate19。The house was

7、 _ as though a big celebration was going on。1分A。lit onB.lit upC.lit outD。lit over20.They discussed the matter _ tea and cakes1分A.overB.whileC。withD。at21。The Industrial Revolution displayed a new _.1分A。periodB。eraC.timeD。page22。He was talking about the _ setting up a special committee for the case1分A

8、。 reliabilityB. feasibilityC。suitabilityD. availability23。Would you please be _ to do me a favor and post the letter for me?1分A。so kind enoughB.so kind enough asC。so kind asD. kind enough as24.The new discoveries there have _ greatly to our knowledge of the ancient civilization in China.1分A. contrib

9、utedB. addedC.proceededD。attached25.It is not always so easy to tell the true _ the false。1分A.as wellB.instead ofC。fromD.than26.Everyone knows that water _ oxygen and hydrogen。1分A. consists inB。 is composed ofC.is made fromD.is consisted of27.The originally clean river is now seriously polluted and

10、unfit _.1分A.to swimB.for swimmingC。 to swim inD。for swimming in28。She _ in vain to get onto the crowded bus and had to wait for the next one and risk being late for work.1分A。managedB。 triedC。 foughtD。tested29。He turned his pockets _ out in search of his tickets.1分A.insideB。outsideC.inD。in and30。Dick

11、 has _ his childish habits1分A。outgrownB.outletC。outnumberedD.outdone31。The story took place during _1分A。First World WarB。World War the OneC。the First World WarD。the World War One32。The old woman drew a deep _ at the sad news。1分A。signalB。 signC.symbolD.sigh33。Your coat will lose color _ it is washed1

12、分A.afterB.thoughC。untilD。even if34。The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so it seems as if the sun _ round the earth1分A.circlesB。is circlingC.be circlingD。were circling35.On hearing the order to search for a lost child, the policemen _ at once1分A.set backB。 set downC. set asideD.set out36。

13、We shall consider it lucky to have _ the accident1分A。survivedB。lastedC。 lived afterD。endured37。They have all got up, and _.1分A。so has TomB.Tom has tooC.Tom hasntD.also has Tom38。Every boy and girl _ to come to class at once。1分A。 have been toldB。has been toldC.have toldD。has told39.I was so angry that I felt like _ something at him.1分A。to throwB.throwC.thrownD。throwing40。After the revolution, the political _ of that country remained tense1分A。climateB。atmosphere



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