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1、山西省太原市第五中学2018-2019学年高二英语上学期10月月考试题第I卷 选择题 (共60分)第一部分 单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从各小题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Upon seeing the police, the predators _ all directions immediately. A. escaped fromB. escaped in C. escaped for D. escaped out 2. I dont know how they manage to _ three childrentheyre

2、as poor as church mice. A. keep up B. give upC. bring upD. hold up 3. The motor wont run smoothly _ you oil it regularly.A. whenB. where C. as soon as D. unless4. _ you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.A. How serious a problemB. What a serious problemC. However serious

3、a problemD. No matter what serious a problem5. _ will I have an opportunity of achieving _ Ive been pursuing. A. By working hard; that B. Only then; whatC. In no time; whatD. Hardly; when6. The wonderful English speech _ by Mr. Wilson needs _.A. to be held ; to recordB. held; to recordC. to be held;

4、 recordingD. held; recording7. _ the traffic rules, or you may be faced with an angry driver. A. ObeyB. To follow C. Obeying D. Followed8. Always be grateful to those who _ you help without asking for anything in return. A. supplyB. provide C. want D. offer9. The problems are still _. Now nobody kno

5、ws how to deal with them. A. on guard B. under discussionC. out of controlD. in competition 10. Lucy, the gallery, _ is Enjoy Life, will be pulled down soon. Do you mean the one _ we visited the exhibition two weeks ago?A. the name of which; where B. of which the name; thatC. whose name; whichD. whi

6、ch name; what第二部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Several years ago, my father took us to watch a World Series game. The Yankees were competing against the Dodgers. I did not get to see Sandy, my favorite baseball player in the Dodgers, pitch (投掷), but I wasnt 11

7、 . The Dodgers won 4-1, giving them a 2-0 Series advantage. 12 , the excitement of being at the game and seeing my team 13 was soon eclipsed (使黯然失色). As my mother, father, younger brother and I 14 the stadium, we passed an open garage that led back into Yankee Stadium. I looked in and 15 a bus. I st

8、opped as my family 16 . When the garage door started going down 17 , I hit the ground, a notebook and a pen in hand, and rolled inside along with a few other kids. As a stadium door opened, several 18 came in the garage. They 19 my notebook. I could feel my heart beat harder with each autograph. But

9、 where was Sandy? Finally, Sandy came in, but he boarded the bus 20 I could get to him. So I climbed up the bus stairs and asked a player sitting in the front to pass my 21 back to Sandy. It came back with his 22 . To my parents great 23 , I was soon sent out of the garage. I was floating in the air

10、. The feeling of 24 lasted for days. With each new World Series season, I wonder what that day and those 25 moments would have felt like if I hadnt been in it for 26 , but for the money that a sports stars signature might bring. Later, my mom framed (镶框) the front and back covers together. It 27 in

11、my bedroom for decades. I am so 28 for that day, and for not 29 that an autograph could be worth anything more than a wonderful moment to be 30 for a lifetime.11. A. interested12. A. Otherwise13. A. attempt14. A. entered15. A. stopped16. A. complained17. A. suddenly18. A. players19. A. noticed20. A.

12、 before21. A. notebook22. A. warming23. A. delightB. surprisedC. disappointedD. satisfiedB. MeanwhileC. HoweverD. ThereforeB. winC. struggleD. exploreB. leftC. returned toD. got aroundB. caughtC. missedD. spottedB. talkedC. walked onD. set offB. eventuallyC. repeatedlyD. slowlyB. parentsC. kidsD. dr

13、iversB. signedC. ignoredD. selectedB. afterC. sinceD. untilB. ticketC. presentD. baseballB. signatureC. noteD. encouragementB. shameC. regretD. relief24. A. adventure25. A. precious26. A. memory27. A. hung28. A. upset29. A. expecting30. A. accumulatedB. surpriseC. satisfactionD. anxietyB. criticalC.

14、 awkwardD. historicB. loveC. inspirationD. curiosityB. sleptC. hidD. provedB. sorryC. gratefulD. hungryB. insistingC. rememberingD. knowingB. accountedC. treatedD. preserved第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AOn the morning of his 41st birthday last week,

15、Chris Pointon couldnt wait to open the card from his wife Kate.In neat handwriting, she had written: “To my dearest Humpty Dumpty. Has all the hair gone now? I love you and always will.” The nickname, Chris explains, is because hes clumsy.Kate died two years ago, after a five-year battle with cancer which she got when



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